You have to enlarge your
vocabulary before TEM8.
vocabulary is not enough.
She has a limited
扩大你的词汇量是提高英语能力的关键。" (Expanding your
vocabulary is crucial for improving your English proficiency.
他在阅读中不断遇到不熟悉的词汇,这促使他查阅字典。" (He constantly encounters unfamiliar
vocabulary in his reading, which prompts him to consult a dictionary.
她的词汇量之大令人印象深刻,这使得她的演讲更具说服力。" (Her extensive
vocabulary impresses, making her speeches more persuasive.
在商务会议中,准确的词汇选择对于表达专业性至关重要。" (In business meetings, precise
vocabulary choice is crucial for conveying professionalism.
孩子们通过阅读和游戏可以自然地增加词汇。" (Children naturally increase their
vocabulary through reading and games.
他的词汇量有限,因此在表达复杂思想时遇到了困难。" (His limited
vocabulary hindered him when expressing complex ideas.
学习一门外语不仅仅是记住词汇,还需要理解语法和文化背景。" (Learning a foreign language involves more than memorizing
vocabulary; it also requires understanding grammar and cultural context.
他在演讲中使用了一些高深的词汇,使听众感到困惑。" (He used some esoteric
vocabulary in his speech, confusing the audience.
她每天都会学习十个新词汇,以提升她的英语水平。" (She learns ten new
vocabulary words each day to enhance her English skills.
在写作时,我们需要避免使用过于常见的词汇,以使文章更有趣味性和深度。" (When writing, we should avoid using overly common
vocabulary to make our text more engaging and profound.
The platform is a language-learning app that utilizes games to test the reading, listening, writing and speaking skills of users and provides audio and vocabulary examples related to real life.
"The e-learning startup offers a language-learning app that utilizes mini games to test the reading, listening, writing and speaking skills of users and provides audio and vocabulary examples related to real life.
It also offers audio and vocabulary based on real life and caters specifically to casual learners or beginners trying out different languages.
The lessons, which will focus on vocabulary, phonics, talking and reading, integrate offline and online learning and is catered to children aged 3 to 6.
"Children will gradually learn to sing a song effortlessly, without even realizing it, or build their Chinese vocabulary with each passing day," he said.
Children will gradually learn to sing a song effortlessly, without even realizing it, or build their Chinese vocabulary with each passing day, he said.
Proper and understandable vocabulary should be used to ensure sufficient communication with market players.
The carrier said the French language courses provide systematic training on pronunciation rules and skills, and the most basic and commonly used vocabulary and short sentences in daily life are featured.
From launch of new models to setting up of new car plants to announcement of new partnerships to … it could all get heady, hectic and humongous, driving you nuts (see, some autonomous algorithm in the mind could even charge up your vocabulary with the new energy of auto-related verbs and adjectives).