The dam finally gave way to the pressure, causing a catastrophic rupture.
His heart suffered a rupture during surgery, and unfortunately, he didn't survive.
The pipeline burst due to extreme cold, spilling oil all over the road.
The relationship
ruptured when they discovered their partner's infidelity.
A small tear in the fabric indicated a potential rupture if not repaired.
After years of tension, peace talks finally led to a rupture of hostilities.
The earthquake caused a rupture in the fault line, triggering a massive aftershock.
The company's financial crisis led to a rupture in its once-promising future.
She tried to mend the rift between her friends, but it proved too deep for a simple rupture.
The sudden rupture of the silence startled everyone at the meeting.
Chapuis added COVID-19 has dealt a heavy blow to the world economy and has threatened to rupture its high connectivity.
Since January last year, about 20 long-term apartment rental companies have faced a capital chain rupture, according to incomplete statistics, China Youth Daily said in an earlier report.
Chen warned that the global economy is threatened by risks including high debt levels, high government leverage ratios, the possibility of ruptured global supply and industrial chains and a rising unemployment rate.
We believe sections of property developers may face a tight financing situation both at home and abroad, and could run the risk of a potential rupture in cash flows.
The support bracket for the front-drive axle half shaft may rupture, resulting in a possible loss of motive power while driving and a loss of park function of gearbox, which could cause unintended vehicle movement.
Driver-side frontal airbag inflators of the affected vehicles may rupture and send fragments into drivers in extreme cases, posing safety hazards, the statement said.
The vehicles have front passenger airbags with defective inflators produced by Japanese manufacturer Takata that could rupture and send potentially fatal shrapnel into passengers when the airbags explode, said the administration.
The vehicles being recalled are equipped with Takata-produced front airbag inflators, which have a potential risk of rupture when the airbag is deployed, the auto maker said in a statement delivered to the administration.
In 2004, Takata employees met with GM officials about a tendency for the inflators to shoot flames when they ruptured, and in March of 2006, Takata reported that inflators tested for GM vehicles continued to show "aggressive behavior", including the escape of "molten propellant" when they ruptured.
Some of the vehicles have front passenger airbags with defective inflators produced by Japanese manufacturer Takata that could improperly rupture and send potentially fatal shrapnel into occupants when the airbags explode, said the administration.