
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
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词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
对比记忆 / 类比记忆 / 形近词记忆
ball / bell / bill / bull
ball n.球(状物);(正式的)舞会vt.把…捏成球状
bell n.钟,铃
bill n.账单;招贴,广告;(人员,职称等的)表;钞票
bull n.公牛
pay a bill 付账
pay the bill 付款,买单
fit the bill 符合需要,满足要求
bill for 关于…的法案
bill sb for sth 开账单
bill from 从…开来的账单
bill of debt 期票
bill of exchange 汇票
bill of fare 菜单;节目单
bill of health 健康证书,检疫证书
the electricity/fuel bill 电费/燃油费账单
pass a bill 通过一则法案
a 10-dollar bill 一张10美元的钞票
fill the bill 填写账单
anti-trust bill 反托拉斯法案
phone bill 电话帐单
bill of lading 提单
draft bill 汇票,汇票
water bill 水费单
pay bills 支付账单
advance bill 预付款票据
agency bill 代理汇票
Now they're actually eager to see their electricity bills.
I refuse to honour your bill.
Ask the waiter to bring the bill.
the Education Reform bill
a ten-dollar bill
Check bill, please.
Bill is running late for his meeting.
Bill Gates co-founded Microsoft with Paul Allen.
I need to send a bill to Mr. Johnson for the repairs.
The bill at the restaurant came to $50, including tax.
Bill Clinton served as the 42nd President of the United States.
He always pays his bills on time, which is why he has a good credit score.
Bill decided to start his own business after losing his job.
They discussed the bill in detail during the committee meeting.
Bill's son, William Jr., is also a successful businessman.
She handed me the bill and asked for my signature.
The system allows the company to release information about power supply issues and remind clients to pay electricity bills in batches via voice or video calls, said Yao Jian, deputy director of the Control Center at State Grid's power supply company in Kunshan, a county-level city of Suzhou.
Yao also said that the company's clients can now apply for power capacity expansion and check electricity bills and grid maintenance bulletins online at any time they want.
Evergrande Real Estate Group Ltd, a main arm of Evergrande, said in a statement late Tuesday that as of the end of September, its unpaid debts totaled approximately 280.83 billion yuan ($38.37 billion), with its overdue commercial bills standing at 206.08 billion yuan.
It also noted that as of the end of August, Hengda's total unpaid debts amounted to approximately 278.53 billion yuan, with overdue commercial bills of about 206.78 billion yuan.
COSCO Shipping Bulk Co Ltd, a subsidiary of State-owned China COSCO Shipping Corp, issued the first electronic bill of lading (eBL) for bulk cargo through a collaborative effort with its clients on Monday, using blockchain technology on the Global Shipping Business Network (GSBN) platform.
This initiative aims to empower and expedite the safe and efficient execution of cross-border trades involving bulk cargo, marking a significant milestone in the application of the IQAX eBL electronic bill of lading system in the dry bulk shipping sector, said the Guangzhou-based COSCO Shipping Bulk in a statement.
总部位于广州的中远海运集团在一份声明中表示,这一举措旨在增强和加快涉及散装货物的跨境贸易的安全高效执行,标志着IQAX eBL电子提单系统在干散货航运领域应用的一个重要里程碑。
COSCO Shipping Bulk said the use of electronic bills of lading reduces the need for letters of indemnity, thereby mitigating legal and commercial risks, expediting delivery, streamlining processing procedures, contributing to reduced carbon emissions through diminished reliance on paper documents, saving trade costs, promoting trade acceleration and supporting environmentally friendly low-carbon trade practices.
Standard Chartered will focus on the further opening-up of China's financial sector while the country, which is at the heart of its operation, will steadily expand institutionalized opening-up with regard to rules, regulations, management and standards, said Bill Winters, group chief executive of Standard Chartered PLC.
渣打银行集团首席执行官Bill Winters表示,渣打银行将专注于中国金融业的进一步开放,而作为其运营核心的中国将稳步扩大规则、法规、管理和标准方面的制度化开放。
In a recent podcast with Financial Times, Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates decried the professed rationale behind US sanctions and said he does not think the US will ever be successful in preventing China from having cutting-edge chips.
Bill Feng has worked in the company for 16 years.
Bill Feng在这家公司工作了16年。
Goglio's headquarters and its other branches would first ship goods outside of China to the destination countries by sea, and then send the original bills of lading back to Tianjin.
Once the bills of lading were presented to Chinese banks for verification, they would be forwarded to overseas customers, allowing for the receipt of goods and enabling Goglio's Tianjin plant to settle the accounts.
"In this case, the flow of bills would take at least one month.
These policies provided credit endorsements for the company's offshore trade, reducing the delivery time for the bills of lading.
Bill Deng, founder and CEO of XTransfer, said that the key is to comply with the different compliance requirements of overseas countries and regions.
XTransfer创始人兼首席执行官Bill Deng表示,关键是要遵守海外国家和地区的不同合规要求。
"Rising power bills and extreme weather events have created an increasingly unstable energy situation for many people around the world.
"This pilot project represents a first-of-its-kind integration of offshore wind power being harnessed solely for offshore oil and gas facilities in China," said Bill Arnold, President of ConocoPhillips China Inc. "We believe it will become a benchmark for future low carbon emission offshore oilfield developments".
