They fired almost simultaneously.
The gala will be broadcast simultaneously on TV and online.
The simultaneous demonstrations are held in North and South.
The two events happened simultaneously.
The explosion and the power outage occurred simultaneously.
They're conducting multiple experiments simultaneously.
The conference will be broadcast live on the internet simultaneously in several languages.
The new software allows users to edit photos and videos simultaneously.
The company is launching新产品 in several countries simultaneously.
The symphony's different sections play their parts simultaneously for a harmonious sound.
Simultaneous interpretation is required at international conferences.
The painter worked on several canvases simultaneously, each in a different style.
The scientists observed changes in the atmosphere and ocean currents simultaneously to understand climate patterns.
Within road reconstruction projects in Uzbekistan, the A380 highway reconstruction project stands as one of the rare initiatives that adopted the "simultaneous traffic and construction "approach.
Since 2022, Switzerland-based Novartis has seen 100 percent of its drug development in China achieve simultaneous development with markets worldwide, significantly narrowing the time gap between launches of new drugs in China and globally, said a senior executive of the pharmaceutical company.
"In the future, as we're in simultaneous development mode already, more and more drugs will be introduced into China for the first time," said Aradhye during a media interview in Shanghai last week.
"Sanofi has been increasing R&D investment in the Chinese market for more than 10 years, and China has become a crucial option for the company's global simultaneous development strategy since 2019," Shi said.
The factory will integrate digital production technologies and innovative science and technology, and the first batch of intelligent refrigerators will be produced and launched in July 2024 with simultaneous entry into local and other South American markets.
The company is planning to bring up to 30 innovative medicines or indications to China by 2025 and will be keenly involved in global early development programs to achieve simultaneous development in the areas of high unmet needs in China.
This marked the simultaneous completion of three planned construction nodes in building the plant, dubbed the No 1 public wellbeing project of Ulaanbaatar, since the resumption of construction work from the COVID-19 disruptions.
This is a clear demonstration of the company's robust global clinical development capabilities, and the next step is to expedite the therapy's simultaneous global development, said CEO Chris Lu.
首席执行官Chris Lu表示,这清楚地表明了该公司强大的全球临床开发能力,下一步是加快该疗法的全球同步开发。
For instance, the new drug application of an oral innovative drug for lung cancer was given a priority review designation, leading to simultaneous submissions to National Drug Authority in China and globally.
He said that within five years, the company plans to submit 50 new drug applications in China, and aims to achieve simultaneous submissions in China and elsewhere for more than 90 percent of new drugs by 2024.