The company announced plans to downsize its workforce by 15% due to financial pressures.
In an effort to cut costs, the department has decided to downsize its office space and encourage remote working.
After the merger, the new entity had to downsize several duplicate departments to streamline operations.
The retail giant is downsizing its physical stores as more customers shift to online shopping.
The organization is downsizing its IT infrastructure to adopt cloud services, which will lead to significant savings.
Due to declining enrollment, the university is downsizing its academic programs and consolidating resources.
The manufacturing plant is downsizing production capacity as demand for their products slows down.
To remain competitive, the airline is downsizing its fleet and focusing on more fuel-efficient aircraft.
The government agency is downsizing its bureaucracy to improve efficiency and responsiveness.
Faced with declining profits, the hotel chain is downsizing its staff and reevaluating its expansion plans.
Tech giant downsizes workforce, focuses on Video Accounts as novel growth pointTencent Holdings Ltd has taken cost-cutting measures such as downsizing its workforce and controlling growth in staff costs in the April-June period, and will explore new sources of revenue by speeding up the commercialization push in its short video platform Video Accounts, the company's top executive said.
It plans to downsize its global refining footprint from 14 plants now to six in the future.
This is the first downsize of the list since 2012.
Hoogewerf said that A shares' nearly 20 percent decline so far this year and the trade tensions between the United States and China were the main reasons for the downsize.
He always tries to downsize the factories to maintain as many jobs as possible, but, if needed, he would have to make rational decisions to cut jobs and close down factories.
"The fund will promote an overhaul of SOEs, pilot mixed ownership programs, encourage mergers and acquisitions, and downsize overstaffed companies," he said.
Shanghai-based Fosun Pharmaceutical Group will downsize its planned acquisition stake in the Indian generic drugmaker Gland Pharma to 74 percent from the previously announced 86 percent, according to a Fosun Pharmaceutical announcement released on Monday.
Growth continued in ensuing years but the company started to downsize its physical network in the second fiscal quarter of 2014, closing 56 stores in three months.
"We need to further downsize the negative list for foreign investment, improve government oversight efficiency, and remove invisible trade and investment barriers while reducing tariffs and subsidies.
For instance, they are expected to increase stress tests in the field of investment and services trade, continue to downsize the negative list for foreign investment in an appropriate manner, increase the openness of the modern services industry, and encourage foreign investment in high-end services sectors.