You can
keep that toy.
That is where HW earns its
Keep this door opened.
I need to
keep my appointments, or else I'll fall behind on work.
keeps a tidy house, always putting things away in their proper place.
keeps a spare key under the doormat for emergencies.
The garden needs regular watering to
keep the plants healthy.
keeps fit by going to the gym every day.
The store
keeps a wide variety of products for customers to choose from.
keeps an open mind when discussing controversial topics.
keeps a journal to document her daily life experiences.
The museum
keeps strict security measures to protect the artifacts.
The teacher
keeps a close eye on the students' progress in class.
As China continues on its path of advancing rural revitalization and boosting the modernization of the countryside, the country will keep cultivating rural industries in a precise and pragmatic manner, bringing about more measures to increase farmers' income and drive rural development, said the annual central rural work conference which was held in Beijing in December.
Yin Ye, CEO and executive chairman of BGI Group, said: "We must keep cutting-edge technologies affordable, accessible, and equitable.
As part of the company's efforts to keep pushing forward research and development, the specialized heat recovery ventilators have filled the domestic gap in the niche sector of livestock farming, Sun said.
Samson Su, marketing manager of Pop Mart Australia and New Zealand, said, "We keep engaging more with consumers in New Zealand this year.
Pop Mart澳大利亚和新西兰的营销经理Samson Su说:“今年我们继续与新西兰的消费者进行更多的接触。
To keep abreast of people’s electricity demands and release information about power supply services in time, the companies actively leverage online service channels such as the People’s Voice WeChat Group and Electricity Safety Guy, as well as visiting households and distributing leaflets on electricity safety, building a solid bridge for communication between themselves and the users, the companies added.
Next, we will keep investing in new digital functionalities and high-quality stores in the Chinese market, and continue to open more stores in top commercial areas or renovate existing ones so they reflect Zara's latest brand image and meet the needs of local consumers," Lukashov said.
Meanwhile, Ma said that as the times and consumer preferences keep changing, long-established brands must adapt to meet the changing needs of consumers.
The total heating area of the project will reach 12.5 million square meters this winter, which will keep about 400,000 people warm, it said.
Robin Li, co-founder and CEO of Baidu, said in an earnings call with investors on Tuesday night that the company has a substantial reserve of artificial intelligence chips, which can help it keep improving Ernie Bot, Baidu's ChatGPT-like large language model, over the next one or two years.
百度联合创始人兼首席执行官李彦宏周二晚在与投资者举行的电话财报会议上表示,该公司拥有大量人工智能芯片储备,可以帮助其在未来一到两年内不断改进百度的类似ChatGPT的大型语言模型Ernie Bot。
"Core businesses are where we will keep our long-term focus, intensively invest resources, pursue R&D and enhance user experience," he said.
The company is trying to keep pace with the high-speed development of China's e-commerce trend by launching e-stores to distribute diverse products, Chen added.
Van Acker said that in order to continue riding the wave of China's medical care development, MSD will make further moves to improve accessibility and affordability by pursuing innovative access solutions and pan-industry partnerships along the patient journey of prevention, diagnosis and treatment, and keep long-term partnerships with customers to improve the quality of academic engagement and create solutions with stakeholders.
Van Acker表示,为了继续搭乘中国医疗保健发展的浪潮,默沙东将在预防、诊断和治疗的患者旅程中,通过寻求创新的获取解决方案和泛行业合作伙伴关系,进一步提高可及性和可负担性,与客户保持长期合作伙伴关系,以提高学术参与的质量,并与利益相关者一起创建解决方案。
Ding, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, also reiterated China’s commitment to keep opening up to the rest of the world.
Volkswagen will increase input in key areas and keep developing its business in China, he said.
Hu Houkun, the rotating chairman of Huawei, said in a live-streamed discussion at Huawei's annual Global Mobile Broadband Forum which kicked off in Dubai, on Tuesday that "Technology is changing so fast, and new demands are evolving every day, so our networks need to keep evolving too.
In the next five to 10 years, we will keep providing more opportunities for Chinese developers to seize new activity (in overseas markets).
In addition to opening more physical stores in top and second-tier cities in the Chinese mainland, Cloosterman said the company will keep introducing products, including body lotion and perfume that are specifically designed for Chinese consumers, in the years ahead.
To stay ahead of the game, we keep upgrading our models to generate more creative responses while improving training throughput and lowering inference costs," said Robin Li, co-founder and CEO of Baidu.
Later on Tuesday, Visual China stated in an official post that they would "keep communicating with the photographer and properly handle the misunderstanding.
"According to PMBU, in the coming two to three years, it plans to keep its first place in the new energy construction vehicle sector, aiming at reaching 40 percent of market share and selling 5 billion units in the domestic market per year.
