
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
treat 处理 + y 表名词 → 处理〔纷争的文件〕→ 条约 → treaty n.条约,协定
*** 登录后可看 *** → treaty n.条约,协定
锤踢… *** 登录后可看 *** → treaty n.条约,协定
“t… *** 登录后可看 *** → treaty n.条约,协定
tr… *** 登录后可看 *** → treaty n.条约,协定
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
treaty n 条约,约定(treat+y=作出处理的文件=条约)
tretment n 待遇,治疗(treat+ment)
treaty n 条约,约定(treat+y=作出处理的文件=条约)
malt …………
Treaty of Paris 巴黎条约
unequal treaty 不平等条约
Treaty of Versailles 凡尔赛和约
North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织NATO
break a treaty违约
conclude a treaty订立条约
peace treaty 和平条约
draw up a treaty起草条约
North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织
under international treaties 根据国际条约
withdraw from treaty 退出条约
make treaty 订立条约
a treaty of arbitration 仲裁条约
be in treaty with 与…缔结条约
international treaty 国际条约
be in treaty with sb. for 与某人缔结条约
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 核不扩散条约
non-proliferation treaty 不扩散条约
The unequal treaty was signed in 1895.
We have concluded a treaty with 3 neighbouring countries to promoting regional economic development.
The peace treaty brought peacful life to the border area.
The treaty established a lasting peace between the two nations.
The treaty aimed to reduce nuclear weapons worldwide.
They signed a treaty of alliance in the face of a common enemy.
The Paris Treaty of 1783 officially ended the American Revolutionary War.
The treaty stipulates that disputes must be resolved through peaceful negotiations.
The treaty granted them autonomy within the kingdom.
The treaty was ratified by both parliaments, making it legally binding.
The treaty set boundaries between the two countries.
The Kyoto Protocol is a treaty on climate change, aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The treaty established a framework for cooperation in trade and investment.
He added: "The key benefits for China and other emerging economies to work together to combat climate change and to promote sustainable development, including climate responsible production methods, compliance with international treaty obligations, and global and regional leadership for emissions reduction.
"With the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement and the China-EU Bilateral Investment Treaty coming into force, innovative companies in the region will have a bigger platform, which will accelerate the globalization of Chinese unicorns. "
With China and the EU concluding their negotiations in principle for the bilateral investment treaty on Dec 30, European business executives said this deal will secure open and fair markets for both sides, while building a solid foundation for productive future engagements.
Experts said European companies' investment in China is set to grow in the fourth quarter of 2020 and through 2021, as China and the European Union have accelerated negotiations on the China-EU investment treaty.
Japan has an extradition treaty with the US.
Japan is seeking Ghosn's extradition from Lebanon, although the country does not have a treaty with Japan.
By providing treaty reinsurance and facultative reinsurance, it can transfer and mitigate insurance risks via a proportional or non-proportional reinsurance arrangement.
China and Bulgaria in August 2013 signed a trade treaty on corn exports and in May 2017, China built an agricultural model zone in the country, which was led by Tianjin Food Group.
China does not have an extradition treaty with the United States, which would have made it difficult for authorities to bring Liu to Minnesota to stand trial.
In November 2015, DHgate facilitated the first Sino-Turkish cross-border e-commerce treaty, whose signing in Antalya, Turkey, was witnessed by President Xi Jinping and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The treaty marked the online extension of the Belt and Road Initiative.
"This year marks the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up, and the 40th anniversary of the China-Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty.
Huang added that the company has applied for 30 international patents under the Patent Cooperation Treaty and is on track to accelerate its applications for more international patents.
This year marks the 45th anniversary of the signing of the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship and the 10th installment of the dialogue in Guangzhou, Kijima Yoshiko, consul-general of Japan in Guangzhou, noted.
With the newly-signed agreements, the country's tax treaty network increased to 114 countries and regions and has basically covered China's major foreign investment destinations as well as major countries and regions who invest in China, according to the State Taxation Administration.
The US has obstructed the enforcement of the ruling, evading its obligation to rectify these non-compliant tariff measures, said the head of the ministry's department of treaty and law in the statement.
The head of the ministry’s department of treaty and law said China is studying the report and will follow up on it in accordance with WTO rules.
When the IFD Agreement comes into force, it would become an international treaty obligation for the participating economies under the WTO framework.
When the agreement enters into force, it will become international treaty obligations for the participating economies under the WTO framework.
With the RCEP set to take effect in the Philippines — the last member of the bloc to ratify the agreement — on June 2, Ou Boqian, secretary-general of the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat, called on all RCEP participating countries to set up a secretariat for the pact as soon as possible and speed up the formalization of this mega treaty to reduce the risks posed by geopolitical uncertainties.