康菲石油中国股份有限公司总裁Bill Arnold表示:“该试点项目代表着海上风电首次集成,仅用于中国的海上石油和天然气设施。我们相信它将成为未来低碳排放海上油田开发的基准。”。
"Regardless of the near-term uncertainty, our commitment to supplying LNG to China on a long-term basis will remain unchanged," said Bill Bullock, executive vice-president and chief financial officer of ConocoPhillips.
康菲石油执行副总裁兼首席财务官Bill Bullock表示:“无论近期的不确定性如何,我们长期向中国供应液化天然气的承诺都将保持不变。”。
Bill Arnold, president of ConocoPhillips China, said in addition to LNG, the company hopes to deliver more oil to China in the future, while the company has also been actively evaluating opportunities in larger offshore wind farms, power from shore, and carbon capture and storage in China.
康菲中国总裁Bill Arnold表示,除了液化天然气,该公司希望未来能向中国输送更多石油,同时该公司也一直在积极评估中国在大型海上风电场、海上电力以及碳捕获和储存方面的机会。
"After being put into use for half a month, the rooftop PV power systems have saved nearly 10,000 yuan (about 1,570 U. S. dollars) from our electricity bill," said Han Shilong with the machinery company.
"Behind the outstanding achievements, Chinese SMEs have been demonstrating flexible mechanisms and strong resilience in the face of a complex environment," said Bill Deng, founder and CEO of XTransfer.
XTransfer创始人兼首席执行官Bill Deng表示:“在取得卓越成就的背后,中国中小企业在面对复杂环境时表现出了灵活的机制和强大的韧性。”。
JD has enjoyed exponential growth in part due to its access to Tencent's vast ecosystem, including the ubiquitous WeChat app which the Chinese rely on for paying bills, making purchases and other activities.
We are doing our best to maintain our presence in the country," CEO Bill Largent said.
“我们正在尽最大努力保持在该国的存在,”首席执行官Bill Largent表示。
About 25 of them are able to provide sea-rail bill of lading services.
In November, Musk raced ahead of Bill Gates to become the second-richest person.
Musk has gained more wealth over the past 12 months than Bill Gates' entire net worth of $132 billion, the story added.
The blacklisting came on the heels of the US House of Representatives passing a bill on Wednesday that could block Chinese companies from US securities markets.
The bill contains clauses that are "clearly discriminative" against Chinese companies, the China Securities Regulatory Commission said in a statement on Friday.
It is now the owner of the popular mobile app Alipay through which most Chinese pay bills, buy wealth management products, and obtain loans.
Last week, the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs approved a bill to ban the app on government-issued devices.
Dada was the first Chinese company to complete the initial public offering process on a US bourse after a new bill querying the ownership status of listed foreign companies was passed in the US Senate recently.
The bill requires US-listed companies to certify that they are not owned or controlled by a foreign government and open their books to the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board-the organization that oversees audits of US-based public companies.
Companies that are unable to meet the requirements for three consecutive years would automatically be barred from US stock exchanges, according to the bill.
Two senators have introduced a bill to ban federal employees from using TikTok on government-issued phones.
Liu remains JD's actual controller," said Shen Meng, director of boutique investment bank Chanson& Co. Shen said Liu is in need of new successors to push forward JD's businesses, in consideration of his personal situation, just as at Microsoft, where Bill Gates appointed Steve Ballmer as his successor.
For the Swire Shenmei factory in Shanghai, the city government has eliminated its water and electricity bills between Feb and June which are worth 750,000 yuan ($106,058).
Business magnate and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is ranked third, while his long-time friend and legendary investment guru Warren Buffett is in fourth.
Public services offered smoothlyChina's three major telecom operators - China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile - all ensured services will not be shut down because of phone bill arrears, guaranteed normal communication for frontline medical staff and gave full support to governments in sending messages to the public about the epidemic.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced Sunday that it would commit $10 million to help first responders in China and Africa, including $5 million for international cooperation, treatment and vaccine development.
So far, Babylon has partnered with 170 global partners, including the NHS, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Samsung, Telus and Prudential.
"Over years, the St. Regis Beijing has hosted many foreign political heavyweights, including former presidents of the United States Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, and the current President Donald Trump.
Figures from the International Osteoporosis Foundation showed that medical bills caused by hip fractures totaled more than $9 billion in China in 2010, and are forecast to more than double to nearly $20 billion in 2035.
Microsoft founder Bill Gates avoided this trap.
"The longer the strike goes on, the more concern there is over being able to pay our bills," said Smith.
The mayor of the state capital of Lansing said autoworkers had been asking the city-owned utility for more time to pay their electric and water bills.
