We want to borrow some
We should make
Eric's business collapsed, and he lost all his
I earned some extra
money doing freelance work over the weekend.
She saved up enough
money for a down payment on a house.
The cost of living has been steadily increasing, so we need to budget our
money carefully.
He invested his savings in stocks, hoping for a good return on his
The government implemented policies to stimulate the economy and create more job opportunities, which helped people make ends meet with their
She opened a new bank account to keep her personal and business finances separate.
It's important to have an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses, such as car repairs or medical bills.
They exchanged currency at the airport before leaving for their trip abroad.
The wealthy businessman donated a substantial sum to charity.
She paid off her credit card debt in full this month, feeling a sense of relief.
China's large State-owned energy companies are focusing on wind, solar and hydropower projects overseas at a time when energy forms the largest share of investments under the Belt and Road Initiative, with most of that money going into renewables, a senior official said.
They are very concerned about value and where their money is spent, and not lowering their requirements for quality.
"To gain an edge globally, Chinese companies should pour money into promoting originality and uniqueness of their businesses to earn extra profits and investment.
"To gain an edge globally, Chinese companies should pour money into the originality and uniqueness of their business to bring extra profits and investment, invite the best minds in the world to make better products and innovation," Zhou said.
Formerly an English teacher at New Oriental Group, Dong, in turn, rode East Buy to a bigger following among netizens and big money, as his insightful and humorous style helped sell a range of products, including farm produce, to millions since June 2022.
The money was used to install three power distribution transformers and a 400-volt transmission line extending for 2.78 kilometers to meet the increased power demand.
Chinese shoppers are likely to be more value-conscious, with value for money a priority, according to a report from consultancy Bain & Company.
"The comments came after India's financial crime agency on Tuesday arrested four industry executives, including one Chinese national working for Vivo in India, in a case of alleged money laundering, Reuters reported.
"The fact that fans need to spend money on tickets will stimulate more retail sales for park-exclusive toys.
On the shift in emphasis of the group's investment strategy in China, Brodin said: "In the years to come, you will still see some of the big centers, more touch points in the city, and more money going to solar and wind power.
"We will see more money go to digital development and maybe even investing in local companies to encourage entrepreneurs to be part of our multichannel network.
The team-up between China's top liquor maker Kweichow Moutai and domestic coffee chain Luckin Coffee has become a hot topic and a money maker, selling 5.42 million cups and grossing 100 million yuan just on the launch day.
中国顶级白酒制造商贵州茅台和国内咖啡连锁店Luckin coffee的合作已经成为热门话题和赚钱来源,仅在推出当天就售出542万杯,总收入1亿元。
"It is the lipstick effect -- consumer's spending money on affordable luxury -- that works," said Yu.
"My parents said they have saved a lot of money sending packages from China to Aussie after using the new service.
"It was a hustle because power would be restored when we were sleeping, and sometimes we would sleep with an empty stomach because there was no money to buy firewood or LPG," she said.
The money comes from a photovoltaic power station in Sonid Right Banner, a county-level region in the region which was once officially classified as impoverished.
As of April, the station had generated profit of 10.12 million yuan, and after the money had been dived, each of the 34 villages set up charitable positions, such as street cleaning jobs, and hired impoverished local residents, who will each receive a stipend, according to Guo Mu, director of the Banner's development and reform commission.
"To ensure the assistance is sustainable, we do not give money or cattle directly to the villagers.
"The villagers can decide how to spend the money and the priorities to boost the village's development.
For instance, some villages use the money to improve infrastructure and build roads.
"Our village began receiving the money gained from the photovoltaic power station in 2019.
"The money from the photovoltaic power station is not only improving the collective economy of our village, but also playing an important role in raising herders' incomes, preventing villagers from slipping back into poverty, ensuring people's livelihoods and improving the living environment," Amgalan said.
Consumers think that fast food is a "great value for the money" — but so, too, are top luxury brands, because of the way their products represent a "justified premium "that will retain their value over successive years, the report said.
China is "the most attractive" place to put money, particularly for faster-growing companies that are seeking new targets, Financial Times reported, quoting the firm's co-president Gabriel Caillaux.