Indonesia proposed immediate talks on a bilateral investment treaty.
"Decio Ribeiro Sarmento, director of export promotion at TradeInvest Timor-Leste, is interested in the strategies Hainan FTP has adopted to promote and attract foreign companies, as his country just signed an agreement in February to establish a bilateral investment treaty with Indonesia.
OZAWA: The year 2023 marks the 45th anniversary of the reform and opening-up policy, as well as the 45th anniversary of the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship.
This year's Government Work Report has proposed to proactively promote China's accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, a regional free trade treaty.
Over the past five years, Beijing has had the second-highest number of highly cited sci-tech papers, with the fifth-highest number of PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) applications among the 37 cities in the report.
"We'll also increase research to establish rules for digital IP protection and improve relevant regulations on geographical indications while continuing to amend a guideline on the implementation of the Patent Law," said Zhang Peng, head of the Department of Treaty and Law with the China National Intellectual Property Administration.
In addition to launching the procedure for Belarus' accession, and also admitting Bahrain, the Maldives, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Myanmar as new dialogue partners, the meeting adopted the Comprehensive Plan for the Implementation of the SCO Treaty on Long-Term Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation for 2023-27.
In 2021, China had filed about 69,500 international patents via PCT (patent cooperation treaty), surging from 18,000 in 2012, ranking first in the world for three consecutive years.
It attempts to divide the Asia-Pacific community, expand the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's influence in the region and create cold war conditions in the Asia-Pacific.
In addition, the number of international patent applications submitted by Chinese applicants through the Patent Cooperation Treaty stood at 69,500, ranking first in the world for the third consecutive year.
The trade treaty, signed in November 2020 by 15 Asia-Pacific economies, officially took effect on Jan 1 for 10 members, followed by South Korea on Feb 1.
The implementation of the trade treaty, a milestone in China's unwavering efforts to expand all-around high-level opening-up, will also accumulate valuable experiences for the nation to align domestic regulations with high-standard international economic and trade rules to deliver on its goal of expanding opening-up, they said.
Removing tariff and non-tariff barriers, the treaty mandates that member countries fully open at least 65 percent of their services sector and ensure transparency of regulations, said a report by Ernst&Young Global Ltd.
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement, signed by China and 14 other economies in November, the China-EU investment treaty, for which negotiations were completed at the end of the year, and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, which China is giving active consideration to joining, represent the high level of international economic and trade rules, according to Zhang Yansheng, chief researcher at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges.
The China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) is a mutually favorable treaty, benefiting China, the European Union and the world, said the Ministry of Commerce.
Liu noted that 2021 marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, and that the Chinese are willing to work with Russia in areas such as agricultural products and machinery, technological innovation, e-commerce and biomedicine.
With the Agreement on Geographical Indications between China and the EU coming into effect on Monday, the Ministry of Commerce said the deal is China's first comprehensive and high-level bilateral treaty on geographical indications.
The treaty aims at accelerating the implementation of digital trade facilitation measures for trade and development.
"Recently, the China and EU reached a bilateral investment treaty which will further open the Chinese market," Qiu said.
China has made progress in connecting its market to the global market at policy and legal levels in recent years, Zhang said, adding that the promulgation of the Foreign Investment Law, the signing of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and the China-EU bilateral investment treaty represent efforts to tear down the barriers between the two markets.
China recently signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership with Asian countries and concluded the bilateral investment treaty with European Union.
With NIPA, Chinese applicants filed 67,000 patent applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty and made 7,553 applications to register trademarks via the Madrid System, up 17.9 percent and 16.1 percent year-on-year respectively.
As some countries tended to turn inward and closed their doors amid the pandemic last year, China reaffirmed its commitment to trade of goods and services, and to investment, signing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) free trade agreement with 14 other countries, and concluding the negotiations of the China-EU investment treaty.
"As China has been underlining further opening-up, in particular after signing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement with 14 partners in November and completing in-principle talks on an advanced investment treaty with the European Union last month, it is well prepared in many industries, such as the opening up of the financial services sector," said Wei Jianguo, vice-chairman of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges.
The China-European Union Comprehensive Agreement on Investment, once it takes effect, will add fuel to Chinese investment in the EU, he said, as the treaty strengthens legal protection for Chinese investment in the EU and opens investment opportunities in the renewable energy sector to Chinese companies.
China had notable achievements in promoting multilateral trading in 2020, with the signing of the RCEP in mid-November and the conclusion of negotiations for the China-EU investment treaty at the end of the year.
"As China has been underlining further opening-up, in particular after signing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement with 14 partners in November and completing in-principle talks on an advanced investment treaty with the European Union last month, it is well prepared in many industries, such as opening-up of the financial services sector," said Wei Jianguo, vice-chairman of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges.