A document released by the State Post Bureau has said that by 2020, half of external packages should be degradable, 90 percent of bills electronic, and packaging for each parcel reduced by 10 percent.
If the trade war continues for a long time, US consumers will ultimately be the ones footing the bill, O'Hollaren stressed.
The software provides a comprehensive range of finance-related services, ranging from paying bills and buying insurance to reading financial news and getting coupons, Guo said.
To compound matters for the company, unpaid bills resulted in several lawsuits in the same period.
"China's 2019 GDP growth target at 6-6.5 percent is reasonable and achievable, and we've seen a robust start for the Chinese economy this year such as stabilizing corporate capital expenditures," Bill Winters, group chief executive of SCB, told Xinhua on the sidelines of the just-concluded China Development Forum 2019.
Bill Gates, who previously held the top spot for a record time, saw his wealth rise to $96.5 billion from $90 billion last year, putting him in second place.
He has set a record by building his wealth above $10 billion within the shortest time, even faster than Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg and Microsoft's co-founder Bill Gates.
Bill Gates was second with a net worth of $96 billion and the legendary investment guru Warren Buffett took third place as his wealth shrunk 14 percent to $88 billion this year.
Alipay, China's largest third-party payment tool by market share, announced on Thursday that it will charge users a certain percentage of service fee when paying off credit card bills.
Operated by Ant Financial Services Group, an affiliate company of China's Alibaba Group, Alipay users can hail a taxi, book a hotel, buy movie tickets, pay utility bills, make appointments with doctors, or purchase wealth management products directly from within the app.
The permit, issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, will allow the company to contract directly with Chinese clients and bill them in yuan, and enter into competition with domestic telecoms firms – State-owned China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom.
""Being able to service and bill locally significantly simplifies the process of delivering connectivity and other communication services; this is what our customers expect from us," said Burger in the release.
At a Carrefour supermarket in Shanghai's Changning District, shoppers can use a Wechat mini-app "Scan and Go" on their cell-phones to scan barcodes on groceries and pay the bills.
The number of users who use the app for making medical appoints and paying bills almost tripled.
Bill Yu, vice president of Huawei Tech Investment Saudi Arabia, said the opening of Huawei's first flagship store in the kingdom demonstrates its commitment to the Saudi market.
A court has frozen a bank deposit of some 14 million yuan, or $2 million by embattled bike-sharing firm Ofo in response to a lawsuit from its partner SF Express over unpaid bills.
For example, a client of China Telecom found his bill this month incredibly high, and called customer service to make a complaint.
The odor control technologies, developed by Firmenich in a four-year partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with $13 million funding, will reach low-income consumers in South Africa and Bangladesh before the end of this year.
The new toilet economy is estimated to reach up to $200 billion globally, with $62 billion in India alone by 2021, according to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
A study by Firmenich in India, supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, suggested that close to 50 percent of respondents choose open defecation over toilets due to their bad smells.
We are honored to be the first international bank to be granted this license," said Bill Winters, group chief executive of Standard Chartered.
WeChat Pay HK has expanded its usage to more scenarios, such as allowing local users to buy metro tickets with their digital wallets and settle credit card bills.
China is highly likely to emerge as the largest market for German software company SAP SE, as local enterprises embrace cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing to accelerate their digital transformation, its Chief Executive Officer Bill McDermott said.
"Bezos has yet to join "The Giving Pledge" created by fellow billionaires Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett, whose more than 180 signatories have promised to give more than half of their fortunes to philanthropy.
Earlier this month, U. S. Senator Bernie Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist, proposed a bill in Congress called the "Stop BEZOS" Act, which would make large corporations pay workers more or pay for public assistance programs like Medicaid.
Ma also said there were a lot of things he could learn from Bill Gates, but there is one thing he could do better than Gates, who retired at the age of 58.
"I can never be as rich as Bill Gates but one thing I can do better than him.
Trident Seafoods has already sent a team with Alaska Governor Bill Walker's trade mission to China, which began on May 26, to explore more business opportunities.
