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词根melon 甜瓜,香瓜来自拉丁语melone …………
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melon seed 瓜子
Eric picked a melon from the field.
Tom had a big round head like a melon.
Her favorite fruit is Hami melon.
With the help of the platform, the Uzbek trade company imported Uzbekistan sweet melons, including the famous large Mirza melon which weighs up to 15 kilograms, to China and sell in local markets in Shanghai this month.
"According to Li, new developments in technology have enabled increased melon yields, as well as more ways to sell them.
You can peel it and eat it upon twisting the melon off the vine.
Many items, including blue lobster from France, cube-shaped water melon and pasteurized milk under its private brand, sold out on Sunday, said Chen Zhiyu, deputy CEO of Metro Commerce Group, which is now part of Beijing-based Wumart Group.
As of Saturday, Lanzhou customs have handled eight batches of seeds weighing 34 kg, including chili, zucchini, tomato and melon seeds.
Peanuts, melon seeds and bottled congee! "
"The best-selling snack was melon seeds, which were cheap and took a long time to finish.
"Now Starbucks coffee and Haagen-Dazs ice cream sold on high-speed trains are also welcomed by passengers, though their prices are much higher than traditional snacks like melon seeds," Yang said.
Over weekends at home, she gorges on packaged peanuts, melon seeds and almonds while watching operas or reading books.
Farmers from Woy-mok village in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region are using e-commerce to expand their market of selling organic Chinese Hami melon.
Sweeter than ordinary Hami melon, their products are welcomed by consumers from domestic and abroad.
"Many tourists have little access to fresh and high-quality Hami melons, and they immediately love our products compared with what they normally eat," said Wei Fuxin, a Hami melon seller at Woymok.