He said growth will be boosted by the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership free trade agreement between Asian nations, which was signed in November, and the new bilateral investment treaty negotiated between China and the European Union.
In addition to stimulating trade and investment activities via regional economic and trade pacts such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement and the future bilateral investment treaty between China and the EU, China's foreign trade is expected to grow steadily this year on the back of several factors, including a notable improvement in the industrial, supply and service chains, Gao said.
The investment treaty between China and the European Union, guaranteed by institutional openness measures and fair competition rules, will bring more investment opportunities for companies from both sides, officials said on Thursday.
The pact opts for pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list for foreign investment when it comes to market access, said Li Yongjie, director-general of the department of treaty and law at the Ministry of Commerce.
The EU, for its part, commits to give China a high level of market access in the treaty and the two sides' commitments concerning market access are not only limited to the pre-establishment national treatment and negative list: There are also special clauses in the treaty to grant investment-related foreign exchanges transfer, she added.
The China-EU investment agreement is China's first bilateral investment treaty that covers market access for investment.
The CCCEU looks forward to swift signing and ratification of the agreement, which will bring unified legislation concerning Chinese companies' investment in the 27-member EU, and expects that the treaty will help shape a more stable, transparent, open, and predictable business environment.
- As Chinese and European leaders on Wednesday announced the completion of investment agreement negotiations as scheduled, the treaty is "definitely a win-win," an expert has said.
"This investment treaty, which has reciprocity as a basic principle, will create a more welcoming environment for Chinese investors in the EU," and EU firms will face a level playing field in China, she said.
After the talk was sealed, China's Ministry of Commerce said Wednesday that the treaty will bring more investment opportunities for companies from both sides and provide better business environment by making high-level market access commitments and adopting high-level fair competition rules.
As for EU firms, Molnar expressed confidence that the treaty will help them cement their positions in the Chinese market as "they will no longer face the joint-venture requirement in a number of industries, including advertising, real estate, environmental services, private hospitals and the automotive sector.
""Part of the content of the treaty is related to manufacturing, including the automotive sector, which is highly spliced up into many segments in multiple locations along global value chains.
Highlighting the recent liberalization wave in the area of foreign direct investment in China, Molnar said the investment treaty will be an additional step in that direction, "exclusively for EU companies, which will thus have a competitive edge in the Chinese market.
The conclusion of the CAI, also known as China-EU bilateral investment treaty, is not only conducive in deepening bilateral economic and trade cooperation, but also has great significance to the recovery of the global economy, the ministry said in a statement on late Thursday.
- China and the European Union (EU) need to make joint efforts and meet each other half way to conclude a bilateral investment treaty, the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said Thursday.
Committed to promoting high-level opening up, China will carry out the negotiations with the EU in the premise of upholding its security and development interests as well as at its own pace, and work to reach a comprehensive, balanced and high-level investment treaty, an MOC spokesperson said in an online response to press query about the two sides' progress in negotiation.
The treaty aims to provide more opportunities and sound institutional guarantee for bilateral investments, the spokesperson said.
Reaching the treaty is not only conducive to deepening economic and trade cooperation between China and the EU, the world's two major economies, but also of great significance to global economic recovery, the spokesperson said.
China and the European Union (EU) held the 35th round of negotiations on a bilateral investment treaty from Dec 6 to 11, the Ministry of Commerce said Monday.
Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has exerted long-term pressure on the global job market, trade and cross-border activities, the rigid two-way goods demand between China and Europe has not only raised the service frequency and trade value of the China-Europe freight train services but also accelerated the frequency of talks on the China-EU investment treaty.
Because of the complementary industrial structures between China and the European Union and enhanced business ties driven by factors such as the accelerated pace of China-EU investment treaty talks and booming China-Europe freight train services, China replaced the United States as the EU's largest trade partner in the third quarter, reflecting the resilience and potential of bilateral economic and trade ties, the Foreign Ministry said last week.
China and the European Union (EU) held the 34th round of negotiations on a bilateral investment treaty from Nov 16 to 20, the Ministry of Commerce said Friday.
- China is accelerating negotiations with the European Union (EU) on China-EU investment treaty, according to the Ministry of Commerce.
The two sides are currently conducting the 34th round of negotiations, or the ninth round of official negotiations this year on the treaty, the ministry's spokesperson Gao Feng told a news briefing Thursday.
China is willing to maintain communications with the European side and strive to start the process of making a free trade agreement early on the basis of the investment treaty, Gao said.
"Right now, China and the EU are racing towards ending negotiation of the bilateral investment treaty (BIT) by the end of this year.
The Chinese foreign minister also mentioned that China is the first major country to accede to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia and to forge a strategic partnership with ASEAN, and also the first major economy to set up a free trade zone with ASEAN.
