
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根un 打开,解开,弄出 + fo …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
对比记忆 / 类比记忆 / 形近词记忆
unfold / open
unfold → 主要指把原来包好、卷好或叠好的东西再打开。
open → 普通用词,指把原来关起来或盖紧的东西打开。
unfold one's plan 披露某人的计划
unfold one's arms 张开某人的双臂
unfold a map 展开一张地图
fold the clothes 叠衣服
how event unfold 事件如何发展
unfold the paper 展开纸张
to unfold the paper 展开纸张
He unfolded his story to us.
She unfolds a map and shows us where she lives.
The pandemic continue to unfold across the world.
Sentence: I unfolded the map to find our way.
Translation: 我摊开地图来寻找我们的路线。
Sentence: She slowly unfolded her story, revealing details bit by bit.
Translation: 她慢慢地讲述她的故事,一点一点地透露细节。
Sentence: The flower unfolded its petals in the warmth of the sun.
Translation: 花朵在阳光的温暖下展开了花瓣。
Sentence: The baby unfolded his tiny fists and reached for the toy.
Translation: 婴儿松开了他的小拳头,伸手去拿玩具。
Sentence: He unfolded the newspaper and began reading the headlines.
Translation: 他展开报纸,开始阅读头条新闻。
Sentence: The mystery was finally unfolded when the truth came to light.
Translation: 当真相大白时,这个谜团终于揭晓了。
Sentence: The sofa bed unfolds to provide an extra sleeping space.
Translation: 沙发床可以展开,提供额外的睡眠空间。
Sentence: The plan was carefully unfolded during the meeting.
Translation: 计划在会议中被仔细地阐述。
Sentence: The scientist unfolded a new theory about the origin of the universe.
Translation: 这位科学家提出了一种关于宇宙起源的新理论。
Sentence: The politician unfolded his election campaign strategy.
Translation: 政治家展开了他的选举竞选策略。
It will unfold by building up a presence across relatively affluent first-tier cities like Beijing and Shanghai before penetrating second or third-tier cities at the right time.
This is even more true in these first few months of 2022, seeing a tragic conflict unfold in Europe – building consensus between China and the world on development and cooperation is crucial.
The strategy would unfold by building up presence across relatively affluent first-tier cities like Beijing and Shanghai before penetrating into tier-two cities.
"As China's electric car revolution continues to unfold, BHP is excited to be supporting ADC's cutting edge research into this mega-trend," said Huw McKay, BHP's vice-president for market analysis and economics.
“随着中国电动车革命的持续发展,BHP很兴奋能支持ADC在这一重大趋势方面的前沿研究,”BHP市场分析与经济部副总裁Huw McKay表示。
"As we consider the vision of making real-time engagement ubiquitous and see how our real-time technologies are beginning to allow offline activities to unfold in an online world, we will continue to work step by step," said Zhao on Friday.
Deborah Dunsire, president and CEO of multinational pharmaceutical company Lundbeck A/S, expects more business opportunities to unfold rapidly in China, the second-largest market for the company.
China's exports accounted for more than 15 percent of the global total in 2021, but a falling trend emerged since the second half of 2022 and continues to unfold.
David Chao, global market strategist for Invesco Asia-Pacific, excluding Japan, said China's consumption rebound will further unfold in a steady manner going forward as consumers gradually spend the large amount of deposits they accumulated during the pandemic, leading the way for China's economic recovery.
"A cyclical economic recovery in China is starting to unfold," said Hong Hao, chief economist at Grow Investment Group.
These positive signs have persuaded a growing number of international investment banks and asset managers to the view that a substantial economic rebound will unfold in China.

四级In the 1920s, Swiss psychologist Jean piaget proposed that children's cognitive abilities unfold naturally,like the blooming of a flower, almost independent of what else is happening in their lives.

20世纪20年代,瑞士心理学家让·皮亚杰(Jean piaget)提出,儿童的认知能力自然展开,就像花朵盛开一样,几乎与他们生活中发生的其他事情无关。

2015年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section A

考研A few generative rules are then sufficient to unfold the entire fundamental structure of a language, which is why children can learn it so quickly.



四级"It was luckily in good shape," says Kapsalis, "and we just have to do some minor things in order to be able to unfold it.


