He was dismissed for being late.
Let us dismiss and return in an hour.
Don't dismiss that possibility entirely.
The meeting has been dismissed early due to unforeseen circumstances.
The teacher dismissed the students for their break.
She dismissed his concerns without giving them proper consideration.
The employee was promptly dismissed from their position for misconduct.
The judge dismissed the case as lacking sufficient evidence.
Please dismiss the troops; there's no longer a threat.
The doctor dismissed her complaints as mere anxiety.
He dismissed the idea of going on vacation, saying he had too much work to do.
Her suggestion was so absurd that it was immediately dismissed by the team.
The boss dismissed the meeting, asking everyone to send their thoughts in an email instead.
"The two companies will each globally dismiss their complaints against the other party and end all lawsuits between them," a Micron spokeswoman said.
In line with Party regulations and laws, a decision has been made to expel him from the Party and dismiss him from public office, confiscate his illicit gains, and hand over his case for judicial proceedings.
Both companies agreed to dismiss the case following the signing of the agreement, which demonstrates the value of both companies' patent portfolios.
Top envoy to US dismisses gloomy views which hype threat from BeijingSome analysts and economists in the United States have said in recent months that China's growth engine is sputtering, with likely adverse consequences for global development.
However, the US' deliberate low-key statement cannot hide and dismiss the problems existing in its current trade policy, nor can it avoid the questions and accusations of other members.
"Their preference for traditional services should be respected, and we should not simply dismiss their reluctance to embrace new technologies.
The comments came after a Micron spokeswoman said in a statement that "the two companies will each globally dismiss their complaints against the other party and end all lawsuits between them".
Some may dismiss such attention to detail as a mere pandering to Western tastes and argue that it is unnecessary.
I used to dismiss acupuncture as an old-fashioned pseudoscience.
Nissan said on Wednesday that it is sending out notices to shareholders asking them to dismiss Ghosn as a director at an April 8 shareholders' meeting.
That has led many advocates of Brexit to dismiss warnings as a "Project Fear" campaign that a no-deal scenario could cause severe disruptions to food and medical supplies, transportation and manufacturing.
The People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, is expected to conduct open market operations using instruments such as the medium-term lending facility to dismiss market concerns about short-term illiquidity, Fitch Bohua added.
CHINA DAILYFluctuations due to changes in the external environment, says expertMarket fluctuations will not prevent the renminbi from becoming more free-floating, especially as major economic indicators point to it having strong foundations which will dismiss depreciation speculation in the second half this year, said a leading financial expert.
Currency regulator dismisses reports on slowing US treasury purchasesChina is diversifying its foreign exchange reserves in order to safeguard their value, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, the country's currency regulator, said on Thursday, dismissing media reports that it was halting or reducing its purchases of United States debt.