You should not
rattle anybody else.
Eric was
Tom's rhetoric sounds like the death
rattle of a fading leadership.
The baby shook the
rattle, creating a soft jingling sound that filled the room.
The old man's cough had a rattling quality that worried his family.
The horse's hooves created a rattling noise on the cobblestone street.
She picked up the
rattle and demonstrated how to use it to amuse the baby.
The train went through the tunnel with a loud
rattle and clatter.
He heard a rattling in the engine of his car and knew something was wrong.
The wind caused the shutters to
rattle against the windows all night long.
After the storm, the loose tiles on the roof
rattled in the breeze.
She nervously
rattled off her phone number, hoping he would remember it.
The old elevator made a rattling sound as it ascended to the top floor.
It will accelerate inflation, rattle markets and slow the world's economic recovery by sending already elevated energy prices ever higher.
Any scaling down of the US' QE program may rattle investor sentiment and heighten volatility in US stocks, which could reverberate to some extent in the domestic market, Wang said.
Global volatility caused by policy shifts of developed economies is unlikely to rattle China's market as the country has a steady recovery pace, controllable inflationary pressures and optimizing economic structures, Chen added.
Liu said in the short term, the novel coronavirus outbreak will rattle certain aspects of the economy such as loan growth, consumer prices and debt ratio.
While external uncertainties may continue to rattle the A-share market in the short term, Chen Zhizhong, an analyst at Everbright Securities, said that investors' attention is gradually shifting to domestic policies that are expected to be more supportive, especially for smaller and innovative companies.
"A large yuan depreciation could backfire, as one-way large depreciation will rattle onshore investors' and residents' confidence on their yuan assets, leading to large capital flight and dollarization of savings," said Liu in a research note.