Eric is a tragic hero.
Tom left a name in history as a national hero.
He is a true hero, risking his life to save others in the burning building.
She is a heroine to many, known for her selflessness and dedication to charity work.
The hero of the story, John, always stood up for what was right, even when it was difficult.
The firefighter's quick thinking and bravery saved numerous lives; he is a local hero.
In ancient mythology, Achilles was considered a mighty hero for his incredible strength and valor in battle.
The young astronaut became a national hero after completing a record-breaking spacewalk.
Harry Potter, the fictional hero, captured the hearts of readers worldwide with his courage and magical adventures.
After years of hard work, she finally achieved her dream, making her a role model and a hero to aspiring athletes everywhere.
The humble teacher, who dedicated her life to educating underprivileged children, is a hero in our community.
The everyday
heroes, like healthcare workers and essential workers, played a crucial role during the pandemic, putting their own safety at risk for others' welfare.
"To remain relevant in the long run, brands will need to continue to channel an insurgent mindset, championing hero products and their founders' vision, while also tooling up to sustain long-term growth by getting the business fundamentals right," said Federica Levato, partner at Bain & Co. Sells agreed and said: "We are working with a number of luxury brands who are already in the market and those planning to enter the market in the near future. "
贝恩公司合伙人Federica Levato表示:“从长远来看,为了保持相关性,品牌需要继续引导反叛思维,支持英雄产品及其创始人的愿景,同时也要做好准备,通过正确的商业基础来维持长期增长。”。Sells对此表示赞同,并表示:“我们正在与一些已经进入市场的奢侈品牌以及计划在不久的将来进入市场的品牌合作。”
Hero products such as AMBPOMIAL yogurt, Youngfun, Cremo and Joyday ice cream, and Westgold butter are gaining popularity among global consumers.
One who cannot reach the Great Wall can still be a hero, if they contribute their fair share online for the cultural heritage's protection and repair.
The US bike maker also decided to hand over the maintenance work to local bike-manufacturer Hero MotoCorp.
这家美国自行车制造商还决定将维护工作交给当地的摩托车制造商Hero MotoCorp。
On Saturday the bike-maker had said that it was working with its new partner Hero MotoCorp to ensure a "smooth transition" for Indian customers, including after-sales services and warranty.
这家自行车制造商在周六表示,它正在与新的合作伙伴Hero MotoCorp合作,以确保为印度客户提供平稳的过渡,包括售后服务和保修。
The Indian two-wheelers company will also sell parts and accessories and general merchandise riding gear and apparel through a network of brand-exclusive Harley-Davidson dealers and Hero's existing dealership network in India.
The newspaper quoted a Delhi-based HOG rider Harveen Bali as saying that "Harley is passing the brand to Hero which has a different biking culture.
该报援引一位名叫Harveen Bali的德里哈雷车主的话说:“哈雷将其品牌交给了拥有不同摩托车文化的Hero。”
Two new flavors of Ferrero's hero product Kinder Bueno have been introduced to the Chinese market via the CIIE for the first time, which is in line with the company's "global to local" innovation strategy.
费列罗的标志性产品Kinder Bueno在中国市场推出了两种新口味,这是首次通过CIIE引入,这符合公司的“全球到本地”创新策略。
It has also provided free Didi Food deliveries and discounts in conjunction with restaurants and launched the "Didi Hero" program, which offers certified healthcare workers rides at half price.
Didi Mexico also has launched a special program called "Didi Hero," which shares coupons and food offers with the nation's "tireless" healthcare personnel.