英国《金融时报》援引该公司联合总裁Gabriel Caillaux的话报道称,中国是“最有吸引力”的投资地,尤其是对那些寻求新目标的增长更快的公司来说。
"However, they also motivate us to invest a lot of money in R&D and to make our own products better so as to stay ahead of the game.
"Instead of buying cocoa from Ghana or Africa, we decided to build the factory and grow cocoa in the Philippines and allow local farmers obtain skills as well as make money," Dubois explains.
China will overtake South Korea to become the biggest OLED manufacturer by 2024, as more Chinese companies have invested large sums of money into new production lines, said Zhou Hua, chief analyst at CINNO Research, a Chinese flat panel display consultancy firm.
中国平板显示器咨询公司CINNO Research的首席分析师周华表示,随着越来越多的中国公司向新的生产线投入大笔资金,到2024年,中国将超过韩国,成为最大的OLED制造商。
During the 2023 Chinese New Year, the LEGO Money Tree set saw strong sales volume from local consumers.
TOKYO — While Japan's unique business culture and a strong emphasis on quality may have deterred some foreign firms seeking quick money to enter the country, an increasing number of Chinese companies, with their long-term commitment and solid steps, are starting to gain a foothold in the hard-to-crack market.
The post-95s age group turned out to be the backbone of Valentine's Day consumption, with 95.52 percent of surveyed couples spending money on Valentine's Day, and many of these spending over 1,000 yuan.
According to the Beijing Times, the Carrefour Shuangjing store in Beijing early this month has shown a supply shortage as a result of the panic buying from consumers who purchased prepaid cards, who are worried about not being able to spend the money saved in their cards once stores are closed.
The Beijing-based company has invested large sums of money in developing its Ernie system, a large-scale machine-learning model that has been trained on massive data over several years and possesses in-depth semantic comprehension and generation capabilities.
"The burgeoning of the sector offered a foundation for cosmetics companies such as Proya and Shiseido to enter the biotech industry, as currently, the production technology is mature and cosmetics companies do not need to spend a great deal of money to purchase listed companies to acquire the technology," Zhao said.
The major revamp of Ant includes disconnecting its payment app Alipay from sister credit products like Huabei and Jiebei, ending its monopoly on information collection, improving managing liquidity risks of important fund products and reducing the balance of its money market fund Yu'ebao.
Young people are reshaping the company's concept of appealing to those looking primarily for the value of their money.
"The country's middle-income earners, for instance, would like to spend money on themselves, including eye care, which has pushed our growth and investment in the country as a leading producer of presbyopia eyeglasses," he said.
Some of them have already become parents who wish their children can be more trendy, so they are willing to spend money on purchasing high-end bags," said Guo Xin, a marketing professor at Beijing Technology and Business University.
Wang's other misdeeds include accepting money and valuables in disregard of regulations, interfering in market economic activities, and tolerating and even assisting relatives in conducting illegal activities.
In addition to owing money to consumers, Missfresh's suppliers and shareholders are also affected.
Some of them have already become parents who wish their children can become more trendy, so they are willing to spend money on purchasing more pop toys," said Sun Yuanwen, founder and chief executive officer of Top Toy.
Top Toy创始人兼首席执行官孙元文表示:“他们中的一些人已经成为希望孩子变得更时尚的父母,所以他们愿意花钱购买更多的流行玩具。”。
The knowledgeable and oftentimes amusing approach to selling products have led to netizens posting comments such as "It's a good way to spend money where you get a product and also some extra knowledge".
Slipping into deep financial turmoil with debt-ridden Smartisan, Luo entered livestreaming industry in 2020 to earn money and tried to pay back the debt of about 600 million yuan ($94.26 million).
Major revamps on Ant include disconnecting its payment app Alipay from sister credit products like Huabei and Jiebei, ending its monopoly on information collection, improving managing liquidity risks of important fund products and reducing the balance of its money market fund Yu'EBao.
But it also reflects that these platforms, which have amassed sizable user bases, started ramping up the push to turn traffic into revenue," Wang said, adding that they are still in the early stages and the traffic is not expensive, which encourages both Chinese and foreign advertisers to spend money marketing their products on these platforms.
"So traditional corporate social responsibility (is a way) whereby people are given money donations.
TikTok is also the top platform for content curators to make money, with 24 percent citing it as the most profitable vehicle, followed by Instagram at 22 percent and YouTube at 20 percent.
