
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
*** 登录后可看 *** → sample n.样本 ,样品 vt.抽样(调查);体验
“样… *** 登录后可看 *** → sample n.样本 ,样品 vt.抽样(调查);体验
简单… *** 登录后可看 *** → sample n.样本 ,样品 vt.抽样(调查);体验
sa… *** 登录后可看 *** → sample n.样本 ,样品 vt.抽样(调查);体验
s(… *** 登录后可看 *** → sample n.样本 ,样品 vt.抽样(调查);体验
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
example / symbol / sample / simple
举个例子(example)来说,用 符号(symbol)记录样本(sample )简单(simple)多了
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
sample n 样品,标本(s[=se分开]+ample=分开拿出=标本)
exempt v 免除,豁免(ex出+empt拿=拿出=豁免)
exemption n 免除,豁免(ex …………
sample preparation 样品制备
sample data 样本数据
sample size 样本量
standard sample 标准样品
sample survey 抽样调查
blood sample 血液样本
sample solution 样品溶液
blood sample 血液样本
tissue sample 组织样本
sample survey 抽样调查
soil sample 土壤样品
preservation and transportation of samples 样品的保存和运输
drug sample 药物样品
random sample 随机抽样
size of sample 样品的大小
soil samples 土壤样品
sample analysis 样品分析
They have sent his blood sample to the lab.
It is a good chance to sample the local food.
I'll take a sample of this product for further analysis.
Could you provide me with a sample of your writing?" - 你能给我提供一份你的写作样本吗?
The doctor recommended I do a blood sample test.
We need to study a random sample of the population to understand their needs.
The music streaming service offers a free trial sample before subscription.
She gave me a small sample of her new perfume.
The research team collected soil samples from various locations for analysis.
The company is sending out product samples to potential customers for feedback.
The teacher gave us a sample essay as a guide for our assignment.
The chemist tested a sample of the contaminated water to identify the pollutants.
With the Chinese market as a sample case, Mary Kay is mulling a greater presence in the Asia-Pacific region.
Taking up an area of 43 acres, the newly completed project in Shanghai's Zhangjiang Innovation Drug Industry Base is facilitating HutchMed's pursuit of building a first-class global manufacturing center and clinical sample preparation center in China.
The survey, with a sample size of over 2,000 consumers across different age groups and regions in China, found that consumers are increasingly looking for local alternatives with "more bang for the buck" as Chinese product quality and safety improve.
"The UMF Honey Association can confirm that The Rare Harvest 2050+ MGO manuka honey sample submitted by its member The True Honey Co has generated the highest ever recorded UMF test result at 34 UMF since our accredited laboratories were established," said Campbell Naish, acting CEO of UMF Honey Association.
“UMF蜂蜜协会可以确认,其成员The True Honey Co提交的稀有收获2050+MGO麦卢卡蜂蜜样品产生了自我们的认证实验室成立以来有史以来最高的UMF测试结果,为34个UMF,”UMF蜂蜜联盟代理首席执行官Campbell Naish说。
Foodies interested in authentic Shandong cuisine can also sample local flavors, such as Boshan dishes and popular barbecues.
"At first, it took about eight minutes to sort out the faulty beans, and only 20-30 percent of beans could meet our standards after sample tasting," said Guo.
Sinovac obtained a sample of the Omicron variant in early December last year to further the research and development of its Omicron-specific inactivated COVID-19 vaccine.
The lab also allows simplification of the labor-intensive and time-consuming procedures typically associated with diagnostic testing, as it comes with two high-degree automation systems, namely MGISP-960 and MGISTP-7000, for sample preparation and sample transfer, respectively, reducing the need for manpower and manual work while shortening the turnaround time for test results and substantially streamlining the overall workflow, MGI said.
Philip Hoare, president of Atkins, said the group's growth in China will follow the country's urbanization and industrial stimulus measures to remain competitive, and its project designs in the GBA will be the company's new sample cases during the five-year plan period.
阿特金斯集团(Atkins)总裁菲利普·霍尔(Philip Hoare)表示,随着中国城市化和产业刺激措施的推进,阿特金斯在中国的增长将保持竞争力,而在粤港澳大湾区(Greater Bay Area, 简称GBA)的项目设计将成为公司五年规划期间的新样本案例。
However, it failed to pass the sample test, which made us take over the project.
For Russian buyer Dmitriy Orysyuk, the online fair allows buyers to communicate with high-quality Chinese suppliers through the internet in their home countries, and to virtually visit the sample room.
Sesajal first participated in the CIIE in 2018, when it brought a sample of its high-quality chia, an ancient Mexican seed rich in nutrients and antioxidants.
For final checks, every day I do not leave until the last batch of sample completes testing," said Pei Wen, leader of the BGI team in Serbia's Huo-Yan Laboratory.
As stated in the product description, the company's antibody test is for rapid, qualitative detection of the SARS-CoV-2 IgG/IgM antibody in a human whole blood, serum or plasma sample.
It is common that test results fail to be positive, due to limitations during sample collecting and reagent use, but as long as the suspected have symptoms, they should be treated as COVID-19 patients despite the negative test results, Cao said.
Drones have been used in China as key tools for responding to the COVID-19 outbreak via aerial disinfection, medical sample transport and delivery of other goods.
YMTC said its 128-layer flash memory 3D NAND chips, a type of high-end non-volatile memory chip, has passed sample verification on the solid-state drives platform through co-working with multiple controller partners.
The genetic system can complete the entire novel coronavirus detection process-from sample extraction to diagnosis-within 20 hours.
More importantly, it can process 50 to 200 samples per run and deliver 100 megabytes of data per sample, ensuring extremely high virus detection accuracy as well as information on viral mutations, which is of great use in current and future clinical and epidemiological research in battling COVID-19.
Without the need of sample submission and fingertip blood collection, it relieves healthcare providers' workload, and lowers their infection chances," said Xiang Xiaowei, director of the Critical Medicine Department of Sinopharm Dongfeng General Hospital.
"With the officials' help, specialists assisted with sterilization, and drug inspection staff dealt with sample examination in advance.
"China is a sample for our operations in other foreign markets.
