
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
*** 登录后可看 *** → gold n.(黄)金;金色 adj.金的,金制的;金色的
够的… *** 登录后可看 *** → gold n.(黄)金;金色 adj.金的,金制的;金色的
勾的… *** 登录后可看 *** → gold n.(黄)金;金色 adj.金的,金制的;金色的
gi… *** 登录后可看 *** → gold n.(黄)金;金色 adj.金的,金制的;金色的
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
对比记忆 / 类比记忆 / 形近词记忆
gold / glad
gold rush 淘金热
a heart of gold 一颗金子般的心
strike gold 开采金矿
gold standard 金本位制
Gold Coast 黄金海岸
gold medal 金牌
gold reserve 黄金储备
with a heart of gold 有一颗金子般的心
white gold 白金
green mountains and lucid waters are indeed mountains of gold and silver 青山碧水真是金山银山
Mary wore a gold ring.
Tom's word is as good as gold.
Gold is a precious metal that has a lustrous yellow color.
The value of gold tends to hold its worth during economic downturns.
She received a golden watch as an anniversary gift from her husband.
Gold mining is a centuries-old industry, dating back to ancient civilizations.
He had a golden retriever that was his constant companion.
The gold standard once dominated global monetary systems.
Gold bars are commonly used as a form of investment or stored as a hedge against inflation.
A golden ticket refers to a rare opportunity or chance to achieve something exceptional.
Gold embroidery is a luxurious and intricate art form used in traditional clothing and textiles.
In the Olympic Games, a gold medal signifies the highest achievement in a particular sport.
The packaging resonates with vermilion and gilded gold tones, drawing inspiration from the museum murals and mythical beasts -- a toast to the auspicious Year of Dragon.
US beverages firm banks on innovative strategies to enhance core categoriesLarge bottles of Coke, Sprite and Minute Maid are adorned with a floating paper dragon in vibrant red and gold hues at the Coca-Cola China headquarters in Shanghai.
The new factory will be designed and constructed in line with the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) gold standard, and promote green and low-carbon development in the region by using solar energy and local green electricity.
During IFA Berlin 2023, the company's groundbreaking product, the PortaSplit, won the Room Comfort Technology Innovation Gold Award presented by IDG, Europe Digital Group and Asia Digital Group, showing its ongoing pursuit of new technologies and improvements in user-centric solutions.
在2023年柏林国际电子消费品展览会期间,该公司的开创性产品PortaSplit获得了IDG、欧洲数字集团和亚洲数字集团颁发的Room Comfort技术创新金奖,展示了其对新技术的持续追求和对以用户为中心的解决方案的改进。
"The colonoscopy is the gold standard for colorectal cancer screening, and adequate bowel preparation is the foundation of a high-quality colonoscopy.
On the recent fluctuation in gold prices, Cheng said 50 to 60 percent of the company's gold reserves are hedged to avoid hurting its profit margin.
Rising gold prices may bring in higher profit margin.
Using the famous restaurant chain's traditional gold and Chinese palace red color motif, as well as ornate metal, wood, leather, cloth and black brick decor, the dining establishment demonstrates the ingenuity of the time-honored brand.
The collection includes a pendant made of gold and studded with diamonds, created by German court craftsmen in the 1600s — the oldest piece in the collection and also one of the oldest exhibits at the CIIE.
French national treasure "Gold Leaf", which is a leaf from the gold laurel crown French emperor Napoleon I wore during his coronation in 1804, is also part of the collection.
"Each lifelike gold leaf is as light as a feather, its veins as intricate as hair," said Fan Xiaoguang, co-founder of V Muse.
V Muse的联合创始人范晓光说:“每一片栩栩如生的金叶都像羽毛一样轻盈,纹理像头发一样复杂。”。
The product has been certified by the Chinese Xiangqi Association, with Guo Jingjing, the multiple Olympic gold medalist, as chief product experience officer.
The project — "Battery Change Electric Heavy Truck: A case of Low Carbon Transportation in China" — was developed by State Power Investment Corp and won the gold award out of 65 projects in 17 economies.
Tsingtao Brewery, the world's fifth-largest brewery based in Qingdao, Shandong province, snatched a gold award at European Beer Star 2021, one of the most important beer competitions in the world, on Tuesday local time in Munich, Germany.
More than 120 international beer experts awarded 213 beers with gold, silver and bronze during a two-day blind tasting, according to the official European Beer Star website.
Zijin Mining Co, one of China's biggest gold and copper producers, said it would buy Canada's Neo Lithium Corp for 4.94 billion yuan ($737.14 million), as part of its efforts to further expand mining resources abroad.
中国最大的黄金和铜生产商之一紫金矿业表示,将以49.4亿元人民币(73.71亿美元)的价格收购加拿大Neo Lithium公司,这是其进一步扩大海外采矿资源努力的一部分。
