
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根con共同,curr跑-共同跑的-同时发生的 …………
词根记忆con[=together一起] + current 现在、目前 → 目前在一起 → 并存的 → concu …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
concurrent v 同时的,共同的(concur+rent=同时的)
cur(r),curs, cours=run, 表示”跑,发生”
current n 流动的,n.潮流(currr+cnt=跑的=流动的)
currency n 流传,流通的货币 …………
concurrent force 并行力
system of concurrent forces 并行力系统
concurrent jurisdiction 并行管辖权
concurrent resolution 同时分辨率
We can't attend two concurrent events!
Eric was imprisoned for two concurrent terms of 30 months and 18 months.
The software was designed to handle concurrent user requests efficiently.
In a concurrent programming environment, threads can execute independently of each other.
The new system allows for concurrent editing of documents by multiple team members.
The project manager had to coordinate the concurrent tasks of different departments.
The server is optimized to process a high volume of concurrent connections.
The database management system ensures data consistency in concurrent transactions.
She was able to manage multiple concurrent projects without sacrificing quality.
The operating system schedules concurrent processes based on their priority.
The programming language supports concurrent programming through its built-in concurrency constructs.
The network infrastructure must be robust enough to handle the concurrent traffic during peak hours.
Wang said that the most distinctive feature and challenge of this project were in the concurrent operation of traffic and construction.
They also experienced a 10-20 percent increase in completed orders and revenue, with a concurrent drop in fuel use and costs by over 20 percent.
Luo sold approximately 9.56 million dishes during a 19-hour livestreaming event via Douyin on Sunday, with a peak of concurrent viewers reaching 95.87 million, and attracted 3.97 million new followers for Luo's Douyin account.
Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed many corporate employees to work at home, boosting the growth of delivery and takeaway services, the homemaking service industry is experiencing rapid development concurrent with China's digital industry, said Chen Xiaohua, CEO of the Beijing-headquartered company.
Fintech giant's concurrent stock listing plan draws attention from far and wideInvestors from home and abroad are flocking to buy shares of Ant Group Co Ltd, the fintech company that is poised to secure the biggest stock floating of all time through a concurrent listing in Shanghai and Hong Kong.
The financial technology giant is set to raise some 115 billion yuan ($17.15 billion) from the Shanghai leg of the concurrent listing (with Hong Kong being another bourse), one step closer to securing the biggest initial public offering in China.
Ant, with 33 percent owned by e-commerce guru Alibaba Group, announced a concurrent IPO plan last month and since then has kicked off a process for what's likely to be the largest fundraising in global finance.
Ant Group, the parent company of China's largest mobile payments business Alipay and a major provider of financial services technology, announced on Monday that it has commenced the process of a concurrent initial public offering on the Shanghai Stock Exchange's STAR board ("SSE STAR" market) and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.
Louis Dreyfus Company, a global merchant firm of agricultural goods, has agreed to invest $50 million in a concurrent private placement at the IPO price.
Meanwhile, Bilibili also completed the concurrent offering of convertible bonds worth $500 million in aggregate and due April 1 2026, which included an additional purchase of such bonds worth $70 million by the initial purchasers of the offering.