"The response came after the House of Representatives last week passed a bill along with an amendment that bans the US government agencies and institutions from buying surveillance cameras from Hikvision, Hytera Communications Corp and Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co. Hytera and Dahua also expressed regret over the vote and said they would safeguard their reputation and legal interest.
The Amazon move came amid a heated debate in Seattle about a head tax on large companies, after the city council passed a tax bill early this month to fund affordable housing and homelessness services.
The city council voted unanimously on May 14 for the bill, under which an annual tax of $275 will, starting next year, be slapped on each employee of for-profit companies that gross at least $20 million per year in the city.
However, the Amazon spokeswoman denied the relocation decision was related to the head tax bill, which it has strongly opposed, only saying the move was a business decision.
A document released by the State Post Bureau last year said that by 2020, half of external packages should be degradable, 90 percent of bills electronic, and packaging for each parcel reduced by 10 percent.
A document released by the State Post Bureau last year has made clear that by 2020, half of all external packages should be biodegradable, 90 percent of bills electronic, and packing material for each parcel should be cut by 10 percent.
The Algerian government has been making an effort in recent years to boost the automotive industry to diversify its oil-dependent economy and reduce exorbitant car imports bill which hit $7.5 billion in 2014.
International Finance Corporation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have been shareholders in bKash since 2013 and 2014 respectively.
Customers using Alipay can make payments both online and in physical stores, pay their bills or transfer money to others.
Technology will also continue to play a key role as people increasingly rely on their mobile phones in their everyday lives, ranging from paying electricity bills to applying for loans.
Bill Poirier, vice president of Westinghouse's China projects, said Sanmen unit one is well prepared for fuel loading and the company is waiting for the final approval from the Chinese government.
Therefore, Ant CEO Eric Jing pledged to share its technologies and experiences built around its Alipay app to improve user experience for Easypaisa, which serves more than 20 million customers by providing services ranging from payment of bills to microloans.
House of Fraser announced it would cut the number of its high street shops by a third in an effort to reduce its rent bill following the slump in holiday sales.
""We are honored to be a part of Xiamen Airlines' long-term growth plans with our GE and CFM engines," said Bill Fitzgerald, vice-president and general manager of Commercial Engines at GE Aviation.
Alibaba has also carried out programs in the health sector, such as its Backbone Project, which reimburses the medical bills of the breadwinners in impoverished families, and a training program for rural doctors, he said.
Why should shareholders pay bills for you? "
Mobile payments now control most parts of my financial traffic from a simple online bakery order to paying utility bills.
The subsidiary of Sinopec, China's leading oil company, recently filed a lawsuit in a Houston federal court against PDVSA over unpaid bills.
Japan passed a bill in June that removed the uncertainty over whether renting out a property for short periods was legal.
For example, in cooperation with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the company developed a kind of portable passive cold storage device called Arktek, enhancing its cold chain technology to a higher level as well as international reputation.
When Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation looked for a worldwide partner to invent a refrigeration device that could be used in countries with limited cold chain and ice pack production capacity, Aucma was among the candidates but not the most hopeful one.
Mark Suzman, president of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's global policy, advocacy and country programs, said that Aucma is "a Chinese enterprise showing great potential for tackling development challenges in sub-Saharan Africa".
Globalgood, a research institute invested by Bill Gates, has sent several scientists to work with Aucma.
Most of the sellers will give 15 percent discount to Chinese tourists when they pay bills via Alipay, and the discounts from different brands can be used together, said the news agency citing overseas merchants at a tourism summit held in Beijing on Tuesday.
"In order to attract more young Chinese tourists, we have changed a lot of services including cooperation with Alipay that conveniently lets people search discounts in the airport, and pay bills via their smartphone.
Washington-based Terra Power, co-founded by Bill Gates in 2006, has been working closely with China National Nuclear Corp to conduct research into the use of the new technology.
Bellevue, Washington-based Terra Power, co-founded by Bill Gates in 2006, is working closely with China National Nuclear Corp to conduct research into the use of the new technology.
成立于2006年,总部位于华盛顿州贝尔维尤的Terra Power公司,由比尔·盖茨共同创立,正与中国核工业集团公司紧密合作,共同开展关于这项新技术应用的研究。