An analyst said Zijin Mining has been acquiring offshore assets to boost its output and diversify from gold operations in recent years, and its acquisition of lithium shows the company's move to new energy materials in order to benefit from the strong growth of electric vehicles.
"As one of China's largest gold producers, it has bought gold mines to lift its gold output, and also diversified from gold to be the largest mined-copper and mined-zinc producer in China now," said Zhu Yi, senior analyst of metals and mining at Bloomberg Intelligence.
“作为中国最大的黄金生产商之一,它购买了金矿以提高黄金产量,并从黄金业务多元化发展,目前已成为中国最大的铜矿和锌矿开采商,”Bloomberg Intelligence的金属和矿业高级分析师Zhu Yi表示。
"The company will continue to focus on M&A opportunities and commissioning new capacity to drive up its production volume of gold and copper, according to its five-year plan ending 2025 that was announced in January," Zhu said.
Gold business accounted for 61 percent of Zijin's 2020 revenue, followed by copper at 19 percent, Zhu said.
Founded in 2000, Zijin explores and mines gold and other nonferrous materials such as zinc and lead.
It is also a "green" Ronald McDonald House, for the facility has been granted LEED Gold certification.
它还是一座“绿色”麦当劳之家, 因为该设施已获得LEED金牌认证。
In Guyana, PowerChina has signed a contract with Zijin Mining, one of China's biggest gold and copper producers, to jointly develop the Guyana gold fields.
The Buritica gold mine project in Colombia has laid a solid foundation for its future mining projects in Latin America, the company said.
PowerChina has signed three agreements to set up a water factory, a hospital and a gold mine-related facility in Colombia in 2020.
Zijin's quest for metal resources creates big value for several sellers overseasZijin Mining Co, one of China's biggest gold and copper producers, said it would further expand mining resources abroad, with several of its large mining projects scheduled to begin operations this year.
With certified reserves of about 44.7 million metric tons of ore with high copper content and associated gold and silver, the Cukaru Peki Upper Zone project will produce 200,000 tons of copper annually, it said.
它说,Cukaru Peki 上层区域项目拥有约4470万吨高铜含量及伴生金和银的已认证储量,预计每年将生产20万吨铜。
The company's business abroad is starting to grow, with its gold and copper reserves overseas exceeding those in the domestic market.
Gold production overseas has also surpassed that in China, it said.
Overseas gold production accounted for 58 percent of Zijin Mining's gold production by the end of last year.
This is part of the company's efforts to expand through acquisitions in countries rich in resources like large mines of gold and copper.
With the goal of boosting its gold and copper reserves, Zijin acquired stakes in two overseas mines and one domestic one in 2020.
These are the Buriticá Gold Mine in Colombia, the Aurora mine in Guyana, and the Julong Copper Mine in Tibet.
The three stakes cost nearly $2 billion, bringing the company's total gold and copper reserves to 2,300 tons and 62 million tons respectively, it said.
The Belt and Road Initiative has been facilitating Chinese gold miners' overseas expansion for gold assets to meet demand from home.
Under the circumstances, analysts believe Chinese gold companies will likely step up further tapping markets abroad as many undervalued mines present a good buying opportunity.
"Zijin Mining has been acquiring overseas assets to boost its output and diversify from the gold operations.
As one of China's largest gold producer, it has bought gold mines to lift its gold output, and also diversified from gold to be the largest mined-copper and mined-zinc producer in China now," said Zhu Yi, senior analyst of metals and mining at Bloomberg Intelligence.
"The company will continue to focus on M&A opportunities and commissioning new capacity to drive up its production volume of gold and copper, according to its five-year plan ending 2025 announced in January.
Gold business accounted for 61 percent of its 2020 revenue, followed by copper at 19 percent.
According to the company's 2030 development plan, it aims to produce 67 to 72 tons of gold, 80 to 85 tons of copper, 47 to 50 tons of lead, 290 to 330 tons of iron ore concentrate and 240 to 300 tons of silver in 2022.
The rising prices of gold and copper not only benefited the company's performance last year but also focused the capital market's attention on the mining companies, it said.
High gold prices could also continue to find support this year from the safe-haven appeal due to geopolitical tensions amid a low-to-negative interest-rate environment and expanding global money supply.
The World Gold Council estimated that gold investment continues to be well supported by the interest rate environment this year, although uncertainties still exist due to the lingering COVID-19 pandemic.