The plant, with construction set to be completed by the end of 2020 and small-scale production scheduled to begin in 2021, will also house a sample production line for stacks.
He said the plant in Wuxi will enhance Bosch's local competitiveness, while the development and application of fuel cell key components such as hydrogen injection valves and electronic air compressors, as well as the manufacturing of sample stacks, will create a solid foundation for mass production in the future.
The system is capable of rapid detection and flexible throughput, while it has a low initial sample capacity and wide application range.
The sample machine on the spot has been sold to a German buyer and after the fair closes, it will be transported to Germany, said Susan Jing, a salesperson of the company.
"However, I am keen to mingle with people, sample new delicacies and learn about China's engineering prowess and how it can be applied here in Kenya.
- China's largest lithium battery producer, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd (CATL), has announced that it has created a lithium-ion sample battery cell with an energy level of 304Wh/kg.
The sample set came from 350 major corporations across 18 industries, from manufacturing to modern services.
The report found that one-third of business leaders are below the age of 35, as opposed to just 20 percent in the overall sample.
In 2010, Envision Energy still had a small output, when its sample wind turbines came off the production line.
Wingate said he believes the new route will be popular with business passengers as well as tourists "keen to sample the excitement of China's largest city.
"In December this year, we are going to road test the sample vehicle, which will have Level 4 self-driving technology and apply 5G telecommunication technology," he said.
"In December this year, we are going to road test a sample vehicle, which will have Level 4 self-driving technology and apply 5G telecommunication technology," he said.
Within a span of three years, CRRC plans to launch sample maglev trains with a speed of 600 kph, which would be faster than any other train currently in operation, said Liu.
In a baby care room in a shopping mall in Fengtai District of Beijing, new mom Yang Min scans a QR code to receive a sample pack of diaper from a vending machine.
According to Liang, the company will also push forward development of a biological sample library, a health care big data base and assistive diagnosis by artificial intelligence.
The facility also offers itinerary planning, with suggested durations for each attraction, information such as addresses, contact numbers, and sample schedules.
Lindwe Sisulu, minister of human settlements, cuts the ribbon for the sample house built by CMIG Drawin, at Ekurhuleni in Gauteng province, South Africa.
Local residents pose in front of the sample house built by CMIG Drawin.
Tang said these lines do not need government subsidies and a sample train has already been demonstrated many times to transportation officials from Southeast Asian and African countries, as well as domestic clients from the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region and Anhui province.
The sample purchases are sent to rights holders or authoritative quality inspection agencies.
Ngetich said when he settled on selling school uniforms, he sent a sample to China where he sourced for a range of school uniforms.
McGuigan said cellars in the Hunter Valley have recently experienced a boom in Chinese visitors, who want to sample and buy Australian wines.
As part of its push, the county is building its economic development zone a national development sample case.
The survey, with a sample size of over 2,000 consumers across different age groups and regions in China, found that rational consumption drove a search for quality over flashy promotion.
"Sanya, if it succeeds in this direction, will be a sample case for coastal cities across China.
A combination of a box plot and a beeswarm plot shows the location of each sample and the distribution of the samples as a whole.
For French perfumer Janek Kozeluh, who has been attending the fair since the 1980s, the goods on display at the Canton Fair only represent a small sample of what China can produce.
"Our growth in China will follow the country's urbanization and industrial stimulus measures to remain competitive, and its project designs in the Bay Area will be the company's new sample cases during the five-year plan period," said Philip Hoare, president of Atkins.
According to a survey carried out in 2021 by the Italy-China Foundation on a sample of 180 Italian companies, almost 80 percent of Italian companies see China as a potential end market for their products as well as an "opportunity not to be missed.
To capture user attention, brands typically offer steep discounts or rebate cash-equivalent sample products in livestreaming sessions.
The report specifies 114 sample countries' overall rankings with analysis on their economic foundation, solvency, social resilience, political risk, relations with China.
"Sunny, I have arrived at the sample room now.
There are thousands of samples displayed in this sample room.
"In a Nanjing Household Appliance Co Ltd sample room of Nanjing, East China's Jiangsu province, an employee from Made-in-China.
Due to the pandemic, it is difficult for overseas buyers to pay an on-the-spot visit to Chinese suppliers' sample rooms, and that's why Focus Technology Co Ltd, the owner of Made-in-China.
According to Li, the website has received more than 1,000 applications for online sample services since it launched the service in January, covering more than 100 countries and regions.
Data from the administration showed that by December, the warehouse had conducted 29,167 random inspections of batches, and inspected samples surpassed 168,000 units, among which a single sample tested positive for COVID-19.
The sample cities evaluated by the World Bank include Beijing and Shanghai, with Shanghai having a weight of 55 percent.
They detect and report the results for three viruses simultaneously, within eight to 15 minutes, from a single sample.
Alibaba's investment in ASR Microelectronics Co Ltd, a wireless chipmaker, was also mentioned in the sample case, as the move is seen strengthening the global competitiveness of China's cellular communications capabilities.
