
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根deduce的名词 → dedu …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
对比记忆 / 类比记忆 / 形近词记忆
deduction / destruction / deconstruction
deduction n. 减除(额), 推论
destruction n.毁坏,毁灭(的原因)
deconstruction n.解构;拆析
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
deduction n 推论,减法(de+duct+ion)
duct n 管,导管
ductile a 可塑的,可拉长的(duct引导+ile能 --的=能引导的=可塑的) …………
special expense deductions 特别费用扣除
salary deduction 薪金扣减
His deduction is unreasonable.
Eric arrived at the solution by a simple process of deduction.
After deductions,my taxable income is $30,000.
**Deduction** is the process of reasoning from general principles to specific conclusions. **演绎**是从一般原则推断出特定结论的过程。
The detective made a series of logical **deductions** to solve the crime. **侦探**通过一系列逻辑演绎解决了犯罪案件。
Based on the evidence, we can make a reasonable **deduction** about what happened. **根据**证据,我们能对发生的事情作出合理的推断。
Tax **deductions** are reductions in taxable income that lower the amount of tax owed. **税收减免**是减少应纳税所得额,从而降低应缴税款的金额。
His failure to appear led us to the **deduction** that he wasn't interested. **他**未出现使我们推断出他并不感兴趣。
Through careful observation, scientists can make accurate **deductions** about animal behavior. **科学家**通过仔细观察,可以对动物行为作出准确的推断。
The principle of **deduction**, used by philosophers and mathematicians, is fundamental to logical thinking. **演绎法**,被哲学家和数学家所使用,是逻辑思维的基础。
Taking into account her skills and experience, we can safely make a **deduction** about her job performance. **考虑到**她的技能和经验,我们可以有把握地对她的工作表现作出推断。
The accountant applied several tax **deductions** to calculate the final amount payable. **会计**应用了几项税收减免来计算最终应付金额。
From the fact that all ravens observed are black, one might make the **deductive** leap that all ravens are black. **从**观察到的所有乌鸦都是黑色的事实出发,人们可能会作出所有乌鸦都是黑色的演绎推理。
The countries' policies put forward soon after the outbreak of COVID-19, especially in tax deduction and finance, not only supported enterprises but also encouraged them, said Zhou.
During the shopping festival, consumers can receive different types of coupons such as those for 100 or 50 percent off, other discounts and free shipping, which could be used as a deduction when they make orders at JD Daojia's platform.
""To that end, we will offer payment within 13 calendar days, with no interest deduction, for a period of three months," he said.
With the deduction for non-recurring gains and losses, the company's net profits attributable to its shareholders went down 6.78 percent year on year.
Measures such as early tax rebates, increasing deduction ratios for research and development expenses, and lowering costs of electricity, rent and logistics are also advisable.
Participants will be entitled to a contribution deduction of up to 12,000 yuan each year from their annual taxable income.
- A tax relief policy introduced last year has been formalized into a regulation, allowing companies to receive the majority of the annual benefit from a tax deduction of research and development costs at least three months in advance, according to China's State Taxation Administration.
The deduction can be applied in full by one parent or can be split evenly, added the document.
She added that the new tax deduction policy will be well-aligned with the current individual tax breaks in other areas such as expenses related to preschool and compulsory education.
The deduction can be applied in full by one parent or can be split evenly, added the circular.

六级After all worlds, workers have already suffered the worst deduction in wages since the early 18 hundreds.


2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

考研You have all heard it repeated that men of science work by means of induction (归纳法) and deduction, that by the help of these operations, they, in a sort of sense, manage to extract from Nature certain natural laws, and that out of these, by some special skill of their own, they build up their theories.

你们都听说过,科学工作者是靠归纳法工作的(归纳法) 以及推论,在这些操作的帮助下,在某种意义上,他们设法从自然界中提取出某些自然规律,并从中,通过他们自己的一些特殊技能,建立了他们的理论。

