The website's URL structure is optimized with clean, SEO-friendly
slugs like "best-restaurants-in-new-york".
She created a new blog post with the slug "spring-foliage-photography-tips".
After editing the article, the editor changed the slug from "history-of-the-world" to "world-history-through-time".
In WordPress, you can easily manage your post
slugs to make them more readable.
The developer chose a unique slug for each product in the e-commerce platform to avoid confusion.
When sharing on social media, ensure the post's link includes the relevant slug for proper categorization.
She used a custom plugin to generate
slugs automatically based on the post's content.
A hacker exploited a vulnerability in the site's URL slug generator, allowing them to create malicious links.
黑客利用了网站URL slug生成器的漏洞,创建了恶意链接。
The author updated the book's title and had to update its slug on the publisher's website accordingly.
The marketing team discussed the optimal slug for the upcoming ad campaign, aiming for maximum search visibility.
Robots designed for exploration, search and rescue, or underwater engineering all take on different shapes, ranging from torpedo-shaped self-driving submarines, to deep sea floor crawlers that look like huge slugs.