
谐音记忆麦头 → 麦子上长出的芽 → malt n.麦芽;麦芽酒 adj.麦芽的;含麦芽的,用麦芽作的 vt.用麦 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
I love to sip on a malt whiskey by the fireplace on a cold winter evening.
The brewer uses high-quality malt to create his signature beer.
The baker added a touch of malt syrup to enhance the flavor of the bread.
The malted milkshake is a classic American dessert.
In Scotland, they distill single malt Scotch that is world-renowned for its rich flavor.
The malt extract in the recipe helps the yeast ferment the dough.
She enjoys a malted breakfast cereal as part of her morning routine.
The malt vinegar gives the fish and chips a distinctive British taste.
Barley malt is a natural source of vitamins and minerals.
The malt shop down the street still serves old-fashioned soda floats.
Budweiser Brewing Co APAC Ltd, the largest beer company in the Asia-Pacific in terms of sales revenue, may have its first carbon-neutral malt house in Yangzhou, Jiangsu province by year-end, as the brewer increases efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
百威啤酒亚太区有限公司(Budweiser Brewing Co APAC Ltd)是亚太地区销售收入最大的啤酒公司,随着该公司加大减少碳排放的力度,该公司可能会在年底前在江苏扬州建立第一家碳中和麦芽厂。
Budweiser APAC, a subsidiary of Belgium-headquartered AB InBev, the world's biggest brewer by production volume, has partnered with its supplier, Supertime Baoying, in Baoying county, Yangzhou, and the malt factory is expected to achieve carbon neutrality and receive certification later this year.
百威亚太区(Budweiser APAC)是总部位于比利时的百威英博(AB InBev)的子公司,该公司是全球产量最大的啤酒制造商,已与其位于扬州宝应县的供应商Supertime宝应合作,该麦芽厂预计将于今年晚些时候实现碳中和并获得认证。
Budweiser APAC said its malt supplier Supertime Baoying has contracted 100 percent renewable electricity and fully achieved biomass boiler steam supply, which have helped lower costs.
百威亚太表示,其麦芽供应商Supertime Baoying已签约100%可再生电力,并完全实现生物质锅炉蒸汽供应,这有助于降低成本。
The first batch of carbon-neutral malt produced by the factory will supply Budweiser APAC's Nantong and Suqian breweries in Jiangsu, creating a closed-loop green production chain, the company said.
With an annual capacity of 130,000 metric tons, the malt house currently provides products for the China market, and has the potential for export and producing different types of malt for various kinds of beer, the brewer said.
During the exhibition in Shanghai, the company showcased products that are making their debut in China, such as Nature's Bounty hair capsules, Joe waffles, and the original Australian imported cocoa malt drink Nestle Milo.
在上海的展会上,该公司展示了在中国首次亮相的产品,如Nature’s Bounty发胶囊、Joe华夫饼和澳大利亚原装进口可可麦芽饮料Nestle Milo。
"Some categories like cognac and single malt are growing fast.
To meet domestic consumers' demand for single malt whisky, the company recently released two new single malts - Octomore 13.1 and Black Art 10.1 - from its distillery in the island of Islay, Scotland, in the Chinese market.
为了满足国内消费者对单一麦芽威士忌的需求,该公司最近在中国市场推出了两款新的单一麦芽威士忌——Octomore 13.1和Black Art 10.1。
Single malt whiskey has attracted the attention of more female consumers than before, who have also shown a higher-quality demand for cocktails.
After putting its first China-based malt whisky distillery into operation at Emei Mountain, Sichuan province, a year ago, Cottin-Bizonne said Pernod Ricard will continue to explore new paths for investment and development in the country.
Cottin Bizonne表示,一年前,保乐力加将继续探索在中国投资和发展的新途径。