The arrow did not pierce very deeply.
Mary couldn't pierce his thoughts.
The words he said, pierced my heart.
Pierce the apple with a knife.
The箭深深地pierced his shoulder.
She pierced her ears when she turned 16." - 她在16岁时打了耳洞。
The storm pierced through the roof, causing a leak.
His words pierced her heart like a dagger.
The sunlight pierced the dense fog, illuminating the landscape.
The athlete's speed pierced through the defense, scoring a goal.
The sound of the siren pierced the silence of the night.
The eagle pierced the sky with its sharp wings.
The needle pierced the skin for the vaccination.
It also allows both sides of the phone to fold flush with no gap, said Paul Pierce, one of the phone's designers.
It draws hundreds of thousands of people every week to its maze of clothing shops, tattoo and piercing parlors and food stands.
The Qilian Mountains, stretching for over 1,000 kilometers to the south of the Hexi Corridor, the main artery on the ancient Silk Road, have an average elevation of 4,500 meters, with high ridges piercing the skies.
But the method is still underused, as the thickness of the sclera is only around 1 mm, and accurately piercing through the thin layer of dense tissue without damaging the choroid and retina layers underneath, which are only a few tenths of 1 mm thick, is a long-standing problem.
Basic calculations will show that a moderate annual return that sustains for years will, in the long run, outperform the once stellar but bumpy returns that often pierce through the gain-or-loss line.