The consultancy said regional drivers, especially in China, combined with growing consumer willingness to buy "foldables" will help keep shipment growth buoyant.
SOE reforms will be pushed forward on an ongoing basis to keep pace with world-class, industry-leading enterprises, Zhang said.
"We will keep working to materialize the 'Smart Bangladesh' vision and contribute to the digital transformation journey," Pan said.
US-based global medical technology company BD is expected to enhance its robust portfolio and keep bringing innovations to China with around 20 new launches each year over the coming years, said the company's top executive.
Influencers nowadays have no bottom lines and the videos full of innuendo keep emerging on social platforms.
They contributed largely to the cost reduction and massive production of solar and wind power facilities, as well as batteries, which is beneficial to not only China but the rest of the world, and that will keep happening," said Roberto Bocca, head of energy and materials at the World Economic Forum and a member of the WEF executive committee.
世界经济论坛能源和材料主管、世界经济论坛执行委员会成员Roberto Bocca表示:“它们在很大程度上为太阳能、风能设施以及电池的成本降低和大规模生产做出了贡献,这不仅对中国有利,对世界其他地区也有利,而且将继续下去。”。
The deepening passion for wellbeing has encouraged sportswear brands to keep investing.
""In the future, we will keep our promise to the Chinese market, accelerate the process of launching more products that better meet consumer needs, promote industrial revolution and contribute to the Healthy China 2030 initiative," he said.
Young Chinese, besides using digital watches as a tool, tend to buy traditional timepieces to express their emotions and slow the pace of time, even as they keep abreast of the latest technology, the Swiss brand said.
The New York-based company will keep pace with China's rapidly changing retail environment and attract more young shoppers, especially Gen Z consumers, via various brand promotion channels, said Todd Kahn, CEO and president of Coach New York.
Coach New York首席执行官兼总裁Todd Kahn表示,这家总部位于纽约的公司将跟上中国快速变化的零售环境,通过各种品牌推广渠道吸引更多年轻购物者,尤其是Z世代消费者。
The North Asia market will harbor more innovative technologies and products from L'Oreal, and the French cosmetics and beauty giant will keep combining its global research and development experiences with in-depth insight into North Asian consumers to further implement its localization strategy in the region and come up with more targeted products, said Xavier Blin, director of L'Oreal China R&I Development Labs, during a hair health seminar.
Xavier Blin表示,北亚市场将拥有更多来自欧莱雅的创新技术和产品,这家法国化妆品和美容巨头将继续将其全球研发经验与对北亚消费者的深入洞察相结合,以进一步实施其在该地区的本地化战略,并推出更有针对性的产品,欧莱雅中国研发实验室主任。
"We like to go to the second-tier cities in China and to keep exploring more opportunities in China," Dubois said.
"To keep the ambitious rail targets on track, impact drills, excavators and earthmoving vehicles are traveling back and forth on the construction site, with workers busy placing steel bars and pouring concrete," said Tang Pengfei, project manager with CR24.
Safran has strong confidence in China, and will keep investing in China," said Paul in an exclusive interview with Xinhua.
As new energy vehicles gain increasing popularity, all players in the industry need to adapt their product offerings quickly to keep up with the changing market trends.
Amid the trend, Huawei said it will keep investing in domains like connectivity, computing, storage and cloud services to help accelerate the transition.
"Huawei will keep investing in domains like connectivity, computing, storage and cloud," Meng said at Huawei's 20th annual Global Analyst Summit, which ended in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, on Thursday.
China will always keep its door open to global companies, but will not hesitate to punish those profiteering from sabotaging its sovereignty and territorial integrity, he added.
"As the Chinese chemical market accounted for around 40 percent of our total chemical demand last year, with the percentage expected to keep climbing, China has become Clariant's biggest source of revenue so far," Keijzer said.
We will keep investing in the country, especially in the research and development sectors, to achieve faster growth in the Chinese market," he added.
"I am proud of the work I do with Nike and the role the company has played to recruit and keep girls in sport, and I know the momentum will only grow," said Li Na.
Apart from the market, the increasingly complete supply chain in China is another reason for them to keep investing in the Beijing factory.
"We will keep expanding our footprint in China in 2023," said Paul Huang, senior vice president of the LEGO Group and general manager of LEGO China.
“我们将在2023年继续扩大在中国的足迹,”乐高集团高级副总裁兼乐高中国总经理Paul Huang表示。
The plant is more agile than conventional ones, "allowing us to better keep up with fast-paced consumer demand in China," Xu said.
"In 2022, Coca-Cola China joined hands with two bottling partners, COFCO Coca-Cola and Swire Coca-Cola, to keep investing in China in an effort to increase local production capacity and meet the growing demand of consumers in the Chinese market.
Lai Yang, a member of the Expert Committee of the China General Chamber of Commerce, said: "Catering enterprises should keep pace with the times, as the lifestyle of the main consumption group has constantly been changing.
