He found a job through an intermediary.
Lisa started acting as an intermediary between the patients and the doctors, trying to help with their communication.
丽萨开始承担起了病人与医生之间调停人的角色, 努力帮助他们进行沟通。
Tom acted as an intermediary between the two parties.
The bank acts as an intermediary between borrowers and lenders.
In international trade, a trading company often serves as an intermediary, connecting buyers and sellers.
The real estate agent worked as an intermediary to facilitate the sale of the property.
The United Nations often plays the role of an intermediary in resolving conflicts between nations.
The platform serves as an intermediary for freelance workers to find projects and for clients to hire talent.
An intermediary in a business deal helps negotiate terms that satisfy both parties.
The HR department acted as an intermediary to resolve the misunderstanding between the employee and the manager.
In online advertising, ad networks act as
intermediaries between advertisers and website publishers.
The lawyer served as an intermediary during the mediation process, conveying messages and proposals between the two disputing parties.
A financial advisor can act as an intermediary, guiding investors towards suitable investment opportunities.
According to calculations by intermediary institutions, its assets total about 200 billion yuan ($28 billion), while its total debt is between 420 billion yuan and 460 billion yuan, the company said in the letter.
However, Zhongzhi will work closely with intermediary institutions for asset clearances and verification, and use the company's assets and equity investments to protect investor rights and interests in a fair manner, the company said in the letter.
According to the calculation of intermediary institutions, Zhongzhi's assets total about 200 billion yuan ($28 billion) while its total debts is between 420 billion to 460 billion yuan, said the letter.
The suspension is expected to last for three days, as not all applicants will ultimately be employed, labor intermediary Guo Xiaomei, told the media.
"Before launch, global brands should set up low-cost programs to seed interest with Chinese audiences, gauge demand and recalibrate brand messaging to make them distinctive and relevant in China… and then support demand through cross-border intermediaries that are less expensive than setting up a flagship store outright," he said.
Cross-border service providers for these brands can play an intermediary role.
PSBC continued to focus on the investment banking businesses of bond underwriting, syndicated loans, M&A finance, financial advisory, asset securitization and so on, and played an active role in improving the comprehensive financial service capabilities of corporate banking, increasing intermediary business income, and supporting the reform and transformation of the bank, according to its 2021 interim results announcement released on Friday.
The processor usually recruits in advance from intermediary agencies, and it is often hard to hire workers.
Those policies relaxed rules on foreign ownership, insurance intermediaries and asset management.
com, establish its positioning as a "used-car direct-selling platform" and the unique value of "no intermediaries and price differences", and enabled it to gain leadership in the category of used cars.