HR is explaining to the new comers the training scheme.
They have made an elaborate scheme to avoid taxes.
The scheme has been set up to help the poor.
`(define (square x) (* x x))`
定义一个名为 `square` 的函数,它接收一个参数 `x` 并返回 `x` 的平方。
`(if (> x 0) (+ x 1) (- x 1))`
如果 `x` 大于0,那么返回 `x+1`,否则返回 `x-1`。
`(let ((a 5) (b 10)) (+ a b))`
在局部作用域中设置 `a` 为5和 `b` 为10,然后返回它们的和。
`(map sqrt '(1 4 9 16))`
对列表 `(1 4 9 16)` 中的每个元素取平方根,返回一个新的列表。
`(filter odd? '(1 2 3 4 5))`
过滤出列表 `(1 2 3 4 5)` 中的奇数,返回一个新的列表。
`(foldl + 0 '(1 2 3 4 5))`
使用加法操作符从左到右累积列表 `(1 2 3 4 5)`,初始值为0。
`(lambda (x y) (* x y))`
创建一个匿名函数,接受两个参数 `x` 和 `y`,返回它们的乘积。
`(quote (a b c))`
返回一个包含 `a`, `b`, 和 `c` 的未求值列表。
`(cond ((> x 0) "positive") ((< x 0) "negative") (else "zero"))`
根据 `x` 的值返回 "positive", "negative" 或 "zero"。
`(display "Hello, World!")`
输出字符串 "Hello, World!" 到控制台。
Initiated in June, this scheme promotes an app for better route planning and fewer empty runs along with other efficiency-enhancing services.
The overall set and color scheme was funky.
A hybrid-working scheme has been introduced, which allows employees to opt to work remotely on certain days of the week.
Syngenta Group said that the rollout of the registration-based share issuance scheme across China in February will further improve the capital market and clearly define the roles of different boards.
The group believes that as a leading global agricultural technology company, Syngenta Group fits better with the main board of the SSE, which has adopted a registration-based IPO scheme.
Then the main board, for blue chip companies, adopted a registration-based share issuance scheme in February this year and welcomed the first batch of 10 listings under the new regime on April 10.
In 2022, the first wetland carbon sink Gross Ecosystem Product insurance scheme was launched in Ningbo, Zhejiang province.
The New York-based financial services conglomerate sees long-term opportunities in China's asset management industry, which is built on the country's high levels of wealth creation, growing demand for financial advice and the launch of the private pension scheme in late 2022, said Gokul Laroia, CEO of Morgan Stanley Asia.
摩根士丹利亚洲首席执行官Gokul Laroia表示,这家总部位于纽约的金融服务集团看到了中国资产管理行业的长期机遇,该行业建立在中国高水平的财富创造、不断增长的金融咨询需求以及2022年底推出的私人养老金计划的基础上。
China launched the private pension scheme this year, which allowed individuals to buy eligible mutual funds, savings deposits and insurance products through their pension accounts and enjoy tax and fee incentives.
The coffee house is decorated in China Post's classic green color scheme and features iconic postal items such as postboxes.
It was the first GDR issuance in China's high-end clean energy equipment industry since the Shanghai-London Stock Connect scheme took effect in June 2019.
It was the fifth domestic GDR issuance and the first of its kind in China's high-end clean energy equipment industry since the Shanghai-London Stock Connect scheme took effect in June 2019.
German chemical giant BASF said six of its sites in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Guangdong provinces have announced they will join China's pilot scheme for green power trading, which was launched on Tuesday by the National Development and Reform Commission, the country's top economic regulator.
"Seeking a public float can serve the latter purpose by altering the share structure with concentrated holdings by a single or few big shareholders, absorbing capital from multiple sources and optimizing the governance scheme," he said.
The feasible technical scheme has been widely recognized by authoritative institutions and important customers such as China Railway Rolling Stock Corp, China International Marine Containers (Group) and CRRC Qingdao Sifang Vehicle Research Institute Co Ltd. Relying on its patented technological advantages and customer confidence, the company signed the world's first dual-use unloader supply contract for open-top containers and open wagons last year.
