The notice on the gasoline drum reads: "Inflammable - Keep Away from Fire.
It's crucial to store inflammable materials in a secure, cool location to prevent accidental ignition.
In the chemistry lab, students handle inflammable liquids with great caution under the teacher's supervision.
The warning label clearly states that this solvent is highly inflammable and should not be exposed to heat or open flames.
Due to safety regulations, smoking is strictly prohibited in areas where inflammable gases are present.
The inflammable nature of certain fabrics makes them unsuitable for use in proximity to heat sources.
Always ensure that inflammable substances are properly sealed and labeled to prevent any hazardous incidents.
The fire department emphasizes the importance of keeping inflammable materials separated from ignition sources in warehouses.
During the training session, firefighters demonstrated how quickly inflammable materials can ignite when exposed to a spark.
In the event of a fire, it's vital to evacuate immediately, especially if there are inflammable substances nearby that could exacerbate the situation.
The regulation says that makers of the rocket, engine or any part containing explosive or inflammable substances must obtain approval from related authorities before starting their operations.
A recent test on 20 different such products revealed that inflammable gas can be released during the heating process and the plastic outer or inner layers can distorted because of the heat.