Eric tried to justify his decision.
Tom had to justify himself for his conduct.
How can Mary justify spending so much money on clothing?
I will justify my actions with the reasons behind them.
The lawyer presented a strong argument to justify her client's innocence.
She always strives to justify her high prices by emphasizing the quality of her products.
His honesty is unimpeachable, as he consistently justifies his every decision.
The report provides ample evidence to justify the need for further research.
It's important to justify time spent on training employees for better productivity.
She justified her tardiness by explaining that she had to take care of her sick child.
The company's new policy was justified by the need to improve efficiency.
He was unable to justify his absence from the meeting without a valid reason.
The designer felt it necessary to justify the unusual color choices in her collection.
With a brand valuation of $880 billion, Apple, ranked No 1, has proven resilient in the face of testing market conditions, justifying premium prices with positive perceptions, and proving that meaningful, different and salient brands are best placed to weather global economic disruption, said the report.
"We know the Chinese market is big enough to justify the building of this factory.
"Former US labor secretary Robert Reich tweeted: "When billionaires like Elon Musk justify their motives by using ‘freedom,' beware.
美国前劳工部长Robert Reich在推特上写道:“当像埃隆·马斯克这样的亿万富翁用‘自由’来证明他们的动机时,要小心。”。
But competition, which can also engender handsome commissions or bonuses for peak performance, does not justify severe misconduct like sexual assaults, analysts said.
Despite the US government's pressure, 18,800 foreign-funded companies were established across China between January and July, including 860 US companies, justifying global investors' confidence in the market.
A year ago, the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation came into force, requiring companies to justify their use of data, limit the distribution of personal data and put a higher threshold on how the public consents to the terms for using online services.
"The challenge though is going to be how they continue to justify premium prices as a large brand, as coffee aficionados are moving more premium and towards smaller independent chains, while many convenience-seekers who just want a caffeine hit feel like Starbucks has priced them out of the market," he said.
Higher spot prices and commodities being a hedge against feared geopolitical supply disruptions justify bullish sentiment on commodities next year.
So, brands need to provide more economical, available and responsible options, which means price premiums will be more difficult to justify as consumer expectations shift to a new baseline and sustainability will no longer be a "luxury" or differentiated offer in the near future.
A high-speed train would not carry enough passengers to justify the cost, given that 1 kilometer of high-speed track can cost as much as $50 million, Feng said.