
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
a 加强 + ban 禁止 + don 给予 → 禁止给 → 放弃 → abandon vt.抛弃,放弃,遗弃
一个… *** 登录后可看 *** → abandon vt.抛弃,放弃,遗弃
ab… *** 登录后可看 *** → abandon vt.抛弃,放弃,遗弃
a(… *** 登录后可看 *** → abandon vt.抛弃,放弃,遗弃
a … *** 登录后可看 *** → abandon vt.抛弃,放弃,遗弃
鹅搬… *** 登录后可看 *** → abandon vt.抛弃,放弃,遗弃
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
abandon / abandoned / abandonment
abandon vt.离弃,丢弃;遗弃,抛弃;放弃
abandoned adj. 被抛弃的,废置的
abandonment n. 抛弃;放弃
对比记忆 / 类比记忆 / 形近词记忆
abandon / desert / forsake / leave / giveup
abandon → 强调永远或完全放弃或抛弃人或事 …………
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
abandon v 抛弃,放弃(a不+ban+don给予=不禁止给出去=放弃)
ban n 禁止,禁令
banal a 平庸的,陈腐的(ban+al=被禁止的=陈腐的 )
banish v 流放,驱逐出境( …………
abandon oneself to 自暴自弃
abandon a claim 放弃索赔
abandon oneself to sth. 献身于某事
abandon oneself to doing 自食其力
with abandon 放弃
abandon oneself to despair 自暴自弃
abandon ship 弃船
abandon smoking 戒烟
abandon medicine for literature 弃医为文
abandon one's research for lack of funds 因缺乏资金而放弃研究
Do not abandon yourself to drinking.
As a result, it may abandon or modify some rites.
Abandon my input and close the dialog.
She had to abandon her plans for a holiday due to lack of funds.
The ship's crew abandoned the vessel when it began to sink.
They were forced to abandon their home in the war zone.
He had to abandon his car after it broke down in the middle of nowhere.
The explorers were forced to abandon their expedition due to extreme weather conditions.
The athlete had to abandon the race after injuring her ankle.
The firefighters had to abandon the burning building when the roof collapsed.
The company decided to abandon its traditional marketing strategy and embrace digital marketing.
The hiker had to abandon his backpack to lighten his load.
The town was abandoned after the mine closed, leaving it a ghost town.
The US should abandon the decoupling mindset to show respect for time-tested free trade principles, and put US people's interests, instead of political interests, in a core place of its state strategies," he added.
In a guideline published by the State Administration of Market Regulation in November, the antitrust watchdog said it will abandon "picking one from the two" practice, which forces online merchants to choose only one platform as their exclusive distribution channel.
Harley is understood to have decided to abandon the world's biggest motorcycle market after a decade of unsuccessful efforts to gain a foothold.
If you can deliver the things that people value, most carnivores would love to abandon animal meat," said Brown.
The company attempted to list on Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd as early as 2013, but had to abandon the plan and pursued an IPO in New York due to the inconsistency of the company's dual-class corporate structure and HKEX's rules at the time.
The Apple-Qualcomm truce prompted Intel to abandon its attempts to make chips for 5G modems, effectively putting that part of its business up for grabs.
Vanke Chairman Yu Liang said that the company, confronted with extreme uncertainty in 2019, will abandon any speculative attitude or reliance on bull market thinking.
Foreign Ministry calls for fair and good environment for Chinese firmsForeign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang on Tuesday urged related parties in the United States to abandon their outdated Cold War thinking and zero-sum games.
AT&T and other wireless carriers need to find new sources of revenue as the mobile phone market stagnates and more customers abandon pricey cable and satellite packages for streaming services they can watch on their phones or televisions.
Hon Hai is eager to find new driver of growth, and abandon its label as only an original equipment manufacturer.
[Photo provided to China Daily]Garvin Liu leads Westinghouse's efforts to sustain AP1000, a key nuclear technology, in ChinaAnxiety erupted in China earlier this year after two South Carolina utilities announced they will abandon two unfinished nuclear reactor projects in the US state.
However, affected by falling demand, many shipowners now delay delivery and payment, and sometimes even abandon their orders.
This will cause great damage to the interests of US companies, and the companies cannot afford to abandon China's huge market, Li said.
There is no such thing as "forced labor" in Xinjiang, the ministry said, adding the US should immediately abandon its irrational suppression of Chinese enterprises and cease sabotaging Xinjiang's prosperity and stability.
"The US should abandon its current approach of trying to get something out of shaking and breaking the global value chain," she added.
China has urged the United States to abandon irrational suppression of Chinese companies and lift unilateral sanctions on them ahead of a possible visit by the US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.
The US side should abandon its irrational suppression, the ministry said in a statement.
Yi noted that multinationals cannot divorce from China, let alone abandon it and construct a new global value chain.
In a speech on Tuesday at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in Davos, Liu urged world leaders to abandon the "Cold War mentality" and reaffirmed China's commitment to international cooperation and all-around opening-up, adding that "China's door to the outside will only open wider".
The US move not only affects the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises, but also harms the legitimate commercial interests of US exporters, the official said, adding the US side should immediately abandon its practices and give fair treatment to enterprises of all countries, including China.
Therefore, if we want to contain inflation, we need to, with joint efforts, abandon protectionism and build unimpeded industrial supply chains.
The world should move together with the trend of globalization, abandon protectionism, and all unreasonable tariffs levied on Chinese goods should be abandoned.
"Therefore, to build a unified domestic market does not mean China will abandon the international market.
Beijing, Washington call for concrete steps amid growing international challengesChina's special climate envoy, Xie Zhenhua, has said the world "cannot abandon" the Paris Agreement on climate change, and his United States counterpart, John Kerry, has said countries should not use the Russia-Ukraine conflict as an excuse to let up on the climate fight.
In addition, dozens of energy companies, including Statoil, Shell, ExxonMobil, and others, have ceased operations in Russia or announced plans to abandon their Russian operations.
What is happening in terms of both the current inflation and the employment situation is urging the US to take faster steps to abandon its easing policy.
"We must adhere to openness and inclusiveness, abandon zero-sum mindset, oppose protectionism, and deepen market opening-up," Wang said.
