Time is a
dose of good medicine.
dose of flu kept me off work .
dosed herself up with vitamin pills.
The doctor prescribed a low
dose of medication for her mild headache.
He took the medicine in a single
dose, as instructed by the pharmacist.
She is sensitive to caffeine, so she takes her coffee with a reduced
The chemist analyzed the soil sample and determined the optimal
dose of fertilizer.
They administered the vaccine in three separate
doses to ensure full immunity.
He was given a higher
dose of radiation to target the cancer cells more effectively.
She prefers to take vitamins in smaller, frequent
doses rather than one large pill.
The experiment showed that varying
doses of sunlight have different effects on mood.
The doctor recommended a maintenance
dose of antibiotics for her chronic infection.
The psychologist titrated the patient's therapy dosage based on their progress.
It delivers an adequate dose to the target tumor while sparing healthy tissues and organs at risk around the tumor.
Three doses of vaccines will be used, with the first two doses given 28 days apart followed by a third dose at least 3 months after the second dose, and there is no restriction on the application for immunosuppressed children.
A report from Southwest Securities said nearly 64 percent of the world's population has already been vaccinated with at least one dose of a COVID vaccine, while around 57 percent have been fully inoculated.
Agfa's Smart XR portfolio provides DR tools for dose, alignment, patient positioning and more to support enhanced clinical and operational performance while leaving the radiographer in control.
Agfa的Smart XR系列提供包括剂量管理、对位、患者定位等在内的DR(数字放射)工具,旨在提升临床和运营表现,同时确保放射技师保持控制权。这个系列的设计理念是通过智能化技术辅助放射技师进行更精准、高效的影像采集,同时优化辐射剂量,保障患者与医护人员的安全,以及提高整体的工作流程效率。通过使用Smart XR系列,医疗机构可以实现高质量的影像诊断,同时减少不必要的重复检查,降低医疗成本,提升患者体验。
Monofer provides the opportunity to infuse a single dose of 1,000 mg iron from 15 to more than 30 minutes, reducing the duration of a session of IV iron treatment from hours to less than an hour.
The latest peer-reviewed study from RLX Technology (RELX) published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology showed the cooling agent WS-23 widely used in e-cigarettes has limited impact on experimental animals at the tested dose.
最近,RLX Technology(RELX)在《应用毒理学杂志》上发表的最新同行评审研究显示,电子烟中广泛使用的冷却剂WS-23在实验动物身上测试的剂量下影响有限。
The study shows that at the tested dose level, inhalation of WS-23 will not bring toxic side effects to animals.
Phase-2 explores the vaccine procedure and dose while evaluating safety and efficacy.
The company said the drug uses an advanced controlled-release mechanism to release the metformin over a controlled period to ensure stable drug effect, so that patients only need to take one dose a day, which can help avoid gastrointestinal adverse reactions and missed medication doses.
Compared with conventional radiotherapy, proton beams will only release a large percentage of radiation dose when they reach a tumor, which means it will kill the cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact, according to Zhang.
Now, many parts of the country are reporting excess doses and unfilled appointments even as fewer than 60 percent of American adults have received at least one dose.
So far, although about 22 percent of the world's population have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and 2.7 billion doses have been administered globally, only 0.9 percent of people in low-income countries have received at least one dose, according to Our World in Data, an online resource that makes "knowledge on big problems accessible and understandable".
迄今为止,尽管全球约有22%的人口已接种至少一剂COVID-19疫苗,且全球累计施打剂量已达27亿剂,但根据致力于“使有关重大问题的知识变得易于获取和理解”的在线资源“我们的世界在数据”(Our World in Data),低收入国家中仅有0.9%的人口接种了至少一剂疫苗。
"If each of the 7.8 billion people in the world needs one vaccine dose, it is expected that 8,000 fully-loaded Boeing 747 freighters will be needed to transport them," said Cai Guoxian, IATA North Asia's regional head of member and external relations, thus providing an estimate of the scale of carrying space needed to perform such a historic feat.
A gradual recovery in domestic tourism could offer a dose of encouragement to other countries looking ahead to life after lockdowns, including the release of pent-up demand among consumers.
I am not clear about the dose and am worried about the side-effects.
In addition, dose rationality should also be considered.
A single dose costs 598 yuan ($86), 100 yuan cheaper than the only imported vaccine.
Since the first dose of Weuphoria was injected into a child in Jiangxi province in April, the vaccine has received approvals to be sold in about 20 provinces and regions in China.
The recommended dose of tislelizumab is 200 mg administered as an intravenous infusion every three weeks until disease progression or intolerable toxicity.
Experts: Move largely in line with market expectations, key to boosting economyIn a move largely in line with market expectations, the People's Bank of China, the central bank, announced cuts on the benchmark lending rate of loan prime rates on Thursday, which analysts and experts said will help lower overall financing costs and bring a dose of positive news to the property market.
Data from the US Institute of Supply Management (ISM) showed overnight that its manufacturing index fell more than expected, adding a fresh dose of both factors.