With the economic recovery highly likely to continue and stimulation of consumer markets being a priority for policymakers, the industry body expects gold demand in China to further revive this year.
Owing to the lingering portfolio risks and potential inflation resulting from measures to counter the COVID-19 impact, there is potential for higher demand for the yellow metal across the world, especially in emerging markets such as China, said the World Gold Council in a news release in February.
The China Gold Association also said gold purchases have gradually recovered, due to the country's effective COVID-19 epidemic controls and economic recovery, after the country witnessed a 48.2 percent slump in the first quarter of 2020.
Demand for gold bars and coins rose by 50.91 percent year-on-year during the second half of last year, as a looser monetary policy and more volatile gold prices increased private investor interest in the yellow metal.
Zhu said companies like Zijin Mining are also expected to increase gold output this year.
While gold is Zijin's main source of revenue, the company is into copper and zinc in a big way, ranking among the top producers of the two metals.
Zijin's gold business contributed nearly 70 percent to its revenue last year.
Zijin's gold price increased by 22.97 percent to 365 yuan a ton from 2019 as investors hedged against risks heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the company's gold output picked up 4.58 percent year-on-year to 315 tons.
In October, he received the Shanghai Magnolia Gold Award, which recognizes foreigners who have made outstanding contributions to the social and economic development of the city.
Other investors include Citic Securities, Hillhouse Capital, BOC International, Gold Stone Investment and Sino-Ocean Capital.
"The Fonterra chef team will cook some fancy, tasty, fun and innovative applications that fuse New Zealand dairy and Chinese cuisine," Washer said, adding some new debuts included cheese walnut pastries and black gold cheese pastries.
Shandong Gold Mining Co Ltd, a major gold producer in China, reported a 25.91 percent growth in net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company in 2019.
The growth resulted mainly from the rise in price and sales volume of gold.
The company, one of the largest gold producers in China, said its gold output is expected to be no less than 39.586 tons in 2020.
Wang Peijun, chairman of the committee of the radiology branch under the Shanghai Medical Association, said even though computerized tomography imaging offers valuable guidance for COVID-19 detection, the nucleic acid test is still a gold standard for confirmed cases, as CT image shadows could be caused by other lung diseases.
Zijin steps up overseas shopping for mineral resources to boost production, profitZijin Mining Group Co Ltd, a Fujian province-based miner of metal ores and the country's largest gold producer, has been stepping up efforts in recent years to make acquisitions overseas to meet surging demand in the global market.
Formed in 1993, Zijin Mining specializes in the exploration and development of gold, copper, zinc and other mineral resources.
Canada's Continental Gold Inc said in a statement on Dec 2 that Zijin Mining is planning to acquire all of its outstanding shares at 5.5 Canadian dollars ($4.2) per share for about 1.4 billion Canadian dollars.
"Our successful overseas acquisitions will increase the reserves and production of copper, gold and zinc significantly.
According to Zijin Mining, in the first half of 2019, its output of mined copper and gold surged.
Gold output alone reached 11.2 metric tons, or nearly 59 percent of the total output.
Overseas gold production grew 37 percent year-on-year.
The first one it acquired was Australia-based Norton Gold Fields Ltd.
In Aug 2012, Zijin Mining's wholly owned overseas subsidiary acquired an 89.15-percent stake in Norton Gold Fields, becoming the first Chinese enterprise to successfully buy out a major gold mine overseas.
In June 2015, Zijin Mining bought out the residual stake, thus making Norton Gold Fields its 100-percent subsidiary.
In later years, its mergers and acquisitions overseas included the Taldybulak Levoberezhny gold mine in Kyrgyzstan, the Porgera gold mine in New Guinea, the Kamoa-Kakula copper mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Rio Blanco copper mine in Peru.
Nescafe's gold drip coffee series have launched two products in the emerging market segment.
Its total copper and gold production jumped 27 percent and 56 percent to 192,510 tons and 70,120 ounces, respectively, in the third quarter this year.
