
n.正规 (正常, 标准, 规格, 规范, 归一)化,(热处理)清除内应力, 正火处理,规度化
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根normal 正常的 + ization …化 →  …………
词根记忆normalize vt.使正常化;使规格化,使标准化 + tion 名词后缀 → normalizatio …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
normalization with neighbors 与邻居归一化
normalization of diplomatic relations 外交关系正常化
normalization of economic relations 经济关系正常化
China-us relations should be moving towards normalization.
The written use of Chinese should be normalized.
Normalization is a crucial step in data preprocessing to ensure fair comparisons between different datasets.
In image processing, normalization is used to adjust pixel values to a standard range, typically between 0 and 1." (在图像处理中,标准化用于将像素值调整到标准范围内,通常为0到1。
The normalization of test scores helps to account for differences in difficulty across various exams.
Social normalization plays a significant role in shaping people's behavior and attitudes towards certain practices.
In database design, normalization aims to eliminate redundancy and improve data integrity.
Normalization in psychology refers to the process where individuals conform to societal norms and expectations.
In linguistics, normalization involves standardizing spelling, pronunciation, or grammar within a language community.
Audio normalization can be used to adjust the volume level of a track to a consistent level across all songs in a playlist.
Normalization in machine learning helps to ensure that features with different scales don't dominate the training process.
The normalization of diplomatic relations between two countries signifies a significant improvement in their political ties.
Despite the progress made in healthcare IT over the past decade, hospitals and health systems continue to struggle with the collection, normalization, analysis and application of data to make timely clinical and business decisions, according to the company.
Martin Lau, president of Tencent, said during an earnings call with investors that the regulatory environment in China is progressing from rectification to normalization, which should "bode well for the industry over time".
腾讯总裁Martin Lau在与投资者举行的电话财报会议上表示,中国的监管环境正在从整顿走向正常化,这“对行业来说是个好兆头”。
He added that despite the progress made in healthcare IT over the past decade, hospitals and health systems continue to struggle with the collection, normalization, analysis and application of data to make timely clinical and business decisions.
As for pandemic-related effects, Zhou said the rapid increase of capacity may lead to an oversupply after the normalization of the shipping market, and may pose challenges to shipping costs.
The initiative aims to guide students to form good health habits under the normalization of the pandemic, encouraging them to stay healthy while studying in the new semester.
Since the normalization of China-Japan relations 45 years ago, economic and trade cooperation between the two countries has developed greatly, said Zhang Wei, vice president of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT).
Okonjo-Iweala agreed with other panelists that the world is "moving towards normalization", but at the same time, conditions are "not normal", and she pointed to disruptions at two major canals: The Red Sea crisis is impacting the Suez Canal, while climate change-induced drought is affecting the Panama Canal.
"Prospects for economies in Asia and the Pacific are brighter, and they are poised for a strong recovery as we return to normalization following the pandemic," ADB Chief Economist Albert Park said.
Although the country's monthly macro data for April and May showed that key indicators had slowed, the broader picture of a growth recovery driven by the normalization of consumer spending looks intact.
Although the country's monthly macro data releases for April and May slowed, the broader picture of a growth recovery driven by a normalization of consumer spending looks intact.