The Beijing Municipal Health Commission and the Beijing Municipal Administration for Market Regulation jointly released a sample contract for cosmetic medical services on July 7.
According to the sample contract, cosmetic medical clinics should honestly introduce and promote their services and results and should not adopt false advertising or stir anxiety about people's physical appearance.
The sample contract also prevents service providers from charging fees that exceed five times the cost of a single course of treatment at one time.
It also held free regular sample promotion activities to attract more consumers.
TLA lines realize the automation of the whole process of sample collection, test and sample output.
"Xiaoqinggeng", equipped with 48 PCR amplification reaction wells, can test 48 sample tubes within 2 hours.
"On Aug 8, the project's sample collection packages were officially sent out.
"We are also inviting other major national-level deep-sea platforms, covering gene banks, a big data center and an ocean specimen and sample repository, to come to the city to further marine development," Qi added.
However, a 5-ml sample only costs 99 yuan.
"Although sample buyers are not interested in original packages, once they find a sample satisfying, they will save money to get it," Yuan said.
Luo said his group is focusing on the trial of the Dazu sample and is looking forward to spreading it to the rest of the country in the future.
It will help EU consumers discover high-quality and genuine Chinese products, and meet the cosmopolitan tastes of China's growing middle class, who are willing to pay a little more to sample new flavors from Europe.
"The ministry will guide local authorities to enhance supervision, improve sample collection methods and enforce biosafety measures," Chen said.
The World Bank's assessment of China's business climate uses Shanghai and Beijing as sample cities, giving Shanghai a weighting of 55 percent and Beijing 45 percent.
The branch joined the ratings platform Dazhongdianping after many people uploaded photos of decoration work at the premises, even though they had not yet had the chance to sample any food at the outlet.
The report was based on a sample of 24 steel companies since the implementation of the supply-side reforms.
Liu Jiang, a sales head with PerkinElmer, a diagnostic solutions provider, said the company will introduce a mobile lab equipped with modules from sample preparation to testing, which can be mounted on a van or a truck.
A sample survey conducted by the association showed that Chinese consumers tend to spend more rationally on toys and baby products.
After completing screening procedures at the airport, including temperature checks, blood sample and throat swab tests, the foreign experts were sent to specified quarantine zones.
The survey was conducted between March 6 and 10 with a sample size of 1,000 people and will be conducted once a month in the future.
The brand offers design help and expert supervision from sample cycle to production.
This year, some companies from South Korea and the United Kingdom have visited the plant and tried out sample products of Shenqu in Zheng'an.
For example, when the display of the wearable glasses scans a sample, all related information, such as chemical composition, temperature, pH value, the last step of the previous operation, can be shown to the researcher, so that he knows exactly what to do in the next step of the experiment.
For every step of the experiment, the smart wearable glasses offer technical instructions, such as how to weigh the sample, how to use a pipette, etc.
By interacting with the experimenter, the smart glasses can work out the perfect position to lay the sample, enabling the experimenter to complete the operation in the most comfortable manner and in the shortest time.
At the State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization at Zhejiang University, Gao and his colleagues have been testing sample packets like coal, fly ash and calcium carbonate from coal-fired power plants across China in order to find the best solution.
The lure of the UK, as OAG indicates, lies in that visitors can see everything from Buckingham Palace to the Tower of London, and then head north to the wilds of Scotland to see castles and sample whisky in Speyside.
A quarter of 100 sample garments from 76 brands failed to meet national quality standards in a recent examination, Beijing Consumer's Association (BCA) said on Tuesday.
The sample products comprised 40 tops, 30 pairs of slacks and 30 pairs of jeans, with prices varying from 39.9 yuan (around $5.8) to 3,800 yuan (around $551.9).
"For example, more consumers have begun to sample different types of beer, or know how to appreciate and evaluate beer, not just merely drink it as a companion to food, she said.
According to sample tests, the safety and nutrition level of the country's dairy products is nearly the same as that of international products, Ma Chunliang, an official with the State Administration for Market Regulation, said at the 10th Dairy Conference of China that closed Sunday in Tianjin.
"Li Mingcheng, a cafe owner in Ningbo, Zhejiang province, who tried a sample of Just's mayonnaise, said the idea was attractive.
The report is based on a sample study of food and beverage consumption in five business areas in Beijing - Wangfujing, Guomao, Zhongguancun, Shangdi and Wangjing - between 2018 and April 2019.
In addition, the plan aims to set up a city-level medical data sharing platform, a biological sample database, and a digital clinical research network.
"It's where men, women, kids, dogs and families will go together to a small, independent local brewery and sample beers there in a more welcoming environment," Pease told Xinhua News Agency.
A total of 100 "milestone" sci-tech sample cases achieved in the agricultural field since 2021 were unveiled during the conference, the organizer said.
Against such a backdrop, Kang said the government statistical system's management methods, as well as standards, collection principles, sample objects and technical means of data, must be adjusted to better meet the needs of scientific decision-making and macro governance tasks.
"The commission selected a representative sample of Chinese and EU producers, which have already replied to the questionnaires," Olof Gill, European Commission Spokesperson for Trade said.

