Grain prices fluctuate with the seasons.
fluctuated between hopes and fears.
Tom's weight fluctuates wildly.
The stock market tends to fluctuate wildly during times of economic uncertainty.
Her mood fluctuates from day to day, making it hard to predict her behavior.
The temperature in this region can fluctuate quite a bit between summer and winter.
The price of oil fluctuates greatly depending on global supply and demand.
Blood sugar levels can fluctuate significantly for people with diabetes.
The number of visitors to the park fluctuates depending on the season.
The economy is currently experiencing fluctuations as businesses adapt to the pandemic.
The sea level has been fluctuating over centuries due to climate change.
Her weight fluctuates between 120 and 130 pounds, depending on what she eats.
The electricity rates tend to fluctuate based on the time of day and demand.
There was a slight fluctuation in brain activity.
The announcement came after the property market kept going downward, the gross profit margin continued to shrink and the foreign exchange market fluctuated, leaving the company with great challenges.
The loss came after the property market kept going downward, the gross profit margin continued to shrink and the foreign exchange market fluctuated, said the filing.
The export of pandemic prevention equipment had a profound impact on foreign trade during the different stages of the pandemic, and the export of medicines and health products fluctuated periodically, the CCCMHPIE said.
Antonios Vassatis, the company's general manager, who is Greek, said: "In the past few years, COVID-19 has had a negative impact on demand for Dolma internationally, and our orders have fluctuated.
该公司希腊籍总经理Antonios Vassatis表示:“过去几年,新冠肺炎对国际上对Dolma的需求产生了负面影响,我们的订单也有所波动。
"Even if China is flexing its regulatory muscles and COVID-19 infection rates fluctuate, equities are not likely to suffer if the economic recovery continues," said Luca Paolini, chief strategist of Pictet Asset Management, a Swiss firm.
瑞士财富管理公司(Pictet Asset Management)首席策略师卢卡·帕奥利尼(Luca Paolini)表示:“即便中国正在展现其监管能力,且新冠感染率起伏不定,只要经济复苏持续,股市就可能不会遭受打击。”
"Wufangzhai focuses on making seasonal food, and its sales often fluctuate with seasons.
As long-term institutional and strategic investors are the major investors in the GDRs, the prices of the insurer's GDR and shares on the other two bourses will not fluctuate significantly.
Since the lukewarm market debut on July 9, shares of Xiaomi have fluctuated around the offering price of HK$17, touching a post-IPO peak of HK$22.2 at one time before sinking to as low as HK$15.52.
For the second half of this year, the company has planned crude oil production of 148 million barrels of oil equivalent as oil prices may fluctuate at a low level, the company said.
Oil prices through the rest of the year will fluctuate at a mid-low level, it said.