And its Patent Cooperation Treaty has earned it international patent applications, which account for almost 13 percent of the country's total.
"China firmly upholds the international nonproliferation regime" and honors its obligations under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, said Chinese embassy spokesman Liu Pengyu in Washington, without offering specific comment on the US move.
In the main category of WIPO's system of registering international patents - the Patent Cooperation Treaty or PTC — Chinese telecom giant Huawei filed 4,411 applications, ranking first in the world for three consecutive years.
In 2019, they handled approximately 85 percent of the world's patent applications, and 93 percent of the work carried out under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, an international patent law treaty.
With the signing of the UK-China Television Co-Production Treaty in 2016, the United Kingdom became the second country to have both movie and TV coproduction treaties with China.
Such cooperation is not all that can be expected from the coproduction treaty.
At present, France is still the largest wine exporter, while Australia and Chile rank second and third because of the bilateral free trade treaty and the policy of zero tariffs on wine, Scarpa said.
The number of international patent applications submitted by Chinese applicants through the Patent Cooperation Treaty stood at 69,540 in 2021, ranking first in the world for the third consecutive year.
China is now also the global leader in terms of the number of international patent applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty system, he said.
International patent applications filed via WIPO's Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), which is one of the widely used metrics for measuring innovative activity, grew by four percent in 2020 to reach 275,900 applications, the highest number ever, despite an estimated drop in the global gross domestic product (GDP) of 3.5 percent, the report said.
Earlier this year, the World Intellectual Property Organization announced the 2019 results of international patent applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty System.
By filing one international patent application under the PCT, an international treaty with more than 150 contracting states, applicants can seek protection for inventions in a large number of countries.
The World Intellectual Property Organization has announced the 2019 results of international patent applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty System.
WIPO released its yearly review on Tuesday in Geneva, and in the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the main category of its system of registering international patents, China's Tsinghua University ranked second with 265 applications filed in 2019, following the University of California, which maintained its top rank with 470 published applications.
Western countries have long abandoned the so-called Maastricht Treaty requirements, which state that the fiscal deficit-to-GDP ratio should not exceed 3 percent and the national debt-to-GDP ratio should not surpass 60 percent.
China's tax treaty network has covered 112 countries and regions, Wang noted.
If signed, it would be the first international treaty between China and the 28-member grouping, according to an article written by the EU ambassador to China and published in the Chinese media.
"So far, some basic issues are still under discussion," including how to identify the partnership between the public and private sectors and how various government departments can cooperate in the supervision work, said Zhou Jinsong, deputy head of the Treaty and Laws Department of the Ministry of Finance.
Zhang Peng, head of the IP administration's Treaty and Law Department, said that the government body added 30 provisions while revising the rules and removed four articles — more comprehensive changes than in any of the previous rule revisions.
The BRICS bank was set up with an initial authorized capital of $100 billion after leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa signed the treaty for its establishment during the sixth BRICS Summit in Fortaleza, Brazil, in 2014.
Recently, the US Department of Defense said the US and Philippine military are maintaining close consultation, reaffirming the US' "ironclad" commitment to upholding its obligations under its mutual defense treaty with the Philippines.
He pointed out that the US, to serve its own interests, encourages and provokes the Philippines to infringe upon China's rights and interests, while attempting to coerce China by using the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty.
China has established itself as a leading region for intellectual property development, Shen Changyu, head of the NIPA, said at a news conference, adding that China has ranked first in the world for the number of international patent applications through the Patent Cooperation Treaty for four consecutive years.
Lawmakers ratified a treaty on the transfer of sentenced individuals between China and Colombia and an extradition treaty with Mauritius.
The Standing Committee session is expected to review bills on draft revisions to the organic law of the State Council and the infectious disease prevention and control law, a bill on a draft tariff law, and a bill on a treaty on the transfer of sentenced persons between China and Colombia.
The joint statement said, for instance, that BRICS nations reaffirm the role of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its 2015 Paris Agreement as the fundamental legal basis and main channel for international cooperation on addressing climate change, and are committed to promoting the full and effective implementation of the Convention and the Paris treaty.

四级He said the report was aimed at world leaders, who will meet in Copenhagen in December to negotiate a new international climate treaty.



六级The treaty banning mining here, shielding 116 coveted ( ' , 令人垂涎的) reserves of iron ore, coal and chromium, comes up for review in 2048.

禁止在此采矿的条约,保护了116个梦寐以求的(“,令人垂涎的) 铁矿石、煤炭和铬的储量将于2048年进行审查。


六级The treaty banning mining here, shielding coveted reserves of iron ore, coal and chromium, comes up for review in 2048.


2016年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
