
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根proxim 接近,靠近 + ity 具备某种性质, …………
谐音记忆婆 see me → 婆婆能看见我,说明距离很近,邻近 → proximity n.亲近,接近;[数]  …………
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
proximity n 靠近,接近(proxim+ity)
approximate v 接近 a.大约的(ap一再+proxim+ate=不断靠近=接近)
approximation n 大约,近 …………
in proximity to 靠近
proximity of blood 血液接近度
in close proximity 非常接近
in close proximity to 非常接近
in the proximity of 在附近
geographic proximity 地理邻近度
geographical proximity 地理邻近性
His house is in close proximity to ours.
They chose the house for its proximity to the school.
The college is popular because of its proximity to Beijing.
The proximity of the school to our home is a major convenience.
Due to the proximity of the deadline, we need to work overtime to finish the project.
The proximity sensor on the phone detects when it's near your ear and turns off the screen.
Living in proximity to nature has a positive impact on mental health.
The proximity of the two countries has led to a long history of cultural exchange.
The proximity of the beach makes this hotel a popular destination for tourists.
In urban planning, proximity to public transportation is a key consideration.
The artist was inspired by the proximity of the mountains and the sea in her paintings.
Proximity to a major airport is crucial for the success of the logistics company.
The children were warned to stay away from the fireplace due to the proximity of the flames.
"We have the proximity to better service our customers in China and across the Asia-Pacific region," said Angela Cackovich, president of Clariant's adsorbents& additives unit and the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region.
科莱恩吸附剂和添加剂部门及欧洲、中东和非洲(EMEA)地区总裁Angela Cackovich表示:“我们能够为中国和亚太地区的客户提供更好的服务。”。
The group said its growing investments in Guangdong are driven by the many business opportunities China's largest provincial economy by GDP volume in 2022 has to offer, due to its immense economic potential, strategic location within the GBA and proximity to the markets.
"We have the proximity to better service customers in China and across the Asia-Pacific region," said Angela Cackovich, president of BU Adsorbents & Additives, and Clariant EMEA Region.
“我们在中国和整个亚太地区都有更好的服务客户,”BU吸附剂和添加剂以及科莱恩EMEA地区总裁Angela Cackovich说。
Chinese firms recognize advantages in region to boost internationalizationLower costs, a more friendly business environment and cultural proximity are among the key factors that now drive Chinese enterprises to prioritize international expansion in Asia, industry observers said.
Lower costs, a more friendly business environment, and cultural proximity are among the key factors that are driving Chinese enterprises to prioritize international expansion in Asia instead of the European and North American these days, Nancy Wang, the newly appointed China Country Manager at LinkedIn, a California-based professional networking platform provider, said during a media interview in Shanghai on Thursday.
总部位于加利福尼亚州的专业网络平台提供商领英(LinkedIn)新任命的中国区域经理Nancy Wang表示,如今,更低的成本、更友好的商业环境和文化接近是促使中国企业优先考虑在亚洲而非欧洲和北美进行国际扩张的关键因素,周四在上海接受媒体采访时说。
These purchasing behaviors require companies to maintain proximity to their customers in order to adapt swiftly.
Airbus said the center would take advantage of the skilled aviation and hydrogen technologies in the Yangtze River Delta region, and gain from its proximity to the region's strong aeronautical and hydrogen supply chain.
The increased production capabilities of the plant positions us to meet the demands of the region while simultaneously ensuring more proximity to a strategically important customer base," said Jace Wang, Head of Propylene at Clariant Catalysts.
Clariant Catalysts丙烯主管Jace Wang表示:“工厂生产能力的提高使我们能够满足该地区的需求,同时确保更接近具有重要战略意义的客户群。
Australia is the largest iron ore supplier for China due to its abundant resources and relative proximity, accounting for 67 percent of China's total imports in January-July, said Zhu.
Debrecen is located at the heart of Europe, and with close proximity to some auto plants of its customers such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Stellantis and Volkswagen, CATL said that the Debrecen plant will enable it to better cope with the battery demands of the European market, improve its global production network development, and help accelerate e-mobility and energy transition in Europe.

六级Access to foot traffic and proximity to transit allow the type of entertainment-oriented businesses such as bars and restaurants to stay open later, which attracts both younger, creative workers and baby boomers nearing retirement alike.


2017年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

考研Greg Jaroszewski, a real estate brokers with Gagliardo Realty Associates, said he's not convinced that kids should be involved in selecting a home—but their opinions should be considered in regards to proximity to friends and social activities, if possibl

格雷格·雅罗斯泽夫斯基是Gagliardo Realty Associates的房地产经纪人,他说他不相信孩子们应该参与选择房子,但如果可能的话,他们的意见应该考虑到与朋友的距离和社交活动

2019年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级The only thing neighbors have in common, to begin with, is proximity and unless something more develops that isn’t reason enough to be best friends.