四级As a person who writes about food and drink for a living, I couldn't tell you the first thing about Bill Perry or whether the beers he sells are that great.



六级However, they also deserve a home of their own, a secure retirement and freedom from worrying about unpaid bills.



考研The emerging consensus around the bill is a sign that legislators are getting frightened about a politically embarrassing short-term collapse at the USPS.



六级"For all the anxiety the essay causes," says Bill McClintick of Mercersburg Academy in Pennsylvania, "it's a very small piece of the puzzle.



六级Is surgery, radiation or careful monitoring best for prostate ( ' , 前列腺) cancer? Is the latest and most expensive cholesterol-lowering drug any better than its common competitors? The pending bills would spend additional money to accelerate this effort.

手术、放疗或仔细监测对前列腺最有效吗,前列腺) 巨蟹座最新最昂贵的降胆固醇药物是否比其普通竞争对手更好?悬而未决的法案将花费额外的资金来加速这一努力。


六级The pending bills would spend additional money to accelerate this effort.


2016年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

四级It adds too much to their medical bills.



六级Here are some of the important proposals in the House and Senate bills to try to address those problems, and why it is hard to know how well they will work.



六级The Senate bill would create an independent commission to monitor the pilot programs and recommend changes in Medicare's payment policies to urge providers to adopt reforms that work.



六级The Conservatives plan to adopt this strategy by making utility companies print the average local electricity and gas usage on people's bills.



高考It is important to pay your electricity bill on time, as late payments may affect your credit.


2016年高考英语浙江卷(6月) 单项选择 原文

考研After bills, Tony has £60 a week to spend, £40 of which goes on food, but 10 years ago he was earning £130,000 a year working in corporate communications and eating at London's best restaurants at least twice a week.


2013年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级Some schools out for profit cynically increase tuitions and count on student loans and federal aid to foot the bill – knowing full well that the students won't make it.



