
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
im 使… + posit 放,放置 + ion,impose 的名词 → 征税;强加 → imposition n.征收;强加;欺骗;不公平的负担
*** 登录后可看 *** → imposition n.征收;强加;欺骗;不公平的负担
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
对比记忆 / 类比记忆 / 形近词记忆
composition / decomposition / imposition
composition n.作品,作文,乐曲;作曲;结构,组成,成分
decomposition n. 分解;腐烂
imposition n.(规章 、惩罚、税种等的)实施;无理要求;(活字页)拼版 …………
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
imposition n 征税,强加(见impose)
pos, posit=put, 表示”放”
pose v 做姿态
compose v 组成,作曲,使镇定(com一起+pose=放到一起=组成)
composure n 镇静,沉着(com …………
These professors seem to feel that teaching is an imposition keeping them from their research.
We can be gone in a flash if it's an imposition.
We do not want to be an imposition.
The new tax imposition has sparked widespread不满 among citizens.
The judge's decision came with a heavy fine as an imposition for the offender.
Many see the strict dress code as an unnecessary imposition on personal freedom.
The imposition of martial law in the region raised concerns about human rights violations.
The teacher's constant imposition of homework during holidays annoyed the students.
The government's sudden imposition of import tariffs shocked the business community.
The arbitrary imposition of rules without discussion frustrated the team members.
The imposition of a curfew was seen as a drastic measure to control the unrest.
The imposition of these regulations has significantly slowed down the construction process.
The university's imposition of a strict attendance policy led to protests from students.
According to the ministry, no Japanese airline is currently using the Boeing 737 MAX series aircraft and five foreign airlines used to fly the series to Japan had received imposition of the flying ban.
"We firmly oppose the imposition of unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction against China, which are not authorized by the UN Security Council and have no basis in international law, on the grounds of China-Russia cooperation," she said.
The frequent imposition of sanctions by Washington against various enterprises and industrial chains disrupts and distorts these chains, resulting in turbulence in supply and demand and the loss of control over costs.
"We must not allow any country to be hindered in its development efforts by the imposition of unilateral sanctions, embargoes, or other coercive economic measures that violate international law as well as the core principles and purposes, as enshrined in the United Nations Charter," Hun Sen said.
The unilateral imposition of the tariffs by the US is not good for China, the US, and the rest of the world, he said.
The review will examine the imposition of tariffs on July 6,2018 and August 23, 2018 against China, and then determine whether to maintain the tariffs, change the tariff rates, or remove the tariffs.
She reiterated that the unilateral imposition of additional tariffs on China would not be good for China, the US or the rest of the world.
She reiterated unilateral imposition of additional tariffs on China is not good for China, the US or the rest of the world.
This followed China's challenge at the Geneva-based organization in 2012 against countervailing duty investigations by the US that led to the imposition of anti-subsidy duties from 2008 to 2012 on 22 Chinese products ranging from solar panels to steel wire.
Xia Aimin, CEO of Tianjin Shangdian Qinding Energy Technology Co, who previously worked for a company that went bankrupt after the imposition of US anti-subsidy tariffs, said the ruling was an example of "belated, but welcome justice".
China has always maintained that the imposition of extra tariffs by the United States is not good for China, the United States as well as global economic recovery, Gao said.
In last year's white paper, AmCham China noted that 2019 had been a turbulent year due to the imposition of bilateral tariffs and deteriorating bilateral relations.
Loss of American jobsUSCBC President Craig Allen also said on Monday that the imposition of tariffs has had an impact on American imports, exports and productivity, and the tariffs led to the loss of many thousands of American jobs.
On Feb 5 last year, airlines resumed the imposition of fuel surcharges on domestic routes, which were divided into 10 yuan and 20 yuan two categories.
The imposition of new tariffs was put on hold by the meeting between President Xi Jinping and US President Donald Trump on Dec 1.
"Following the imposition of the agreement between the US and China in 2009, the domestic Chinese market for Chinese art and antiquities grew 500 percent.
The imposition of an exorbitant 25 percent tariff on the importation of China-origin art will seriously impair strong American competition for Chinese works of art, enhancing the already seemingly one-way traffic of Chinese art back to China.
The report found an almost one-to-one increase in the price of US imports following the imposition of the tariffs.
Financial attributes cannot be completely removed by the imposition of a single tax, but this tax must at least play a positive role in forming a synergy with other policy measures.
Shanghai, Shenzhen stocks increase despite imposition of tariff hike by USThe Chinese monetary authority is prepared to counter shocks disturbing the domestic financial market amid trade tensions, as central bank officials expressed their confidence to stabilize market sentiment on Friday.
President Xi Jinping and his United States counterpart, Donald Trump, agreed on Saturday to continue bilateral trade negotiations, hold off on the imposition of new tariffs and exchange visits at an appropriate time.
Analysts also said the US imposition of hefty tariffs upon its major trade partners has started to backfire.
China's exports surged more than expected in July despite the imposition of US tariffs, but more duties are on the way.
Chen Wenjing, director of research with the China Index Academy, said the unified registration system lays a solid foundation for raising property taxes, but the imposition of a tax regime may not be immediate.
Moreover, global economic woes, the imposition by some countries of unilateral sanctions, economic and financial constraints and diplomatic tensions have further enhanced the strategic importance of China's two sessions.
Tran Luu Quang, deputy prime minister of Vietnam, said each country may adopt a different approach suitable to its particular circumstances, and it's vital to understand and respect particular details and seek commonalities, instead of politicization, imposition or interference.
The meeting listened to a report on the implementation over the past year of preferential taxation policies for businesses and measures undertaken to rectify the imposition of arbitrary charges.

四级“We’re not advocating a major imposition of the government into people’s lives.


