
联想记忆sto(stone(石头))+icism(名词后最) → 像石头一样的默默忍受痛苦 →  …………
A man's real life is not in what he gets but in what he gives." - A person's true happiness lies not in material possessions, but in the act of giving.
Nature cannot be fooled; she reveals herself to those who look without bias." - Stoics believe that one must observe nature objectively to understand its laws.
The wise man looks for what is within him, not what happens to him." - A stoic finds strength and resilience within themselves rather than seeking external validation.
It is not events that disturb us, but our opinion of them." - Our emotional response to situations is often more important than the situation itself.
Suffering exists for the benefit of the soul, not the body." - Stoics view adversity as an opportunity for self-improvement.
No man is the master of another; we all serve under the same stars." - Stoics emphasize equality and interconnectedness among individuals.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." - Embrace your authenticity despite societal pressures.
True wisdom consists not in never making mistakes, but in correcting them promptly." - Acceptance of imperfection is key to growth and wisdom.
Pain is the touchstone of virtue." - Stoics believe that adversity can reveal one's true character and virtues.
The universe will always conform to the mind that contemplates it with simplicity and tranquility." - By maintaining a calm and rational mindset, one can better align with the natural order.