四级Well, if this were true, we would all be slipping a few 100-dollar bills to our doctors on the way out their doors, too.



四级If all four bills pass as written, they would represent a substantial update of michigan's 2013 law that allowed the testing of self-driving vehicles in limited conditions.


2019年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A

六级In the US, the House of Representatives Science Committee has approved a bill allocating $10 million a year to studying energy-related behaviour.



四级Her household bills piled up, along with the dishes and dirty laundry, but it took near-constant complaints from her four daughters before she realized she had a problem.



四级These are private bills, but there are also public bills to be paid.



六级Both bills would reduce the rate of growth in annual Medicare payments to hospitals, nursing homes and other providers by amounts comparable to the productivity savings routinely made in other industries with the help of new technologies and new ways to organize work.



六级Morgan said those findings—which included data from the system's 13 community colleges, 27 technical colleges and six universities—were part of the decision not to move forward with Governor Bill Haslam's proposal to privatize management of state buildings in an effort to save money.

摩根表示,这些调查结果包括来自该系统13所社区学院、27所技术学院和6所大学的数据,是决定不推进州长比尔·哈斯拉姆(Bill Haslam)为节省资金而提出的国有建筑管理私有化建议的一部分。


六级Both bills would reduce the rate of growth in annual Medicare payments to hospitals, nursing homes and other providers by amounts comparable to the productivity savings routinely made in other industries with the help of new technologies and new ways to o


2016年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

六级"For all the anxiety the essay causes," says Bill McClintick of Mercersburg Academy in Pennsylvania, "it's a very small piece of the puzzle



四级Support Bill Perry's pub, and any other bar or restaurant that doesn't ask you to do drunken math.

支持比尔·佩里(Bill Perry)的酒吧,以及任何其他不要求你做醉酒数学的酒吧或餐馆。


六级Missing from these bills is any serious attempt to rein in malpractice costs.



四级The way in which Mr Jobs revived the failing company he had co-founded and turned it into the world's biggest tech firm (bigger even than Bill Gates's Microsoft, the company that had outsmarted Apple so dramatically in the 1980s), sounds like something from a Hollywood movie.



六级The good news is that a bill just approved by the House and a bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee would implement or test many reforms that should help slow the rise in medical costs over the long term.



六级The bills in both chambers would create health insurance exchanges on which small businesses and individuals could choose from an array of private plans and possibly a public option.



四级Professor Goel has a much rosier outlook on the future of artificial intelligence than, say, Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, bill Gates or Steve Wozniak.


2019年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

考研his reports paralleled the "Willie" cartoons of famed Stars and Stripes artist Bill Maulden.


2012年考研真题(英语二)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

四级Bill, for instance, often gets painful flashbacks, in which unwanted memories intrude into his consciousness, but overall he has chosen to see it as the best way of avoiding repeating the same mistakes.



六级The one in the House bill would have to negotiate rates with providers, rather than using Medicare rates, as many reformers wanted.



六级As a result, the bills do not require, as they should, that the results of these studies be used to set payment rates in Medicare.



高考The key is that before bills and living expenses start to eat away your salary, you should put aside the savings portion of your pay.


2016年高考英语上海卷 听力 原文

考研If the bills become law, state boards and commissions will be required to set aside 50 percent of board seats for women by 2022.


2020年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研This is why repeated attempts at reform legislation have failed in recent years, leaving the Postal Service unable to pay its bills except by deferring vital modernization.



高考But at union station in Los Angeles last month, a board went up with dollar bills attached to it with pins and a sign that read, "give what you can, take what you need".


2019年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

四级In 1944, Congress passed a bill to upgrade the system, but did not fund the plan right away.


2018年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

高考This brief visit with mother nature cost me two days off from work, recovering from a bad case of sunburn and the doctor's bill for my son's food poisoning.


2017年高考英语全国卷1 阅读理解 七选五 原文

高考Farecard machine are in every station, bring small bills because there are no change machines in the station and farecard machine only provide up to $ 5 in change.


2014年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

六级Sadly the pleasure that comes from extravagances often disappears long before the bills do.