China Mobile said in its prospectus that the money raised from the new listing will be used to accelerate construction of 5G networks, cloud computing infrastructure and the research and development of new-generation information technology.
The money raised will be used in talent cultivation, education and healthcare-related charity programs, according to WRSF.
"The competitive edge of Freshippo's X Whole Store is still embedded in its bespoke sets of solutions to meet local customer needs-represented by the half-day delivery and its sourcing strategy-while keeping customer sentiment as a marketplace that offers 'good value for money'," said Yu.
余说:“Freshippo的X Whole Store的竞争优势仍然体现在其定制的解决方案中,以满足当地客户的需求——以半天配送和采购战略为代表——同时保持客户对‘物有所值’市场的信心。”。
"It's not about money, but about a company's dignity and social responsibility.
Take a look at those foreign brands who have earned a lot of money from Chinese customers while making allegations about 'forced labor'.
The woman's money was eventually refunded.
Also, the money has been used to finance efforts to develop core fundamental architecture for hardware, and boost software capabilities.
"If you develop it with money made in China, and in the China renminbi system, and with China (developed) intellectual property, it basically belongs in the China space and (that's what) we have started right now," he said.
"With consumption upgrade, consumers are willing to spend more money on high-end, fully automatic machines, which contributes to the rapid growth of the wet-and-dry vacuum cleaner market," he said.
A large number of young consumers in this age group don't have enough money to go to high-end bars and order alcohol with high unit prices, so Helens has become their primary choice.
When Central China's Henan Province was hit by severe rainfall and floods in July, money poured in through online charity platforms.
7月,中国中部河南省遭遇强降雨和洪涝灾害,网络公益平台迅速汇聚起捐赠热潮。注:本题考查对英文句子的中文翻译理解能力。重点考察专业词汇charity platform(公益平台)的翻译以及整个句子意思的把握。正确答案为:7月,中国中部河南省遭遇强降雨和洪涝灾害,网络公益平台迅速汇聚起捐赠热潮。其中,“money poured in”被翻译为“汇聚起捐赠热潮”,更符合中文表达习惯。同时,“online charity platforms”被准确翻译为“网络公益平台”。其他可能的翻译包括:7月,中国中部的河南省遭受了严重的降雨和洪水袭击,通过在线慈善平台涌入了大量的捐款。(翻译准确,但“涌入了大量的捐款”略显生硬)7月,中国中部河南省遭遇暴雨和洪水侵袭,在线慈善平台成为爱心汇聚的渠道。(翻译较为流畅,但“在线慈善平台成为爱心汇聚的渠道”与原文“money poured in”略有出入)希望我的回答能帮助你更好地理解和翻译这个句子!如果你还有其他问题或需要进一步的帮助,请随时告诉我。
Small-dollar donations enabled by technology are another attraction - for example, money worth just a simple meal.
We make money only when the works are sold.
Globally, Temasek and the world's largest money manager BlackRock will co-found a series of venture capital and private equity investment funds for achieving net zero goals.
The company has spent more than 100 million yuan of its own capital to pay for related fees when crowdfunding platform users withdrew money from the third-party bank account, it said.
The interest generated by the bank account receiving money donation was about 6.29 million yuan from January 2020 to March 31 this year.
It is clearly effective because companies continue to spend a great amount of money on the sponsorships.
In some parts of the world, people have been unable to spend money on holidays and days out in recent months, and many have spent their disposable income on a new smartphone instead.
"Private tutoring firms should not become opportunities for pursuing profits nor tools for raising money.
Skyworth is a household name in China, so it saves time and money for Skywell to build brand awareness.
However, it has always been adopting the oil price in Lhasa, as the purpose of the gas station has not been making money but rather serving the people, said Wu Chenhong, managing director of CNPC Tibet's Nyima subsidiary.
As high as 84 percent of 1,128 surveyed Chinese time-honored brands were still making money, as Huanqiu.
More than 70 percent of the money raised will be used for projects to reduce carbon emissions.
Some of the penalized companies had used false invoices to siphon money from the company for various other uses.
High gold prices could also continue to find support this year from the safe-haven appeal due to geopolitical tensions amid a low-to-negative interest-rate environment and expanding global money supply.
