The average temperature in this city is 25 degrees Celsius.
She has an above-average IQ, which explains her exceptional problem-solving skills.
The average person needs about 8 hours of sleep per night to function optimally.
The company's sales have been consistently above average for the past quarter.
He received an average grade on his exam despite studying hard.
The average lifespan of a golden retriever is around 12 years.
Our team's performance was mediocre, with an average of only two goals scored per game.
The average commute time in Tokyo is longer compared to many other cities worldwide.
After analyzing the data, we found that the average age of our customers is 35. (分析数据后,我们发现顾客的平均年龄是35岁。
The average rainfall in the Amazon rainforest is about 2,300 millimeters per year.
Amid several stiff challenges, fresh measures to increase spending, sustain recoveryDespite multiple challenges posing questions about sustained economic recovery in China this year and beyond, economists remain sanguine and aver it would probably be a big mistake to forget the country was the only major economy in the world that posted positive growth last year in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Industry experts aver that the sector badly needs firm policy support.
Industry experts aver that the continuous construction of gas pipelines, including the southern part of the China-Russia East Route, will improve energy security in the Yangtze River Delta region and help diversify natural gas sources.
Fun-filled leisure biz booms in China as foreign, domestic labels vie for big money and market shareTheme parks, several research houses aver, is the next big chapter in China's ongoing consumption upgrade saga, after the surge in outbound tourism flights and a spike in cinema screens.
Without the reform and opening-up that started 40 years ago, the country's large civil aircraft industry, often spearheaded by the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), could never have achieved the current scale, aver industry experts.
Such an approach, they averred, will help consolidate the nation's first-mover advantage in the field.
A cautiously optimistic approach is all that is needed, they aver.