We kiss each other on the face as a
token of our friendship.
He gives me a ¥100 book
他给了我一张价值 100元的购书券。
The company has only made a
token attempt towards helping the laid-off workers.
I need to generate an authentication
token to access the API.
token is a unique identifier for each user in the system.
Please enter the verification
token sent to your email.
She used a security
token to encrypt her sensitive data.
token economy is a behavioral modification system.
In blockchain,
tokens represent various assets or utilities.
token expired, so you'll need to log in again.
We issued a refund in the form of digital
The cryptocurrency wallet stores and manages your
The conference attendees were given
tokens as souvenirs.
The art piece, titled Ocean Front, is a non-fungible token or NFT created by Beeple, better known as Mike Winkelmann, a pioneering artist in the sphere of NFT artworks.
这幅名为“Ocean Front”的艺术作品是由Beeple,即Mike Winkelmann创作的非同质化代币(NFT)。Beeple是NFT艺术领域的先驱艺术家。
British Steel was founded in 2016 after private equity company Greybull Capital purchased it for a token 1 pound from India's Tata Steel.
Just recently he has launched the historic first Non Fungible Token (NFT) auction of a luxury watch together with Swiss cybersecurity company WISeKey.
Usually, hospitals are crowded and sometimes, getting a token to join the line is not possible.
While the giving of diamond jewelry as a token of love and commitment continues to constitute the majority of purchases, it's encouraging to see these additional sources of demand emerge, according to De Beers Chief Executive Officer Bruce Cleaver.
Besides, 40 percent of female consumers said they buy flowers as a token of love to their mothers, sending demand for high-end varieties like tulips up by 1.3 times from a year ago.
A token is an instance of a sequence of characters in some particular document that are grouped together as a useful semantic unit for processing.
As noted in the Facebook post, Xiaomi offered masks as a token of gratitude for letting the company settle in the Italian market, and felt "loved and deeply integrated into the life of the country" since it arrived two years ago.
With the scrapping of ownership caps for foreign institutions for securities, futures and funds, many global financial institutions expanded their footprints in China, a token of their faith in the country's continued financial opening.
China's digital currency, or e-CNY, was the most issued and actively transacted token in the $22 million pilot that used central bank digital currencies to settle cross-border trades, a Bank of International Settlement report showed, according to a Reuters' story on Oct 27.
Like a token, the upcoming CBDC could be put into electronic wallets, supporting direct and peer-to-peer transactions.
Global investors called 2017 "the year of the token".
Chinese financial regulators never stopped clamping down on token-backed capital raising activities, such as ICOs, and security token offerings or STOs.
Wang has raised money for Loopring by creating and selling their own ERC20 Token called LRC, LRN, and LRQ through an ICO and private sales.
The new IMO model involves companies selling mining hardware to generate a particular cryptocurrency or token that can be rewarded to contributors.
The IMOs originated in China, under which companies sell mining hardware to generate a particular cryptocurrency or token that can be rewarded to contributors.
The first token sale occurred in 2013, when Mastercoin sold its own digital tokens and raised 5,000 bitcoins, the most popular cryptocurrency.