Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client that simplifies communication with web services."
You can easily create and send HTTP requests using Guzzle."
Guzzle provides a high-level API for making RESTful API calls."
"Guzzle为调用RESTful API提供了高级接口。"
The library supports features like retries, timeouts, and caching."
Guzzle allows you to handle different types of responses, including JSON and XML."
You can easily manage authentication with OAuth2 using Guzzle."
Guzzle integrates well with other PHP frameworks such as Laravel and Symfony."
The library offers a streaming response feature, which is useful for large downloads."
Guzzle provides a powerful event system, enabling developers to customize its behavior."
Its error handling is robust, ensuring graceful recovery from network issues."
In 2015, Chinese drinkers guzzled 54 billion liters – more than double that of the United States, the second-biggest market, according to the UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs.
China's popular liquor making inroads overseas as domestic mkt overcrowdedLast year, consumers in China guzzled through 663 billion yuan ($91 billion) worth of baijiu — a clear, strong liquor famous in the country — said the China Alcoholic Drinks Association, making it the world's most-consumed spirit.