The scheme has begun to pay dividends.
Fosun initiated the Global Anti-Virus Relief Scheme on March 1 to help countries and regions hit hard by the novel coronavirus.
This donation, which is part of Fosun's relief scheme, marks the inaugural donation of medical supplies to Porto.
This donation, which is part of the Global Anti-Virus Relief Scheme initiated by Fosun International in early March, will be the first medical supplies donation to Porto.
At the beginning of March, Fosun initiated the Global Anti-Virus Relief Scheme via China Entrepreneurs Forum to help the countries and regions hit hard by the novel coronavirus.
The president of Quanjian Nature Medicine Technology Development Co Ltd and 11 other staff members were sentenced to jail for the crimes of organizing and leading a scheme that used false advertising to cheat thousands out of their savings by selling health products, according to the People's Court of Wuqing district in Tianjin on Wednesday.
In its development scheme published in November 2017, China Baowu set a goal of expanding its output from 80 million tons to 100 million tons between 2019 and 2021.
"The Flex Star Benefits program is considered a major part of the retailer's investment in the country where it has a total number of an estimated 18,500 employees eligible for the scheme, and newly eligible employees to be enrolled every sixth months thereafter.
The new scheme includes encouraging employees to pursue their passion with their credits, such as learning a new skill or taking up a hobby.
As to green logistics, the brewer has been optimizing its transportation system in China – it has partnered with Shenzhen-headquartered BYD Co, one of China's major electric vehicle makers, to use its electric trucks and plans to pilot this scheme in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province and Foshan, Guangdong province this year.
China already boasts the largest fleet of electric vehicles worldwide at 2 million, with consumers supported by a government-backed incentive scheme.
A total of 91 listed companies controlled by 45 central SOEs have adopted an equity incentive scheme, as more flexible and efficient market operation mechanisms are being established, Weng added.
As more flexible and efficient market operation mechanisms are being established, 91 listed companies controlled by 45 central SOEs have adopted an equity incentive scheme, Weng said.
The group is in a three year development scheme with the goal of creating a smart steel company with high efficiency and safety by 2020.
Zhu Sijie, a consultant at the Rocky Mountain Institute, a think tank based in Colorado that monitors and projects energy trends worldwide, said China has already passed and published a responsibility scheme for the consumption of renewable energy, putting forward clear requirements for green consumption on the demand side.
-xa0China has chosen 160 state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in its latest pilot mixed-ownership reform scheme, according to the country's top economic planner Friday.
The CEO said the company has developed a scheme for collecting used clothing when delivering online orders.
JD will reduce its delivery staff members' salaries by adopting a commission-based payment scheme starting in June and lower contributions to employees' housing funds from 12 to 7 percent, Sina Finance reported.
Cainiao said the pilot scheme has started in more than 300 logistics stations in eight cities across China, including the cities of Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Fuzhou, Xiamen and Jinan.
Chinese e-commerce giant JD is reducing salaries for its delivery staff across the country by adopting a commission-based payment scheme and reducing benefits, in a bid to reduce costs and boost margins after three senior executives of the company announced their resignation.
It said that the company's deliverymen in the second and third-tier cities of southern China could earn more than 8,000 yuan ($1,191) under the current pilot scheme.
In the following month, the Ministry of Education, the National Health Commission and six other departments of the central government jointly unveiled a new scheme to curb the spread of myopia.
Leading smart payment providers from Norway and Finland will launch Europe's first joint QR code payment scheme next year using the standard of China's mobile and online payment service Alipay, the companies said on Wednesday.
Users of Norway's Vipps and Finland's ePassi will be able to use their home app to scan the QR code of the partner scheme from 2019 as the two companies created this partnership using Alipay's QR code standard, according to a joint press release sent to Xinhua.
This will also be Europe's first joint QR code mobile payment scheme connecting the users of different payment providers, an Alipay spokeswoman told Xinhua.