Founded in 1959, Jinchuan Group boasts an annual production capacity of 200,000 tons of nickel, 1 million tons of copper, 10,000 tons of cobalt, 3.5 tons of platinum group metals, 30 tons of gold, 600 tons of silver, 200 tons of selenium and 5.6 million tons of chemical products.
More aggressive efforts to expand in the overseas market and industrial upgrading have become the gold standard for enterprises in Zhejiang, a major hub for private economy and foreign trade in East China, to offset the impact of the trade dispute between China and the United States.
Zhao and many other entrepreneurs struck gold.
It covers a group of assets, including stock indexes of developed countries, treasury bonds, and commodities, such as crude oil and gold.
Miner opens foreign office in Toronto, looks for sustainable and long-lasting resource reserveAfter a multiyear survival mode, gold companies are finally enjoying a growth cycle in the market.
Shandong Gold Group has embraced the opportunity and is boosting its development by setting up an office in Toronto, dubbed the world's mining capital.
Ranking first in China and 12th in the world by reaching an annual gold output of 47.75 metric tons, the company has made remarkable strides toward the strategic objective of "a world top 10 mining enterprise" set out in its 13th Five-Year Plan.
However, according to Chen Yumin, chairman of Shandong Gold Group, the gold reserve is limited compared to other parts of the world, so they have to look more at the global level to build a sustainable and long-lasting resource reserve.
"When we are looking for gold, its resources are distributed in many parts of the world, and we have come into contact and worked with many major global mining companies," said Chen.
"The company reached a partnership with Barrick Gold Corporation in 2017 in operating Veladero-the largest gold mine in Argentina-followed by an initial public offering in Hong Kong in 2018.
"Our partnership with Shandong Gold in Argentina is transforming relationships at the local, national and international levels," said Rob Krcmarov, executive vice-president of Barrick.
Shandong Gold's presence in Toronto will help foster new relationships and better understanding of Chinese investors by Western investors and operators.
According to him, after years of cost reductions and lower capital expenditures, gold production continued to decline.
New discoveries are not being made, and reserves are not being replenished, so gold companies will need to be creative in finding ways to continue to grow strongly and make profits over the coming years.
Companies like Shandong Gold have shown the vision to become the leading gold company in China and an emerging leader globally," Tory said.
For instance, the park and the resort are decked out in festive decor to create an enchanting atmosphere, complete with vibrant Mickey lanterns, Chinese couplets, floral garlands, shades of red and gold, and auspicious melodies.
China National Gold Group (CNGG), the country's leading gold producer, posted stable growth in gold output and sales during the first half of the year.
The company saw its gold output hit 19.5 tons in the first half, while sales reached 12.61 tons.
A number of external factors such as global economic uncertainties will lead to rising risk aversion among investors, causing global gold prices to continue fluctuating during the second half, Song said.
China's gold reserves amounted to 61.94 million ounces last month, up 330,000 ounces from a month earlier.
As early as in 1915, a brandy product of Changyu won a gold medal at the Panama-Pacific International Expo in San Francisco.
Ma Shicong, a new media analyst at consultancy Analysys, said Southeast Asia is a gold mine for Chinese short video apps, thanks to a massive number of local young people who are eager to exploit the era of mobile internet.
"We don't see a trend of people buying traditional gold jewelry for occasions like weddings.
In some countries, where consumers are a little bit more mature, they stick to silver and gold.
Many Chinese customers prefer jewelry containing both gold and silver, which is an interesting distinction, she said.
This will boost consumer confidence while improving competitiveness globally," said Leng Youbin, chairman of Feihe International Inc. On May 24 2018, Feihe won the gold prize for the fourth consecutive year at the Monde Selection held in Valencia, Spain.
Zhang Yansen, the group's chairman, said construction work of the project's first phase had been completed and it will be operational in Gold Coast City, Queensland, next week.
Shanxi Gangke Carbon Material, a subsidiary of TISCO, was set up to conduct research and development on high-end carbon fiber, an extremely strong, light in weight and corrosion resistant material that is usually called "black gold".