In addition, China will keep enriching the types of financial derivatives and reduce panda bond issuers' exposure to foreign exchange risks.
John Williams, China managing director at International SOS, one of the world's leading names in health and security risk management, said: "During their globalization process, Chinese enterprises should keep in mind the laws and regulations of different countries and regions.
世界领先的健康和安全风险管理公司之一国际SOS中国区董事总经理John Williams表示:“在全球化过程中,中国企业应该牢记不同国家和地区的法律法规。
Rui Ma, an investor and analyst who foundedxa0Tech Buzz China, a podcast and an investor community, told WIRED that Temu is growing at "China speed" — the kind of rapid growth Chinese companies are known for, and that US companies would struggle to keep up with.
播客和投资者社区xa0Tech Buzz China的创始人、投资者兼分析师马睿告诉《连线》,Temu正在以“中国速度”增长——中国公司以这种快速增长而闻名,而美国公司将难以跟上。
"We will keep supporting Nepal's digitalization and sustainable development efforts and building out the industry ecosystem," he said.
"We will advance the upgrades of our core business in the China market, keep investing to boost output and foray more into the new frontiers of energy technologies," he said.
So, CEOs should keep learning, draw useful lessons from other industries or simply talk to more people so they could think "out of the box".
At the same time, the vehicles must be able to keep the crew warm from the extremely cold weather to ensure their safety.
To achieve the dual carbon goals and keep improving production efficiency at the same time, Chinese industries are undergoing a dual transformation toward digitalization and sustainability, which has raised the emerging need for innovative, green and digital solutions, and has brought numerous opportunities for Wilo to further grow in China, Tu noted.
"German companies will keep investing in China.
"In the past five years, China Energy has seen its procurement value keep increasing and the products are covering diversified categories, which has fully reflected the vitality of Chinese economy and China Energy's high quality development," said Wang Shumin, executive vice-president of China Energy.
Wilo Group, a provider of pumps and pump systems headquartered in Germany, saw its China business keep growing in recent years.
"We will keep up with front-end market demand and quickly integrate technological expertise," Wei added.
Despite challenges to industrial chains from the COVID-19 pandemic and external uncertainties, the SOEs, backed by supportive measures, have been ramping up efforts to respond to the government's call to improve livelihoods and keep the economy on a stable growth track, said Hu Chi, a researcher at the SASAC's research center.
In Japan, those who prefer human assistance were more pronounced, while in Singapore, consumers were more inclined to keep communications digital.
"To help China in such aspects, we can leverage our platform and technologies to keep a balance between automation and human assistance so both can play to each other's strengths," he said.
Royal Canin plans to keep investing in advocating responsible pet ownership and science-based pet nutrition to clarify long-existing myths and misconceptions about pets.
Royal Canin计划继续投资倡导负责任的宠物饲养和基于科学的宠物营养,以澄清长期存在的关于宠物的神话和误解。
"ABC will keep strengthening risk prevention and control by optimizing the credit structure and allocating more credit resources to promote rural revitalization, inclusive lending to micro and small businesses, infrastructure construction and green finance.
"About 1 to 1.1 billion square meters in the current stock housing market need to be renewed every year, but the number of new homes still cannot keep up with the speed of natural renewals," he said.
The CCB will continue to stabilize the supply of credit to the real estate sector, better meet the rigid and upgraded demand for housing, and keep stepping up support for government-subsidized rental housing.
Luo said he expects a turnaround in the economy to bolster results going forward and the companies are also likely to accelerate spending in the second half as they seek to keep growing oil and gas output to help safeguard the nation's energy security.
"Moving forward, we will harness trends in digitalization and decarbonization to keep creating value for our customers and partners, and secure quality development.
Since late August, Air Macau said it plans to keep its roundtrip flights connecting Macao to Beijing as well as Hangzhou, Zhejiang province to once daily.
"Moving forward, we will harness trends in digitalization and decarbonization to keep creating value for our customers and partners, and secure quality development. "
""Moving forward, we will harness trends in digitalization and de-carbonization to keep creating value for our customers and partners, and secure quality development," Hu said.
Global eye care and eyewear leader EssilorLuxottica said that with consumption upgrading and the rise in people's living standards, it is confident about the Chinese market and will keep on infusing investment into the country to better address vision care needs.
Despite disruptions to industrial chains due to COVID-19 resurgences and external uncertainties, State-owned construction firms, backed by many supportive measures, have been ramping up efforts in infrastructure this year, answering the nation's call for the sector to improve livelihoods and keep the economy running on a stable growth track.
Great Wall Motors said it will keep its attention on the Indian market and look for new opportunities, adding that operations at its research and development facility in Bangalore are normal.
"We must keep investing in R&D and maintain our vitality," he added.