Major UK trade union Unite said it will press JLR for further details on its cost-reduction scheme.
"It's important to ensure that the bikes are managed well, that the community perceives them as an asset, and are educated on the benefits of the scheme.
London's docked bike share scheme, Santander Cycles, runs 13,000 bikes in the capital.
Land will operate and maintain the new scheme.
Land already has permission from local authorities to run the new scheme.
The company said that, while the Norwich scheme began strongly, usage was not high enough to keep the service in the city.
Investor excitement over the much-anticipated plan to connect London and Shanghai's stock markets gathered pace again on Thursday as HSBC grabbed headlines for potentially becoming the new scheme's first offering.
Global funds tracking this index had already started to buy more Chinese shares, mostly through a similar scheme that connects Shanghai's stock market with that of Hong Kong.
The government also wants the final salary pension scheme for employees on the West Coast main line to revert to the winner of the bid.
It lost no time in offering services under the qualified domestic institutional investor scheme, which was introduced in 2001, allowing overseas investors direct access to mainland capital markets.
In 2013, the firm was included within the first cohort of alternative investment managers under the QDLP (qualified domestic limited partnership) scheme.
Under a new scheme called YoBike Podium, the company will enter urban centers by partnering with either public or private transport entities.
The scheme now runs a fleet of 1,000 bikes in Bristol and 300 in Southampton, as well as fleets of 1,000 bikes in Singapore, Mexico City, and Austin, Texas.
“We were intending to develop at one point, but with a scheme of that size, especially with Brexit and uncertainty, we eventually decided to sell,” Fitzpatrick said.
The brewery is looking to raise at least 10 million pounds ($13.9m) in its latest equity crowdfunding scheme, with a stretch goal of up to 50 million pounds ($69.9m) to further its global expansion.
Gong said there has been progress and principles to make conditions better for oil and gas investors in recent years, including the gross-split scheme, in which taxes are waived during the exploration phase for operators until profits reach pre-specified levels.
The oldest sharing scheme Velib was launched by the municipal government in 2007, and operates some 1,800 docks and over 20,000 bikes.
Instead, Mobike would talk to the government beforehand and come up with a detailed plan to roll out the scheme in the city.
Steve Pyer, Mobike's general manager in the UK, said Islington is a good fit for the bike-sharing scheme because the borough has a "strong cycling culture".
Steve Pyer, Mobike’s general manager in the UK, said Islington is a good fit for the bike-sharing scheme because the borough has a "strong cycling culture".
Additionally, a national emissions trading scheme is expected to be launched later this year.
KNM told the Malaysian stock exchange on Tuesday that its subsidiary in Britain, Peterborough Green Energy, had awarded an engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning (EPCC) contract to CWPC on a deferred payment scheme.
Mobike launched its dockless bike share scheme in the UK earlier this year, in Manchester and inxa0west London.
"This is an innovative and exciting scheme, which has a proven track record," said Arlene Ainsley, cabinet member for transport and air quality at Newcastle City Council.
The State-owned company already holds a 33.5 percent stake in the Hinkley Point in Somerset, has a 20 percent holding in a scheme at Sizewell in Suffolk, and a 66.5 percent share in the Bradwell power station in Essex.
Companies have targeted London boroughs that are not well-served by the Santander Cycle docked bike scheme.
"I felt it had more flexibility than a docking cycle hire scheme.
The firm carried out the mixed-ownership reform scheme in August and received capital from private investors — among them domestic tech titans Tencent Holdings Ltd, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, Baidu Inc, JD.
Now, the National Smart City Pilot Scheme is being implemented in over 30 provinces and regions in China.
The company also vowed to promote the transfer of equity interests in its subsidiary company, though it was not included in the pilot mixed-ownership reform scheme.
Two 4S stores, including a second-hand car dealer, are also part of the supermarketIn addition to auto purchases via installments or full payment, customers can also choose a rent-to-own scheme, a common practice in western countries but rare in China.
Under this scheme, a customer can rent a vehicle and will end up purchasing it after paying the equivalent of the purchase price.
Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC), Singapore's sovereign wealth fund and the largest single shareholder of GLP with a 36.84-percent stake in the company, has provided an irrevocable undertaking to Nesta Investment to "vote in favor of the scheme" in respect to its shareholding interest, said the joint statement.
[Photo/Xinhua]A bike-sharing scheme that could rival London's so-called Boris bikes has been granted permission to operate in the British capital.
The scheme will bring 750 bikes to the area and is set to start at the end of July.
And while the so-called Boris-bikes are partially funded by Transport for London, Mobike will be available at no cost to the taxpayer as the scheme in Acton will be run as a private enterprise by the Chinese company.
According to an Ealing council report, cyclists will have to pay 50 pounds ($64) deposit to join the scheme and will be charged 50 pence for 30 minutes.
Supported by the Manchester City Council, Salford City Council and Transport for Greater Manchester, this is the first and only bike-sharing scheme currently in Manchester.
Andrew Taylor, travel plan manager at Manchester Metropolitan University, said: "At Manchester Metropolitan we are very excited about the launch of the Mobike scheme.
We are working closely with Mobike to ensure the scheme can be effortlessly accessed by our staff and students.
The scheme will potentially mean that cycling becomes a more convenient and affordable way to travel, and we are optimistic that Mobike will support the greater uptake of cycling in the city.
After the scheme is up and running, the company will consider future expansion.
Meanwhile, the circular includes measures to facilitate foreign-invested enterprises' foreign exchange receipts and payments and add technology-focused small and medium-sized enterprises into the pilot scheme for cross-border financing facilitation.
More than 60,000 individual investors in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area have joined the Cross-Boundary Wealth Management Connect Scheme since the operational details of the pilot program were issued on Sept 10, 2021.
By the end of December 2013, a year after the pilot scheme was put in place, figures from the local branch of the People's Bank of China — the country's central bank — show that 16 banks in Yiwu had opened individual cross-border trade renminbi settlement business services.
This scheme includes kicking off a large-scale ecological restoration project that encompasses the site of the cement plant located north of Yanqi Lake.
"Under the scheme of the RCEP as well as the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, the company is able to export pineapple products to China duty-free.
Although China has established the national Emissions Trading Scheme, its new carbon trading market is still facing a string of gaps and needs further enhancements to ensure efficient resource allocation.
Last, China should attach due importance to the development of the China Certified Emission Reduction scheme, in line with the current global development trends.
Zhou Mi, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation in Beijing, noted that border trade has long been a crucial sector in China's overall trade scheme.
Policymakers unveiled a new private pension scheme last year to offer supplementary retirement funding options for the aging population, alongside traditional pension programs from the government or offered by companies.
As a major industrial and export hub in the Yangtze River Delta region, the city introduced an "industrial chain chief" scheme to ensure employment, the operation of its foreign trade sector and its industrial chains in May this year.
Some districts and economic zones in the city also have their own key industrial chains and have implemented the scheme together.
The scheme aims to connect the key links of the upstream and downstream industrial chains and forge a long-term mechanism by participating in the communication and coordination of related businesses, said Zhang Yili, a professor at the school of business of Wenzhou University.
China officially announced the implementation of a new private pension scheme on Friday, a supplement to the nation's social security system.
The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said on Friday that the scheme will first be carried out in 36 cities and regions, including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province.
As China has unveiled the framework of a personal pension scheme to complement its current pension system, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission started soliciting opinions on Friday on interim measures for the administration of the personal pension business of commercial banks and wealth management companies.
Individual participants of the personal pension scheme will make independent choices and take investment risks according to the law.
In one sense, Hema's once radical employee sharing scheme can benefit both companies and their employees.
A cumulative amount of 140,000 households in Shanghai are benefiting from the municipal government's low-rent housing scheme, and as many as 363,000 units of government subsidized rental housing have been constructed and developed to solve the living difficulties of new residents and younger generations, said Hu Guangjie, Party secretary of the Construction and Transportation Commission of Shanghai Municipality.