六级If we're going to force taxpayers to foot the bill for college degrees, students should only study those subjects they're of greatest benefit to taxpayers.


2018年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

四级Bill, for instance, often gets painful "flashbacks", in which unwanted memories intrude into his consciousness, but overall he has chosen to see it as the best way of avoiding repeating the same mistakes.


2017年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

高考I had to pay the bill.


2015年高考英语重庆卷 完形填空 A 原文

高考In 1819, John realized that he didn't have enough money to pay his bills.


2019年高考英语全国卷2 听力 原文

高考The video clip shows one man who had found a $20 bill pinning it to the board.


2019年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

高考They have loans, bills, a mortgage to pay off, retirement to save for.


2015年高考英语浙江卷 完形填空 原文

高考With a new farm bill to be debated in congress, consumers must take a stand with young farmers.


2018年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

四级If we buy food, we have to pay for it; if a doctor treats us, we know there will be a bill to pay.



四级If a home generates more power than it uses, the bill is zero.



四级The Gatais used to frown when they received power bills that routinely topped $



四级Now they're actually eager to see their electricity bills



四级But inside, special windows cut power bills by blocking solar heat in summer and retaining indoor warmth in winter.



四级Why are the Gatais eager to see their electricity bills now



四级This has been due ,in part ,to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has invested $



四级What is said about the schools forded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation

比尔和Melinda Gates基金会的学校是怎么说的?


四级Many schools compete for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds.



四级He has got to save on fuel bills.



四级Bill says he's not working so hard on his biology project.



四级What does the woman imply about Bill?



四级Now I would like to settle my mini-bar bill.


2017年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B

六级The bills would lock that pledge into law.



六级The bills in both houses would start pilot projects within Medicare.



六级The Senate Finance bill would impose an excise tax ( ' , 消费税) on health insurance plans that cost more than $8,000 for an individual or $21,000 for a family.

参议院财政法案将征收消费税(“,消费税) 个人医疗保险费用超过8000美元,家庭医疗保险费用超过21000美元。


六级The House bill would authorize the secretary of health and human services to negotiate drug prices in Medicare and Medicaid.



六级The House bill has no similar tax.



六级MPs voted overwhelmingly in favour of Labour amendments to the children and families bill last February that included the 118 power to regulate for plain packaging.



六级If you look at who enters college, it now looks like America," says Hilary Pennington, director of postsecondary programs for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has closely studied enrollment patterns in higher education.

比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会的后继课程主任Hilary Pennington说,如果你看看谁进入大学,现在看起来就像美国。


六级workers who bill or get paid by the hour, think employer and fast-food workers, report focusing more on pursuing more money than those who get paid by salary and the fact has been fast.



六级In one experiment, people were told to play the role of consultant and bill their time by either nine dollars an hour or ninety dollars an hour



六级But the travel bill would be enormous, and we could never manage that.



六级Though Andrea kept her job as a school bus driver, she knew that they couldn't pay their bills and support their youngest of five children, Zac, age nine,on one income



六级But over the past few decades a unique class of satellites has been created that fits the bill: CubeSats.


2019年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

六级Morgan said those findings—which included data from the system's 13 community colleges, 27 technical colleges and six universities—were part of the decision not to move forward with Governor Bill Haslam's proposal to privatize management of state building

摩根说,这些调查结果包括来自该系统13所社区学院、27所技术学院和6所大学的数据,是决定不推进州长比尔·哈斯拉姆(Bill Haslam)关于将国家建筑管理私有化的提议的一部分

2017年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

六级MPs voted overwhelmingly in favour of Labour amendments to the children and families bill last February that included the power to regulate for plain packaging.


2016年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C

六级The Senate finance bill would impose an excise tax(消费税) on health insurance plans that cost more than $8, 000 for an individual or $21, 000 for a family.

参议院财政法案将征收消费税(消费税) 一个人的医疗保险费用超过8000美元,一个家庭的医疗保险费用超过21000美元。

2016年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

六级You are going to give a short speech of thanks for the speaker this evening, aren't you, Bill?