"History has proved that China's decision to join the WTO is right, and there is no reason to abandon the path that has been proved correct by practice.
For proof of that you need to go no further than small business owners, who this year have needed to abandon old ways and be innovative and nimble enough to adapt in a flash to changing conditions.
Meanwhile, the ministry also called on the European Commission, which decided to launch an anti-subsidy probe into Chinese EVs in October, to abandon its trade protectionist act, and deepen trade and investment cooperation between the automobile industries of China and Europe.
He called the European Commission to abandon the practice of trade protectionism, deepen trade and investment cooperation between the automobile industries of China and Europe, to promote mutually beneficial and win-win development, and create a favorable environment for both sides to jointly respond to climate change and realize the green transformation, He added.
"Economies should abandon the zero-sum mindset and return to multilateral cooperation under the WTO framework to jointly maintain open, stable and resilient global industrial and supply chains," he added.
Liu Buchen, an independent researcher in the sector, said some Chinese manufacturers should abandon the low-quality and low-price competition strategy as soon as possible, and instead innovate in technology, quality and design.
Even if we are experiencing a high degree of urbanization, city dwellers cannot abandon the agrarian culture and way of life that date back thousands of years," said Pan Yu, a professor at the College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Southwest University.
Liu Buchen, an independent researcher in the home appliances sector, said China's household appliance enterprises should abandon the low-quality and low-price competition strategy and make continuous innovations in the fields of technology, quality and design.
"Liu Buchen, an independent researcher in the home appliance sector, said China's small household appliance enterprises should abandon the low-quality and low-price competition strategy as soon as possible, and make continuous innovations in the areas of technology, quality and design.
Liu Buchen, an independent researcher in the home appliances sector, said China's small household appliance enterprises should abandon the low-quality and low-price competition strategy as soon as possible, and make continuous innovations in the fields of technology, quality and design.
If photovoltaic companies lose government subsidies, about 6 gigawatts of projects would abandon construction.
As for the current pandemic, Yaroshenko said "the situation we have faced in 2020 shows how important it is for all countries to act together and abandon differences.
Linzi has also encouraged companies to abandon facilities that are low in productivity but cause heavy pollution, such as the 35-metric-ton coal-fired steam boiler.
However, industry executives are divided over the potential of the technology, citing the need to abandon their own battery designs and adopt standardized ones.
But experts said the popularity of hybrids has actually hindered the uptake of EVs, with Japanese automakers in no hurry to abandon existing lineups.
Even though fully EVs now constitute less than 2 percent of US new vehicle sales, automakers face pressure to abandon internal combustion engines to fight climate change.
He fretted that as some potential Chinese buyers of Haenchen's cylinders may have to buy valves in the United States' market to go with the cylinders, the trade row would lead to higher prices of the valves and force the potential Chinese buyers to change their orders or even abandon Haenchen's cylinders altogether.
The proposal to roll back anti-pollution efforts is in line with President Donald Trump's decision last year to abandon the 2015 Paris Agreement, under which countries agreed to take steps to mitigate global warming.
"High-end strategy the core focus"BAIC sets out to cut production of mid- and low-end products, or even abandon the production completely," Xu said.
"But customers are unlikely to abandon gasoline cars overnight.
Greenpeace cautiously welcomed the French plan but urged a clearer time frame, concerned that it would be easy for subsequent governments to abandon the generation-long effort.
But, in fact, no company would like to abandon China's huge semiconductor market," he added.
Lenovo "will not abandon the emerging 5G smartphone markets", Yang confirmed.
Given the global challenges and strategic competition risks, the international community must adhere to a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security philosophy, stick to the principles of the UN Charter and international laws, abandon the Cold-War mentality, oppose unilateralism, and refrain from clique politics and camp confrontation, if it is to step out of the woods.
The People's Bank of China, the central bank, has urged commercial banks to abandon the London Interbank Offered Rate for dollar-denominated loans having a floating-rate benchmark.
The PBOC has also asked the banks to complete the Libor transition as and when financial regulators in the United Kingdom abandon the benchmark.
In March, financial regulators in the UK said that Libor will formally cease at the end of the year for most currencies, a step that will raise pressure on banks and asset managers to abandon the tainted lending benchmark.
"The People's Bank of China, the central bank, will likely abandon the benchmark lending rate to build a stronger connection between banks' loan prime rate and key financial market interest rate in its effort to lower the funding cost for the real economy, said Zhu.
Is it too soon to abandon cash?
For foreign customers, they will not abandon their habit of payment such as Apple Pay and switch to another in a short time," Li added.
Liu Guohong, director of the Finance and Modern Industry Research Center of the Shenzhen-based think tank China Development Institute, said it is sensible for Ping An Bank to abandon its extensive development mode to focus on specific industries.
"Securities firms and fund management companies should not abandon their responsibility as asset managers by carrying out 'channel business'," Zhang said.

六级” So you abandon the goal and return to your bad habits.



六级We also need to abandon the notion that agriculture can be “zero impact”.



六级The key will be to abandon the rather simple and static measures of sustainability, which centre on the need to maintain production without increasing damage.



考研A lateral move that hurt my pride and blocked my professional progress prompted me to abandon my relatively high profile career although, in the manner of a disgraced government minister, I covered my exit by claiming “I wanted to spend more time with my family”.



考研“I don’t know if other clients are going to abandon me, too,” she says.


