The synopsis of the novel captures the essence of the story: a young woman's journey to find her identity in a dystopian world.
A film's synopsis should give a concise overview of the plot, characters, and main themes without revealing too much of the ending.
The artist submitted a detailed synopsis of their upcoming exhibition, outlining the inspiration and creative process behind each piece.
Before the book club meeting, everyone read the synopsis to prepare for the discussion of 'To Kill a Mockingbird'."
The director provided a brief synopsis of the film's production history, highlighting key milestones and challenges faced during filming.
The project manager shared a synopsis of the project plan, including timelines, milestones, and resource allocation.
The science fiction novel begins with an intriguing synopsis that promises a thrilling adventure across multiple galaxies.
After reading the synopsis, the publisher decided to green-light the script for a new television series.
The museum's brochure includes a synopsis of its collection, showcasing the diversity of art and artifacts on display.
The professor's research synopsis outlined the significance of their findings and potential applications in the field of psychology.
I don't need to know every little plot twist; just give me a synopsis of the movie.
"The CIIE is also a synopsis of 'China speed' and 'China efficiency'," Gao said.
The four-day event, which runs through Thursday, is a synopsis of the city's efforts to make biopharma a $1.2 trillion ($185.6 billion) business by 2025 and a key driver of what local authorities call "quality economic growth".
Talk shows as such are the synopsis of the so-called "knowledge economy," which encourages lifelong learning given the fragmented time people face.