2017年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section A

考研Worse, the crucial income to feed yourself and your family and pay the bills has disappeared.



考研A pair of bills sponsored by Massachusetts state Senator Jason Lewis and House Speaker Pro Tempore Patricia Haddad, to ensure "gender parity" on boards and commissions, provide a case in point.

马萨诸塞州参议员杰森·刘易斯(Jason Lewis)和众议院临时议长帕特里夏·哈达德(Patricia Haddad)为确保董事会和委员会的“性别平等”而提出的两项法案就是一个很好的例子。

2020年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级In one experiment, people were told to play the role of consultant and bill their time by either nine dollars an hour or ninety dollars an hour.



四级According to data released in January 2017, 56 percent of bills are paid online, which means that just under half of payments still rely on delivery services to be completed.


2019年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

四级This has been due ,in part ,to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has invested $200.



四级Why are the Gatais eager to see their electricity bills now?



四级Now they're actually eager to see their electricity bills.



四级The Gatais used to frown when they received power bills that routinely topped $200.



六级Countries Rush for Upper Hand in Antarctica On a glacier-filled island with fjords(峡湾)and elephant seals, Russia has built Antarctica’s first Orthodox church on a bill overlooking its research base.



六级The US National Science Foundation is among these, Some philanthropic (慈善的) funders, including the Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation in Seattle, Washington, and the Wellcome Trust in London, also data mandate open data from their grant recipients.

美国国家科学基金会就是其中之一,一些慈善机构(慈善的) 资助者,包括华盛顿州西雅图的比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会和伦敦的惠康信托基金会,也要求他们的赠款接受者公开数据。


六级As a result,”the possibilities for robots working with people will open up immensely” Bill Joy,green technology expert in Califomia,says:”The most significant breakthrought would be to have an inexhaustible source of safe,green energy that is substantially cheaper than any existing energy source.



六级Spending about € 100,000 on these and other improvements, he slashed his € 90,000 fuel and power bill by € 60,000.



六级The most advanced insulation follows the law of increasing returns: if you add enough, you can scale down or even eliminate heating and air-conditioning equipment, lowering costs even before you start saving on utility bills.



六级According to an International Energy Agency study, if consumers chose those models that would save them the most money over the life of the appliance, they’d cut global residential power consumption and their utility bills by 43 percent.



六级In the late1950s Philip Knight was a middle-distance runner on the University of Oregon track team, coached by Bill Bowerman.



六级While company managers have known about the benefits for a long time, many have done little about it, skeptical of whether they could trust their employees to work to full capacity without supervision, or concerned about the additional expenses teleworking policies might incur as staff start charging their home phone bills to the business.



六级Crippling health care bills, long emergency-room waits and the inability to find a primary care physician just scratch the surface of the problems that patients face daily.



六级"If you look at who enters college, it now looks like America," says Hilary Pennington, director of postsecondary programs for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has closely studied enrollment patterns in higher education.

比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation)的中学后项目主任希拉里·彭宁顿(Hilary Pennington)说:“如果你看看谁进入了大学,现在看起来就像是美国。”该基金会密切研究了高等教育的招生模式。


四级Mr. Gretz calculates that if solar energy only provided three per cent of the EEC’s needs, this could still produce a saving of about a billion pounds in the present bill for imported energy each year.



四级When Bill Stokoe went to Gallaudet to teach English, the school enrolled him in a course in signing.

当Bill Stokoe去Gallaudet教英语时,学校为他注册了一门手语课程。


四级A Chevrolet dealership donated $10,000 and forgave the district’s $10,750 bill for renting the driver educating cars.



四级On the other hand, getting student heath insurance in the country where you will study might allow you to only pay a certain percentage of the medical cost at the time of the service and thus you don’t have to have sufficient cash to pay the entire bill at once.



四级You shouldn’t wait until you are sick with a major medical bills to pay off.



四级These merit scholarships usually help students pay tuition bills, and they can be renewed each year as long as the recipients continue to qualify.