六级In the 1930s,when only one in 10 Americans had a degree from a four-year college, an admissions committee was content to ask for a sample of applicants'chool papers to assess their writing ability



六级In the old days, applicants only had to submit a sample of their school papers to show their writing ability



六级Extracurricular activities reflect the differences in child rearing in the Pew survey, which was of a nationally representative sample of 1,807 parents.



考研Critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared.



六级During commercials, an overlay will appear at the bottom of the screen, prompting viewers to press a button to request a free sample or order a catalogue.



考研How do archaeologists know where to find what they are looking for when there is nothing visible on the surface of the ground? Typically, they survey and sample ( ' , make test excavations on) large areas of terrain to determine where excavation will yield useful information.



四级When the rats detect the smell, they stop and rub their legs to indicate a sample is infected.


2017年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A

考研Typically, they survey and sample large areas of terrain to determine where excavation will yield useful information.


2014年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级But this third group was not only unexpected, it was so distinct and so large--nearly one third of our sample--that it became a key finding of the study. "



四级The first sample products aren’t expected for another 10 or 20 years: But some people are already worrying that they’ll work-and that America’s overextended health-care programs will lose a precious $2.5 billion to $5 billion a year providing them for a relatively few dying patients.



四级We asked them to tell us whether each sample was Coke or Pepsi; then we analyzed the records statistically to compare the participants’ choices with what mere guess-work could have accomplished.



四级An ongoing research project, funded by the University of Cambridge, asked a sample of teachers, teacher educators and employers in more than 40 countries whether they regard the native/non-native speakers distinction as being at all important.



四级Most large cities in the United States offer international sample of foods.



四级In a 2011 study, researchers led Dr. Yonas Geda at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester interviewed a random(随机的) sample of 1,321 people ages 70-89, most of whom were cognitively(在认知方面) normal, about the cognitive activities they engaged in late in life.

在2011年的一项研究中,罗切斯特梅奥诊所的研究人员Yonas Geda博士随机采访了一名(随机的) 1321名年龄在70-89岁之间的人的样本,其中大多数人具有认知能力(在认知方面) 正常的,关于他们晚年从事的认知活动。


四级Our recently published study answered this question by tracking a large national random sample of Americans over a critical time period when bodies change from teenage shape into adult form and when people build their identities.



四级As in other research, women in our sample tend to over-perceive their weight—they think they're heavier than they are—while men tend to under-perceive theirs.