As many companies with operations in Shanghai accelerate production to deliver orders around the world, German technology and industrial group Siemens said that it will continue its investment in the metropolis and keep introducing digital solutions to businesses in China's Yangtze River Delta region, said a top executive.
China Evergrande's experience suggests real estate developers should keep their debt at a manageable level and avoid blind diversification, as a stable and strength-focused corporate strategy is more reliable, Chen said, adding that, "How to effectively prevent financial risk in real estate means a lot to the financial system of the real estate industry.
Sotheby's will keep reaching out and connecting with clients in the region to understand their needs and bring them the most relevant and top-quality works at their demand," Felix Kwok, head of the department of Asia modern art in Sotheby's Hong Kong, said.
Helping users see immediate effects is what encourages them to keep using our devices," Du said.
"For customers not wanting to keep using their device, we are offering a refund as an option if they purchased an eligible Kindle after Jan 1, 2022.
"If there's a disruption on the ocean freight side, the disruption of the airfreight side will continue because you have to keep in mind a lot of the disruption of the airfreight side comes from the ocean freight side, where people or customers are forced to use airfreight in order to get their products into their markets on time or get their products into the factories for their production.
Technological innovation will be a key force in ensuring sustainable development, Huawei said, adding that it will keep making breakthroughs in products and technologies through continuous investment in R&D and with extensive cooperation with customers, ecosystem partners and industry organizations.
When the figure debuted, the initial value of its growth progress was set at 10 percent, and we hope she can keep growing and enrich herself.
To keep consumers coming back to the stores, about 20 to 30 percent of the merchandise in Metro's membership stores will be replaced with new products every three months, said the company.
It promised to keep a close eye on updated epidemic prevention and control policies and offer the necessary passes for both the drivers and the vehicles needed for the transport.
Swiss specialty chemical company Clariant said its site in Shanghai has received good support from local authorities during a monthlong lockdown in the city while its contingency production plans also helped it keep the impact to a minimum.
"We will keep increasing investments in China, supporting the connectivity between China and the rest of the world.
To keep supply chains running smoothly in the Yangtze River Delta region, China COSCO Shipping Corp, the country's largest shipping group by fleet size and ports-including those in Taicang, Nanjing and Zhangjiagang-have been helping export-oriented companies in Jiangsu province ship containers to ports in Shanghai via waterways.
为了保持长江三角洲地区供应链的平稳运行,中国远洋运输集团公司(China COSCO Shipping Corp)一直在帮助江苏省的出口导向型公司通过水路将集装箱运往上海港口。
"These accomplishments are amongst the many that reflect our commitment to capture the full value of plastic and keep waste out of the environment, and we look forward to celebrating more milestones with our partners to achieve a sustainable future together.
The company said it will keep in touch with China Mobile International USA, pay attention to relevant developments, and take necessary measures to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests.
In a similar vein, repeat purchase rate came in as second, with 21.3 percent saying they keep an eye on customer loyalty.
Their goal is to build a big follower base and keep messaging them," he said.
"China Telecom said it will keep in touch with China Telecom Americas, pay attention to relevant developments, communicate the impact on its related businesses and take necessary measures to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests.
For instance, it has a buckwheat noodle product that targets people who aim to keep fit and lose weight, the company said.
Upgraded public transport will aid passengers and reduce peak-hour traffic congestion, said Zhang Sihai, president of Hisense TransTech, in an earlier interview, adding tapping overseas markets is necessary to keep the company's intelligent traffic business growing.
Archer Daniels Midland Co, a US-based human and animal nutrition company, will keep highlighting female employees' roles across its businesses via DE&I (diversity, equality and inclusion)-themed programs in both China and the Asia-Pacific region in the coming years, said a corporate official.
一位公司官员表示,总部位于美国的人类和动物营养公司Archer Daniels Midland Co将在未来几年通过在中国和亚太地区开展的以DE&I(多样性、平等和包容)为主题的项目,继续强调女性员工在其业务中的作用。
"Decades ago, most countries and regions couldn't keep pace with the incubation speed of small and innovative startups of Silicon Valley in the United States," he said.
Companies still have huge faith in the Chinese market, with 77 percent choosing to keep their investment in China in the previous year.
"Companies still have huge faith in the Chinese market, with 77 percent choosing to keep their investment in China in the previous year.
The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council said on Feb 15 that in January, major economic indicators of China's centrally administered SOEs achieved steady double-digit growth as they have worked actively to keep growth stable and pursue high-quality development.
"Beijing TRT Group, a time-honored Chinese medicine pharmacy, has also opened fusion cafes that offer drinks and healthcare services in Beijing, as it aims to keep pace with the changing times.
“老字号的中药房北京天瑞集团(Beijing TRT Group)也在北京开设了融合咖啡馆,提供饮料和医疗服务,以跟上时代的变化。