implication in the crime was obvious to all.
It has strong
implications for Chinese politics and economy in years ahead.
She smiled, with the
implication that she didn't believe me.
If it rains, then the picnic will be canceled.
如果下雨,那么野餐就会被取消。) - This is an example of a simple
implication where the antecedent (rain) implies the consequent (picnic cancellation).
Her honesty implies that she is trustworthy.
她的诚实暗示她是值得信赖的。) - Here, the act of being honest implies a positive trait (trustworthiness).
Your absence implies consent to the terms we discussed.
你的缺席意味着你同意我们讨论的条款。) - This implies a lack of explicit disagreement by not being present.
If he wins the election, it will imply a significant change in policy.
如果他赢得选举,将意味着政策的重大改变。) - The victory implies a future course of action.
A delay in the project implies potential problems.
项目延期暗示可能存在问题。) - A negative outcome (delay) implies a possible negative situation.
Not wearing a seatbelt implies a lack of concern for safety.
不系安全带意味着对安全的忽视。) - This is a common
implication drawn from the absence of a safety measure.
Her silence implies acquiescence.
她的沉默意味着默认。) - She didn't say anything, so it's inferred that she agrees.
The new policy implies a shift in company priorities.
新政策暗示公司优先级的转变。) - The introduction of a new policy suggests a change in focus.
Being punctual implies respect for others' time.
准时到达意味着尊重他人的时间。) - Regular punctuality communicates consideration for others.
The absence of complaints implies customer satisfaction.
没有投诉意味着客户满意。) - If there are no issues reported, it's assumed that customers are content with the service.
"The deal has a very positive implication in terms of diversifying and safeguarding energy sources through overseas equity investments," said Wu Libo, deputy director at the Center for Energy Economics and Strategy Studies of Fudan University in Shanghai.
China resolutely opposes countries having diplomatic relations with the Taiwan region in conducting official contact or exchanges in any form, including negotiation and signing of any agreement with sovereignty implication and of official nature, the ministry said.
The cuts will help cement the faltering housing market recovery, ease financing costs and debt burdens of the real economy, and boost investor sentiment in the capital market, said experts, who also highlighted the more important implication of the cuts being that it should be the start of a new round of policy support.
The key investment implication of this is that, over time the investment universe for Chinese fixed income is expected to become more strongly geared toward decarbonization objectives.
Market confidence recovered on the rate cut not only because of its inherent effects but due to its implication that policymakers have made concrete headway in rolling out new measures to shore up an economy, which is recovering from a recent COVID-19 surge, experts said.
The implication was clear: China was aiming to be among the global leaders in pioneering digital currency as legal tender.
One implication of this could be the ratio of the debt service burden of the private sector's stock debt to new loans will bottom out.