高考At the Beijing Olympic she swept away any doubts about her ability to perform consistently by becoming the first Jamaican woman ever to win the 100 metres Olympic gold.


2016年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

四级Everything about the look and feel of a wallet—the way the fastenings and materials wear and tear and loosen with age, the plastic and paper and gold and silver, and handwritten phone numbers and printed cinema tickets—is the very opposite of what our world is becoming.



四级Everything about the look and feel of a wallet—the way the fastenings and materials wear and tear and loosen with age, the plastic and paper and gold and silver, and handwritten phone numbers and printed cinema tickets—is the very opposite of what our wor


2015年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C

高考But soon, the gold that Dawson depended on had all been found.


2018年高考英语全国卷3 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

考研The apartments in the elegant towers mies built on Chicago's Lake Shore Drive, for example, were smaller-two-bedroom units under 1, 000 square feet-than those in their older neighbors along the city's Gold Coast.


2011年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级The materials from e-waste include iron, copper gold, silver, and aluminum—materials that could be reused, resold, salvaged, or recycled.


2019年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

高考A Swiss study reported that while the weight of electronic goods represented by precious metals was relatively small in comParison to total waste, the concentration of gold and other precious metals was higher in so-called e-waste than in nature.


2015年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

六级A man who had recently reconciled with his brother told Gold there's something that lets older people to put aside bad deeds of the past and focus a little on what we need now, especially when it's sisters and brothers.



高考The gold medal will be awarded to whoever wins the first place in the bicycle race.


2018年高考英语天津卷 单项填空 原文

高考Inside was a beautiful gold necklace with a large grey pearl.


2015年高考英语上海卷 语法填空 A 原文

高考In the southern United States, pieces of corn bread represent blocks of gold for prosperity in the new year.


2015年高考英语安徽卷 阅读理解 阅读E 原文

六级What did the man who had recently reconciled with his brother tell Debra Gold about older people



六级In a study of older people with sisters and brothers, psychologist Debra Gold of the Duke Center for the study of aging and human development found that about 20% said they were hostile or indifferent to ward their sisters and brothers.

杜克大学衰老与人类发展研究中心的心理学家黛布拉·戈尔德(Debra Gold)在一项针对有兄弟姐妹的老年人的研究中发现,约20%的人表示他们对兄弟姐妹怀有敌意或漠不关心。


六级Gold found that as people age, they often become more involved with and interested in their sisters and brothers.



高考But gold was discovered there in 1897, and two years later, it was one of the largest cities in the west, with a population of 30, 000.


2018年高考英语全国卷3 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

六级The gold standard study by Harvard and Columbia University scholars found that even in high-poverty schools, teachers consistently had a huge positive or negative impact.



高考Truly elegant chopsticks might be made of gold and silver with Chinese characters.


2016年高考英语全国卷3 语法填空 原文

高考The city was crowded with disappointed people with no interest in settling down, and when they heard there were new gold discoveries in alaska, they left dawson city as quickly as they had come.


2018年高考英语全国卷3 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

六级Clothes and other items that need to be tried on such as diamond rings and gold necklaces are generally not suited to virtual retailing, and, of course, items with a low value- to-weight ratio.


2015年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C

高考Electronic devices contain valuable metals such as gold and silver.


2015年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

高考When the war was near, Alia was worried that the fires of war would destroy the books, which are more precious to her than mountain of gold.


2017年高考英语浙江卷(6月) 完形填空 原文

高考Of the first 20, 000 people who dug for gold, 4, 000 got rich.


2018年高考英语全国卷3 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

高考The night she won olympic gold in Beijing, the routine murders in Waterhouse and the drug wars in the neighbouring streets stopped.


2016年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

高考They have to do it just like nasa engineers, " says florence gold, a project manager.


2019年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

四级Appropriately, the symbol of victory in the Olympic games is no longer a simple olive wreath—it is a gold medal.



四级During the marriage ceremony, the bride and her would-be husband usually exchange gold rings that represent the idea that their union will continue forever.



四级Everything about the look and feel of a wallet-the way the fastenings and materials wear and tear and loosen with age, the plastic and paper and gold and silver, and handwritten phone numbers and printed cinema tickets-is the very opposite of what our world is becoming.



四级Our class was studying the Gold Rush, something all California fourth-graders learned.



四级Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area, I had always known that “San Francisco” translated to “Gold Mountain” in Chinese.



四级The name had stuck ever since Chinese immigrants arrived on the shores of Northern California in the 1850s, eager to try their luck in the gold mines.



考研“I struck gold,” says Redmon, who E-mailed his resume to the employer and won a position as in-house counsel for a company.



考研In Manhattan, “there’s a new gold rush happening in the $4 million to $10 million range, predominantly fed by Wall Street bonuses,” says broker Barbara Corcoran.

经纪人Barbara Corcoran表示,在曼哈顿,“400万至1000万美元的新一轮淘金热正在发生,主要由华尔街的奖金推动”。

