This is not a fire
drill .
这不是救火演习 。
drill is over.
Did you
drill him hard in reading?
drill instructor barked orders at the recruits, making sure they performed the exercises correctly.
She decided to
drill her son on multiplication tables before his math test.
The dentist
drilled a cavity and filled it with a tooth-colored filling.
drilled a well in the desert to access fresh water.
The football team practiced their
drills every day to improve their skills.
The construction workers
drilled holes for the support beams of the new building.
drilled herself to be more punctual after receiving numerous complaints about her tardiness.
The engineer
drilled into the rock to create a tunnel for the subway.
The chef
drilled his sous-chefs on the proper technique for preparing a dish.
The IT department
drilled employees on data security protocols to prevent cyber attacks. (IT部门对员工进行数据安全规程的培训,以防网络攻击。
Earlier this month, the State Grid's power supply company in Laiwu district of Jinan, Shandong province conducted an emergency drill for forest fires, in which it cooperated with the local forestry department to effectively control the fire and ensure the safety of the power system.
The two parties will continue operations to drill the well to the expected depth and verify the extent of the new discovery, in addition to characterizing the conditions of the reservoirs found, it said.
The company has manufactured over 85 percent of the country's gear reducers used in machines that drill pipeline corridors during underground excavations, and more than 80 percent of the gear reducers used in vehicular gates for electronic toll collection.
In 2022, 13 new oil and gas fields projects are expected to come on stream, while it also plans to drill 227 offshore exploration wells and 132 onshore unconventional exploration wells.
Compared with traditional tunnel boring methods like drill and blasting for manual excavation, the use of such giant TBMs could minimize the impact on the surroundings and produce a smooth tunnel wall, helping certain tunnel projects manage unstable geologic conditions.
It also plans to drill 217 exploration wells.
The company, which started to drill in June 2018, has overcome the difficulties posed by ultrahigh-temperature and ultra-high-pressure conditions, said Cai Zhenzhong, head of the company's resource exploration department.
CNPC formally entered into South Sudan's oil sector in 2011 and has assisted in the development of infrastructure required to drill, refine and transport the commodity.
On April 26, the competition in the bidding round ended by awarding six licenses to UAE Crescent and the two Chinese firms to explore and drill for oil and gas in six blocks in eastern and southern Iraq.
"In the past, we needed to drill a hole in the coconut with a knife to drink fresh coconut water, which was laborious and dangerous.
Kerry said, "Now, Ukraine is being used as a lever, to make the argument that you've got to have this energy security, which you do have to have, nobody doubts that, but it's a headlong plunge to say it means we need to drill a lot more and pump a lot more and build out more infrastructure.
It will also introduce 13 new oil and gas fields this year, while it also plans to drill 227 offshore exploration wells and 132 onshore unconventional exploration wells.
Visiting a regular hospital, going through the registration procedures, seeing a doctor face-to-face, and receiving prescribed medicine seemed a natural drill.
Even when I need no more than just a bottle of milk or a hand-wash, I do the to-and-fro 2 km drill.
Not for them online shopping that can sometimes degenerate into a click-tap-cancel-return-refund drill.
It plans to activate 45 drill rigs to drill 100 wells and fracture 55 wells within this year, including 43 new wells, the company said.
As the exploitation of shale oil in Jimsar is speeding up, the massive application of drill rigs and fracturing systems will significantly reduce the shale oil production costs, said Huang.
It's a drill they, as users of mobile payment tools Alipay and WeChat Pay, are familiar with.
In early 2020, while serving as the deputy commander of the PLA's Southern Theater Command, Dong acted as the general director of the Chinese side of the Sea Guardians-2020 joint naval drill between China and Pakistan, according to the PLA Daily, the Chinese military's flagship media outlet.
Liu Weiping, vice-minister of water resources, attended the drill for the Songhua River on Wednesday.