"It is time for Dingdong Maicai to raise more money to support its business expansion in the country's highly competitive online grocery sector," said Kong Rong, chief analyst at TF Securities.
“叮咚买菜需要筹集更多资金,以支持其在中国竞争激烈的在线生鲜市场扩张,”天风证券(TF Securities)首席分析师孔蓉表示。
He said although only two generations of Magic smartphones have been unveiled in the past four years, Honor has invested a lot of money in these two phones.
Though the money Huawei derives from royalty fees is not much compared to its overall revenue, it can help the company replenish its cash reserves to better manage its supply chains, which are under heavy pressure amid Washington's restrictions, said Fu Liang, an independent analyst who has been following the telecom sector for more than a decade.
More than 30,000 cervical cancer patients had used the platform by the end of last month, and money raised for them exceeded 610 million yuan.
In return, he illegally asked for and accepted money and gifts worth over 1.78 billion yuan ($276 million).
Companies should adopt a more rational attitude while deploying capital globally, as money should be used to connect only with the right type of overseas resources.
The top reason why Chinese hosts list their residences or rooms for short-term rental on Airbnb is "to earn extra spending money".
Some hosts spend the money earned from Airbnb listings on vacations themselves as well as on home renovations, education and activities related to post-retirement life, the report noted.
He was found to have accepted money and property worth 1.79 billion yuan, more than 104 million yuan of which Lai had not yet received, for helping others in obtaining financing, project contracting and job promotion, according to the verdict.
"Education firms' funding rounds have become fewer this year, but the average amount of money raised in a single funding round has grown larger than expected," said Chai Mingyi, associate vice-president of New Oriental Education and Technology Group.
The company plans to spend more than half of the IPO proceeds on building up its sales and distribution networks and a third of the money raised in expanding its production capacity, according to its prospectus.
"Consumers are willing to spend more money on safer products with better quality to benefit their health," Qian said.
The tiny gadget has not only become a money spinner for Chinese companies like Goertek Inc, but also created a huge global market for similar products.
"The result is that consumers in the US cannot download or update the WeChat app, use it to send or receive money, and -- because US support for the app by data hosting and content caching will be eliminated -- the app, while perhaps technically available to existing US users, likely will be useless to them," Judge Beeler wrote in her order.
Their monthly average salary is around 3,000 yuan, and they make money based on the number of embroidered products they make daily, according to the workshop.
The four-year-old firm's crowdfunding platform helps those with serious disease to raise treatment money.
com said as more young people enter the job market with growing purchasing power, particularly those born in the 1990s, they tend to spend more money on diversified products and services that meet their specific needs.
As a result, a severe price war has broken out, as people don't just want to make money, but also to survive," she added.
"I bought all the materials online and made the accessories by following instruction manuals and internet tutorials, but I never thought about making money," she said.
"For me, making money is only one aspect of the business.
More players have entered the market and taken different positions, such as good value for money or specialty, said the report.
As Forbes reported, Evergrande Group injected a large amount of money into poverty alleviation and improving people's livelihoods, with a total of 17.75 billion yuan donated to poverty-stricken areas in Guangdong, Henan, Shaanxi, Yunnan and Qinghai.
The site under Alibaba Group pledged to offer real-time collection of money worth 60 billion yuan ($8.5 billion) to prevent companies from getting cash-strapped, said Wang Hai, Alibaba's vice-president and general manager of the site.
"The UK's leadership in 5G will be lost if mobile operators are forced to spend time and money replacing existing equipment," he told Reuters.
In addition, carriers are selling flight tickets and other multiple cultural and creative products such as airplane models, porcelain, handwoven bags and lanterns through livestreaming sessions, where Chinese consumers are increasingly enticed to spend money through promotions.
According to Liu from UBS, some of these Chinese internet companies' secondary listing plans will not involve the issue of many shares as they do not have strong demand for money in the short term.
A report from Xinhuanet, which quoted US media, said that the US Senate had passed a legislation in May that could ban many Chinese companies from listing shares on US exchanges or raising money from US investors without adhering to the US government's regulatory and audit standards.
The money was raised online during the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization's fundraising.
Sun was accused of taking advantage of his various former positions to seek profits for others and accepting vast sums of money and gifts in return, the SPP said in a statement.