HR is explaining to the new comers the training
They have made an elaborate
scheme to avoid taxes.
scheme has been set up to help the poor.
`(define (square x) (* x x))`
定义一个名为 `square` 的函数,它接收一个参数 `x` 并返回 `x` 的平方。
`(if (> x 0) (+ x 1) (- x 1))`
如果 `x` 大于0,那么返回 `x+1`,否则返回 `x-1`。
`(let ((a 5) (b 10)) (+ a b))`
在局部作用域中设置 `a` 为5和 `b` 为10,然后返回它们的和。
`(map sqrt '(1 4 9 16))`
对列表 `(1 4 9 16)` 中的每个元素取平方根,返回一个新的列表。
`(filter odd? '(1 2 3 4 5))`
过滤出列表 `(1 2 3 4 5)` 中的奇数,返回一个新的列表。
`(foldl + 0 '(1 2 3 4 5))`
使用加法操作符从左到右累积列表 `(1 2 3 4 5)`,初始值为0。
`(lambda (x y) (* x y))`
创建一个匿名函数,接受两个参数 `x` 和 `y`,返回它们的乘积。
`(quote (a b c))`
返回一个包含 `a`, `b`, 和 `c` 的未求值列表。
`(cond ((> x 0) "positive") ((< x 0) "negative") (else "zero"))`
根据 `x` 的值返回 "positive", "negative" 或 "zero"。
`(display "Hello, World!")`
输出字符串 "Hello, World!" 到控制台。
Initiated in June, this scheme promotes an app for better route planning and fewer empty runs along with other efficiency-enhancing services.
The overall set and color scheme was funky.
A hybrid-working scheme has been introduced, which allows employees to opt to work remotely on certain days of the week.
Syngenta Group said that the rollout of the registration-based share issuance scheme across China in February will further improve the capital market and clearly define the roles of different boards.
The group believes that as a leading global agricultural technology company, Syngenta Group fits better with the main board of the SSE, which has adopted a registration-based IPO scheme.
Then the main board, for blue chip companies, adopted a registration-based share issuance scheme in February this year and welcomed the first batch of 10 listings under the new regime on April 10.
In 2022, the first wetland carbon sink Gross Ecosystem Product insurance scheme was launched in Ningbo, Zhejiang province.
The New York-based financial services conglomerate sees long-term opportunities in China's asset management industry, which is built on the country's high levels of wealth creation, growing demand for financial advice and the launch of the private pension scheme in late 2022, said Gokul Laroia, CEO of Morgan Stanley Asia.
摩根士丹利亚洲首席执行官Gokul Laroia表示,这家总部位于纽约的金融服务集团看到了中国资产管理行业的长期机遇,该行业建立在中国高水平的财富创造、不断增长的金融咨询需求以及2022年底推出的私人养老金计划的基础上。
China launched the private pension scheme this year, which allowed individuals to buy eligible mutual funds, savings deposits and insurance products through their pension accounts and enjoy tax and fee incentives.
The coffee house is decorated in China Post's classic green color scheme and features iconic postal items such as postboxes.