deem that it is my duty to help.
deem it my duty to help the poor.
deemed highly of her.
The jury
deemed him guilty of the crime.
She was
deemed an expert in her field by her peers.
His actions were
deemed inappropriate by the company.
His health condition was
deemed stable after the surgery.
The proposal was
deemed too risky for the investors to approve.
Deemphasizing homework can have positive effects on students' well-being.
The government
deemed it necessary to introduce new environmental policies.
After careful consideration, they
deemed the old building unsafe for occupation.
His efforts were universally
deemed successful.
The teacher
deemed his explanation satisfactory and moved on to the next topic.
The evening was deemed a great success.
Alipay users can choose to delay payment for two hours or 24 hours and raise an alert on the platform if they deem such transactions potentially misdirected or fraudulent.
Experts deem private companies as a critical link in bolstering consumer demand, given that they contribute more than 80 percent of China's urban employment.
Amid the global economic downturn and geopolitical uncertainties, these policies will further motivate foreign companies to boost investment in China and deem the country as one of their global or regional manufacturing bases for exports, said Nie Pingxiang, a researcher with the Beijing-based Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation.
Central authorities deem the 2020-22 period a "crucial stage" for SOE reform.
According to the report, 44 percent of the surveyed employees think that AI will help them increase productivity and efficiency, while 68 percent deem digital skills to be important in their careers.
In recent years, it has gained attention and interest from individuals, sports clubs and organizations in China who deem it an enjoyable way to stay active and socialize.
"When it comes to urban road projects, what most teams deem as most troublesome are the challenges brought by existing road networks.
Ye's comment came after the Japanese government announced on Tuesday it will release Fukushima's contaminated radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean in around two years, sending shock waves across the world as experts deem it a potential risk to humanity.
Platforms such as Dedao have mushroomed on the back of a trend of people paying for online content they deem useful or valuable.
"To navigate through the highly complex and segmented digital landscape, the safe bet is to start with WeChat and Weibo, which we deem as the 'twin pillars' of China's social media," Tang said.
The report said 44 percent of the surveyed employees think that AI will help them increase their productivity and efficiency at work, while 68 percent deem that digital skills are important to their career.
Cui said it is not wise to see NEVs and gasoline vehicles as rivals, and it is not correct to deem those gasoline vehicle buyers “out of fashion”.
Hobbyists may fit their AUVs with sonar, lights, cameras, and whatever they deem necessary.
"International investors still deem allocation in China as an indispensable part of their portfolios," He said.
Experts deem Argentina's renminbi repayment plan as an example of the Chinese currency's growing role in safeguarding the financial stability of developing economies as they increasingly opt for the yuan in international settlements and financing.
Some experts deem 5 percent as an unstated floor for China's RRR, though others believe there is room for further declines considering that some advanced economies have cut their RRRs to zero.
Bailing out property as quickly as possible, eliminating debt burdens, ensuring deliveries and creating new growth drivers are what we deem to be more critical at the moment.