The old church was covered in a thick shroud of mist, creating an eerie atmosphere.
After her passing, they draped the coffin with a white shroud as a symbol of purity.
The mountains were shrouded in clouds, hiding their peaks from view.
He tried to keep his past shrouded in secrecy, never revealing too much about himself.
The mystery surrounding the ancient ruins has long been shrouded in speculation and myth.
The city woke up to a shroud of snow that transformed the landscape overnight.
The scandal threatened to shroud the entire organization in disgrace.
Despite their efforts, the truth about the incident remained shrouded in doubt.
The monument stood tall, its base shrouded by flowers and tributes from visitors.
The forest was shrouded in silence, broken only by the occasional hoot of an owl.
Zhang Jianping, head of the center for regional economic cooperation at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, said a certain amount of uncertainty shrouds China's second-half exports due to fluctuations in global market demand.
Basically, all regions of the world will see a double-digit decline in trade volume, and uncertainty shrouds the hoped-for recovery of global trade in 2021.
Yet, a sense of uncertainty continues to shroud the recovery of property developers' confidence, industry insiders said.
Doubts arise as health scare shrouds future of segment that investors backInvestors backing Chinese firms involved in the manufacturing, sales and distribution of electronic cigarettes may want to be cautious as regulations could be tightened in the wake of recent health scares, experts warned.
Finance Minister Liu Kun said in a statement on the ministry's website that great uncertainty still shrouds fiscal revenue, and there is still an acute imbalance between such revenue and spending.
Great uncertainty still shrouds fiscal revenue, and the imbalance between fiscal revenue and spending remains acute.
Uncertainties will likely continue to shroud the yuan-dollar exchange rate in the next few months.
While economists agree that the ambitious project could spur greater infrastructure and property investment, they said uncertainty shrouds the sustainability of an infrastructure investment-led growth.